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John MH

Global Moderator
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Posts posted by John MH

  1. 1 minute ago, TJC said:

    The UK chassis are out of spec and many don’t feed 6.5CM well. You might end up having to send them in for a temp fix whilst you wait for AI to decide what they are actually going to offer as a long term solution. This has been an issue for a while now with no reaolution being offered by AI.  

    Many AT-X mags are out of spec too and will need to be returned if they are. 

    Finally, they are on chassis design V3 I think in less than a year with small upgrades coming through as enhancements are made but I don’t think you can specify which version you want and you might end up with a V1. 

    Thanks, I knew nothing of those problems.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dellboy said:

    Because we manufacture them and its not a sales post , rather not upset people.

    There is no problem showcasing, if you want the 'sell' on here then a conversation with Brown Dog will be required and probably a 'Trade Membership'.

    Looks good though any other actions planned?

  3. 6 minutes ago, English Rifleman said:

    I Guess this depends on what firing point you were on.

    we were on the firing point 70 - 74 at some points we were well deep in bog not mud BOG 

    Still fun though

    It took 15 years to get from 24 to 30 to the current 100+.

  4. 3 minutes ago, SimonA said:

    Ok John. If you say so. Same technical issues as earlier again I’m guessing. 

    Once again, unable to answer the simple question. It’s ok John, we get it, it’s easier to criticise than contribute…..

    I edited that after seeing that you asked two questions in separate posts. Struggling to keep up.


    I believe your question has been answered quite clearly.

  5. 55 minutes ago, SimonA said:

    Ok John. Is that why my 3 messages asking the questions weren’t answered to. It’s ok John, I don’t mind, it’s just a good job I’m not as paranoid as some other people out there hey. 

    Anyway, what’s your view on what the GBPRA should do about Russia? After all you are one of our closest observers! 

    As far as Russia goes I would recommend you follow the IOC stance.

  6. Just now, SimonA said:

    Surely as ‘Global Moderator’ (please tell me you didn’t appoint yourself that title) you will know that such a message doesn’t go to one individual but to the ‘administration team’. It’s ok John, I’ve moved past it, it’s a skill some people could do with developing. 


  7. 3 minutes ago, SimonA said:

    Haha, and you point the finger at others for deflection and misdirection! Now let’s not be obtuse buddy, I can get the opinion of ‘actual experts’ (as opposed to internet ones) on websites and threads dedicated to world affairs.

    You badgered Tim & Christian for their views on what the GBPRA were going to ‘do about Russia’ I’m guessing you weren’t asking them to invade and were actually referring to the subject of this thread!

    So does one have a position or are you just going to dance around the issue, like usual?

    I have no idea what you are blabbering about. I asked a question.

  8. 7 minutes ago, SimonA said:

    So what’s your position on Russia then John? Not seen it anywhere, or is just other peoples business you are interested in?

    It's awful, I think that Putin will probably move on Moldova next if he is successful in Ukraine. It is very unlikely he would be able to hold the whole of Ukraine against the peoples will and if he ends up occupying all of it there will likely be a long period of attrition by IED and Stinger Missile, it would be another Afghanistan for the Russians. In Afghanistan they finally withdrew when they could no longer move around safely once the Mujahedeen were suppled with Stinger Missiles by the USA. 

    All that the free world can currently do without escalating to WWIII is to be united in excluding Russia from anything that could be considered normal business that includes all forms of Sport, good call on the IOC after initial hesitation. 

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