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Posting a barrel too Latvia..

No i deer

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If it’s chambered or threaded then you’ll need to fill out an export form. A chambered/threaded barrel is a firearms component and strict rules exist.

The chap will also need to setup an import his side and have documentation (eg FAC) to prove he has authority to acquire. I think you’ll also need to receive copies of his FAC to satisfy your export permit, HMRC handling the export and the exporter doing the shipping.

Doing the paperwork yourself is a nightmare as one tiny mistake could land you in legal hell. For that reason, it’s always best to work with a good firearms importer/exporter, like PBS International. There are many others who also specialise in shipping firearms stuff.

However, once you add up the cost and effort involved, im almost 100% certain that it’ll be cheaper for the chap to buy a blank and have it chambered locally to him. Shipping alone is likely to be £100. The cost of using a shipping company is likely to be around £50-£100 to handle the paperwork for you. Then there’s taxes to be applied his end for importation. Etc etc

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Out of interest where was the barrel made? If it was of US origin either you or the importer would have signed somewhere that it was not for re-exporting on the end user document, doing so, if caught (which is actually unlikely) you’d be in the poo!


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I'd say where ever Robert Thomson got it from before Grant Taylor screwed it on,I've no history on the barrel apart from I was told it had done about 150 shots before I bought the rifle with this barrel on it...

I can't see it's history is anything to do with me somehow....

Out of intrest would you care too explain...


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Sure, during the import process from the US you sign an end user statement, something along the lines of ‘this is for my personal use in sporting activities, blah ,blah’ and in there is the wording ‘not for re-exporting’ (hence the ‘end use’) so you’ve stated (and signed!) it’s for you and you’re not going to sell it on, specifically it is not going to be sold outside the country where you brought it into.

Now how anyone can track/enforce  this etc. I do not know, especially a non serial numbered items like a barrel after it’s been installed - it is just a tube of steel! S’pose you could analyse the metal composition ?


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Not a ‘theory’ every time i’ve Imported from the US that’s what I’ve signed.

Also deal with end use a lot at work related to the technology involved - same thing applies but at company level.


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