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Digital scale recommendation


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GemPro’s are very good. Found mine to be very accurate and repeatable. But slow as NID has already stated.

When I switched from the GP250 to the Chargemaster Lite, I found it to be very accurate, as accurate or more so, than the GP250 - PROVIDING you under throw a charge, remove pan, then replace pan and trickle up to desired charge.

My thoughts on the CM Lite: http://ukvarminting.com/topic/38699-rcbs-chargemaster-lite-arrived-today/


I found this quicker overall than the GemPro on its own. But it’s still laborious, hence my switch to an Autotricker/Autothrow and A&D FX120i combo in the end. Both fast AND accurate.

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The gempro250 weighs down to 1/200 of a grain which translates to 1 kernal of N165 which is bloody accurate,where I've made 1000s of rounds using one I can predict how many kernals need for each of the powders I use. I'm happy to use the gempro as I can watch it's reliability,with these digital throwers you just go by what they show on the readout, I'd be 100 percent sure they wouldn't be as accurate as the gempro250.

I loaded 200 rounds the other day and it is boring 😆 😴

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Out of. Budget , not doubting the gempro n8ess butbI would like to buy new , 

looking on the Net the Hornady and Lyman look to be a good budget option.

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9 hours ago, No i deer said:

The gempro250 weighs down to 1/200 of a grain which translates to 1 kernal of N165 which is bloody accurate,where I've made 1000s of rounds using one I can predict how many kernals need for each of the powders I use. I'm happy to use the gempro as I can watch it's reliability,with these digital throwers you just go by what they show on the readout, I'd be 100 percent sure they wouldn't be as accurate as the gempro250.

I loaded 200 rounds the other day and it is boring 😆 😴

Mr Deer,

I definitely found my Chargemaster Lite to be as accurate as the GemPro, even more accurate with some powders. Once I got my A&D FX120i and Autothrow/Autotrickler system, I was getting the same results as with the CM Lite, though the Autothrow system is just even quicker with no need to remove and replace pan and trickle up.

You just have to understand the CM Lite’s quirk. Once understood, it’s a very good and repeatable machine. During my testing I concluded I would have no hesitation using it for making accurate rounds.

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To the OP.

The Lyman autothrow unit does have good feedback from users. However I’ve never seen anyone actually test the unit properly for accuracy.

 Yes the digital readout says it can throw a charge to within +/- 0.1gn...but so do all the others. My old CM Lite unit did the same, but I discovered it could measure to within +/- 0.00 and +/- 0.02gn....between a tenth and eighth of a grain better...and do so consistently as long as you follow the instructions in my post above.

I’m unsure if the Lyman or Hornady or other units can measure to that kind of resolution as I’ve not seen anyone test them to see.

For understanding, 1 tenth of a grain (0.1gn vs 0.01gn) is around 20 kernels of Viht N140 (roughly 2 kernels to 0.02gn) or 10 kernels of Varget. For each kernel, you should expect about 1-3fps velocity increase. So if simply using one of the above said machines to just dump each charge, you could be looking at variances of around 20fps to 30fps between charges. Quite a bit if you’re making super accurate ammunition for distance. 


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2 hours ago, Catch-22 said:

I’ve found Varget kernels to weigh anywhere between 0.01gn and 0.02gn each. 

Varget is denser and the kernels slightly larger than N140.

Guess I'd better get my scales checked - I find I get around 47 - 52 kernels of Varget to a grain, depending on batch. (around 5 kernels to 10th grain)

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8 hours ago, Catch-22 said:

Mr Deer,

I definitely found my Chargemaster Lite to be as accurate as the GemPro, even more accurate with some powders. Once I got my A&D FX120i and Autothrow/Autotrickler system, I was getting the same results as with the CM Lite, though the Autothrow system is just even quicker with no need to remove and replace pan and trickle up.

You just have to understand the CM Lite’s quirk. Once understood, it’s a very good and repeatable machine. During my testing I concluded I would have no hesitation using it for making accurate rounds.

The chargemaster is only 1/10 of a grain + or - accuracy. 

Nowhere near the gempro250s accuracy capability 🤔

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11 minutes ago, No i deer said:

The chargemaster is only 1/10 of a grain + or - accuracy. 

Nowhere near the gempro250s accuracy capability 🤔

Not quite. It’s stated resolution is 1/10th of a grain when automatically throwing a charge. But the scale and digital readout will permit weighing to +/- 0.02gn. It just won’t do it when left to its automatic throwing.

I’m unsure however if the scale and digital readout on the Lyman and Hornady machines also permit weighing to within 0.02gn as well. But the CM Lite does!

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The CL isn't so reliable then left to do what it's ment too auto throw and weigh.

The capability is there if monitored as you did once you found it's weaknesses.

You upgraded so what does this say......

I too would like your upgrade but for the time being I will stick with the gempro250.

Would I see the difference in my loads  between the CL and the gempro250 🤔 dunno.....!

A electronic powder dispenser would make my life easier for sure......

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Agreed. All the autothrowers offer a 1/10th grain resolution. These machines cater for the masses and is generally fine for your everyday plinky plonkers and hunters. Those who load for comps or ELD are a niche bunch who require niche equipment.

Overall I was pleased with the CM Lite. It definitely sped up reloading, and once I found how to exploit it, I was able to reload to an equal precision to that of the TM or GemPro but more quickly than with either two.

But yes I definitely found merit in upgrading again. For one, budget permitted it. Two, I was able to get same or better precision than all of the options but much more quickly. And three, the new setup allows me to crack on with other jobs whilst the charges come out perfectly.

Definitely don’t view the GemPro negatively, just didn’t fit with my reloading regime. 

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1 hour ago, No i deer said:

With you upgrade have you checked it's reliability on the gempro250 to see if it's actually dispensing the exact amount or have you put your total trust in it...?

I have checked my A&D FX120i against my check weight. The unit comes calibrated anyway. I had sold my GemPro long before I got the A&D do didn’t compare the two.

But I’ve found the A&D to be totally repeatable and trustworthy.

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I guess you can only hope you'd  notice if the unit started playing up and was throwing irregular charges. I imagine most reloaders do as i do and look inside every case after every charge and keep an eye on the powder level.

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It’s always worth visually checking charges...just common sense I think.

I check the scale before each reloading session with my approved check weight. Never been out of whack.

As with anything electrical, you need to recheck. Do you check your GemPro? 


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