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John MH

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Posts posted by John MH

  1. 12 minutes ago, Guerrier Weg said:

    GBPRA account still locked. Would like to manage both accounts, if that’s ok? Would be good to have a personal account when not commenting as the Association.

    It does not appear to be locked and was active 10 mins ago. We don't have 'Association', 'Organisation' or 'Club' Accounts, post as an individual and not as a faceless spokesperson.

    Screenshot 2022-02-25 at 13.38.07.png

  2. 24 minutes ago, Brushy said:

    @lapua - tiff isn’t involved with the GBPRA and hasn’t been since I or the others on the exec committee joined. His involvement with IPRF is irrelevant. Why should one person - who has not been on the PR scene since folding the PRL - worry anyone??  

    There were many within GB who doubted the GBPRA and IPRF committee intentions and did so publicly and often in the most derogatory tone/ manner. Many of those same individuals have now attended and enjoyed the qual events, which we put on.

    When we are running comps, we pay for our own accommodation, travel etc and are lucky enough to have volunteers who also put their time and effort in to assist, whether this be making barricades and helping set-up. 

    We simply want to see the sport grow and a team go on to do well at the worlds. The divided community of last year needs to be left in the past as it can only signal the death of our sport. With us there is no ego, no drama, just shooting with mates, in as competitive a manner as each individual wants. If in doubt, pitch up at an event and see for yourself. 

    best Tim 

    sec. GBPRA 

    Well said. The GBPRA has mostly moved on and has done a lot of work to grow Precision Rifle shooting in the UK as have many others, SIS, RMPRA, PRS UK to name a few.

    The IPRF World Championships, originally announced as being in Spain, then Hungary and now France may or may not go ahead but from the sidelines it looks like another example of a good idea poorly executed.

    If more information comes to hand on what may or may not be happening I will share it, I don't need anyones permission. Open debate is healthy.


  3. 2 hours ago, Ronin said:

    All posts appear to be visible now - not sure what the problem was - can’t see any tech issues

    Hope the venue issues have been resolved and the competition does go ahead

    They were temporarily interrupted for approximately 30 minutes due to 3 accounts being opened within minutes of each other all posting in the same thread. Nothing has been edited or deleted.

  4. 1 hour ago, Guerrier Weg said:

    Thank you

    The risk the competition faces now will be from the worrying situation with Russia, but time will tell.


    Can you assist with getting the GBPRA UKV account back on-line please? I note it still can not post and while there is discussion here about the IPRF and GBPRA it would be good to hear from them directly. Many thanks.

    How about having just one account? The GBPRA account is not locked.

  5. This barrel swap took a little longer, its an AR15 .223 barrel that needed re-crowning, took about 20 minutes to build back up again.


    Barrel nut going on.


    Barrel nut snugged up.


    Forend fitment attached to Barrel Nut.


    Forend attached to fitment.


    New crown.


    Self Timing Brake Nut.


    Snugged up.


    Brake fitted and timed.


    AR15 Upper fixture, simple and very effective for doing any barrel removal or replacement.


    All back together.




  6. On 1/17/2022 at 11:02 PM, Popsbengo said:

    When I win £180M on  Euromillions I'll sponsor a comprehensive study of variables and prove that a lot of the folk lore around reloading is pseudoscience.  Honest I will...

    Very true but another important factor is time. When I retire and am not overseeing the commissioning of Submarine Nuclear Reactors I will hopefully have the time do do more comprehensive analysis. If you can consistently and repeatably (not necessarily accurately) measure something then if it is the same each time that must (intuitively) be better than something that varies (less variability). However, what appears to be consistent (within the limits and repeatability of what you can measure) does not necessarily mean it will be more consistent on paper (holes on the target).

    I have a new toy to play with (late Birthday present to myself), arrived today via Singapore, China, UAE and Germany. All set up but it will be a little while before I have any useful data to share.

  7. 19 hours ago, MarkR said:

    My V4 arrived here in the UK on the 29th December 2021 and there has not been any request for Custom Duties or VAT.

    A Google Search shows that the UK has signed a trade agreement with Canada which came into force on 1 April 2021, (UK-Canada Trade Continuity Agreement (TCA).

    It contains Preferential Tariff Rates for bilateral trade in goods between the UK and Canada.

    This may be the reason for the lack of Custom Duties or VAT now.



    Nothing here either.

  8. 2 minutes ago, stottycake said:

    Well just set my v4 up,I don't think it's any faster,  but does seem more consistent than the v3 with the RS80  I'm using, it does away with the separate trickler ,so leaves a bit more space on the bench,



    Have you played with the calibration function and custom speed settings?

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