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Am I the only person mad enough to go foxing tonight


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Just cleaned the ice if the landrover roof ready for a look out, anyone else daft as me. It will be interesting to see whats out and about.

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went out last night with a keeper mate of mine. see one fox. that wasnt hanging about to.


went to a different section of farm and didnt see a thing. couldnt even hear any mating calls.

jus tone of those nights, ground was like walking on cornflakes

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Nope, just in the door from a look round a farm on the scotch side which rang this afternoon saying fox was heard calling about 4pm. Was there by 7pm two decent dog foxes bagged by 9pm under the lamp, 1 thanks to the fox pro "vixen in heat" the other called in on the back of my hand. Waited another 45min but no sign of a vixen. Hope for a few more days hard weather, tends to get their appetite up if it's food they are thinking about! Let us know how you get on dorg.

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Managed to drag my ass out of the house yesterday for a morning stalk.

It was -5 and thick freezing fog :( but buy that time i was out and so stuck at it. Wasn't expecting much particularly as I have blanked the last six outings.

Got to the far edge of the wood and all I could see was fog across the field. As i was thinking about hopping over the fence a set of legs appeared out of the fog. I could just make out a fallow doe looking right at me. Had just enough time to get down on the bipods and take a quick neck shot.

I was quite looking forward to a long drag to warm. Makes a change not slipping about in the mud for once.

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Out last night the good lady and self from 8 till ten saw one but it did,nt want to know so back home to the fire and a brew.


Out tonight to sit in a barn behind some straw bales over looking a dead chicken thats been keeping a fox happy for the last 2 weeks


he keeps coming at odd times ie 3 in the morning then 5:30 then 23:00 then 19:40 and so on spent a total of around 24 hrs waiting for him over the last 2weeks


I might have to give him best. as its getting personal now.

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Not a bad night out but saw very little shot 2 saw 5, which is nothing for that bit of ground. The real bit of luck last night was having gone into the garage to get a lamp, the cold mains had burst it could only have happened minutes earlier as there was only half a bucket of water on the floor could have been a big problem.

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update on my last post.


made a right mess of it


Got to the barn at 6:15 got myself settled down nice and warm expecting a long wait or the fox.

Or for it not to show at all.



7:15 the fox comes trotting along as best he could through 6 or 7 inches of snow straight out to the bait


settle down for the shot and went and missed it (bugger or words to that effect) fox did'nt know which way the run decided to run at an angle from me still giving me an easy shot

went and missed again.


So I give up the Fox wins this one

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update on my last post.


made a right mess of it


Got to the barn at 6:15 got myself settled down nice and warm expecting a long wait or the fox.

Or for it not to show at all.



7:15 the fox comes trotting along as best he could through 6 or 7 inches of snow straight out to the bait


settle down for the shot and went and missed it (bugger or words to that effect) fox did'nt know which way the run decided to run at an angle from me still giving me an easy shot

went and missed again.


So I give up the Fox wins this one

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I just got back from the farm, went for a wander around looking for Charlie and tracks, found some fresh tracks leading into the woods, bugger, houses behind, and boundary of farm, tried a few squeaks, saw him, he saw me and legged it, so I went for a mooch, and as I was heading back to the yard, I spotted one mooching around a pylon 480yds off, only having the hmr, I gave it a squeak and she came at me fast, there's a very slight bit of dead ground, just about see the top of her, so I crouched down and readied the rifle, she then stopped at 170 yds for a sniff, and that was her last breath, held an inch high and slipped the trigger, the 20gr hollow point hit home in the boiler house, she jumped up, and fell right there.

Walked over to pick her up, and she was a big girl, figuring its about that time, I stripped her tail off, and slit her belly, 4 cubs, probably a few weeks short of entering this world the normal way instead of a 'C section'

I'm pretty sure this is the one I've been after for weeks, but has always bolted at the slightest light, so the snow has been a massive bonus, no lamp needed tonight and a good result. :) :)

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Out last night and tonight,,,


Plenty of tracks but no foxes??


Must be bloody mad

No mate, not mad. That's the people who stay off work cos they can't get in, then drive somewhere to take the kids sledging.


I'd much rather be out in this than rain, or just cold and frosty. Certainly saves carrying the lamp battery around, plus I can ride the quad over the crops in the snow, farmer even lends me his :)

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Ha 100% mate, been out on my kobota all night even when we was having -10/-15 weather the other year,now that sorted the men from the boys. even though we have a discovery kitted up for foxing the kobota is alot easier for rabbiting in the winter ;)

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Different people seem to have different results, personally I would not bother again.

thats foxing all over ,you could go out tonight and get a totally different result thats why i like it you never know whats on the cards

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We've no snow here. But I remember when it did snow I went out, all excited. Saw SFA. Even looking for tracks during the day, lots of hare tracks, no fox.


One thing snow is excellent for is greycrow shooting. Particularly if you have a dead fox or two to use as bait. Split him open, give a few calls and wait. I killed loads of them those few days. They can see the bait for miles I'd say.

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