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A real man.


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Had a visit from an old customer today, whom i've been privileged to rebarrel quite a lot of guns for.


The Diggle gang know him well, its Don B , the Kiwi.


He was driving up from Somerset to visit one of his several sons, who is in the RAF up north , and called in for a trigger tune on one of his Tikka;s.


He was quite excited, because he'd found a travelling buddy to come up to Diggle with now. He makes the 220 miles each way trip regularly to compete in BR.


Think on this.


The old lad told me he had shot two 4.5 inch groups at 1000 last year with a 6.5 x 47 I,d done him. He goes to the Tunnel range once a fortnight, and Bisley regularly.


His parting words were, " I,m still enjoying my shooting Dave " with a beaming great grin on his face.


He,s 86 years old , God bless him.


A humbling experience.

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Don is a real gent,and a genuine shooter. I knew him when I started BR and LR shooting at Diggle.

He was always helpful and encouraging - I was hardly a youngster,but he was a role model ,still as keen as ever.He sometimes shot with an old (BSA?) rifle,rather well-did you do the magic tape on the stock,Dave ? It also had some Kiwi shiboleth taped on the forend,maybe a line from the Hakka ! Don's translation was perhaps a little more polite than accurate.

I imagine he has worn out quite a few barrels-and it's good to know he is shooting well-just an old style nice guy.



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Don is a real gent -as baldie has said he does a lot of travelling to come up to diggle. he helps vince out with the br comps as the official "money snatcher" he is always up for a laugh though i think he still doesnt grasp our humour.

on his day he can shoot and pops a few small groups in here and there,

i didnt know he was 86 though-thats an eye opener.good on yer Don

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I've shot with Don. A great guy indeed. Some old fellas have a way of inspiring,

Some time ago I took up fly fishing again after a long break from it. This particularly hot August I was fishing Witcombe Water in Glos and I was having a difficult time of it. None of the fish I could see would take any fly I offered them.

This old gent came up to me and asked if he could have crack at them. I left him to it and went around the lake to try another swim.

Later I went back and met this old gent again and he informed me that this was the first time in 50 years he'd blanked. I was astounded and asked his age and he said he was over 80 but not 90 years old.

He then astounded me further by saying that the problem with being his age was that when he went to parties (parties at his age?) everyone was younger and that they were so boring!

He said "what do these youngsters know? Have they been shot down by Messerschmitts? I don't think so". Have they been shot down in the North Sea?

The conversation that followed was enlightening and a classic example of reverse ageism. Respect.

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I regularly shoot with Don at the Bisley BR comps, a true gent and an inspiration to us all, along with Martin Tatum 87 and Alf Hagon 85?

In November Martin won the small group patch with a group in the .2's

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