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Posts posted by Re-Pete

  1. What surprises me is the behaviour of large chunks of Joe Public:


    Why anyone with half a brain would want to get smashed, and spend hours face to face with others while jumping up and down to deafening "music (?)" and flashing lights, beats me.........

    And it's not just here in the UK. I'm pretty sure that if everyone just followed the basics of keeping a distance, masks, and hygiene, the figures that the gov are basing their responses on would be very different.



  2. The strategy seems to depend on maintaining some hope among the population that things will get better, so any sacrifice to speed this up is worth making.

    As this virus mutates rapidly, the probability of an effective vaccine ever becoming available diminishes. They've been trying to find one for the common cold for years without success.

    I'd rather that having explained the ramifications, they just let it run it's course and left it up to individuals to take responsibility for their own safety, and if necessary,  that of their nearest and dearest.

    In the long run, the attempted cure may prove to be far worse than the disease............

    Pete (over 60, so allegedly "clinically vulnerable")

  3. One more point......the exposure to the flow of hot high pressure gas is very brief, probably of the order of millisecs, so comparison with firecracking in applications where the heat is continuous rather than momentary, isn't really valid.


  4.  Seems to me there's little point in frantically trying to get that last faint smear of copper out when the next round will simply replace it. It's been said many times that over enthusiastic cleaning can reduce barrel life more than normal wear and tear, particularly when using some of the expensive snake oil products currently in fashion.

    And a clean patch only tells you the patch is clean..............


  5. It's a cheapo Bergara barrel, so button rifled and honed a little. I'd like to know if s/steel barrels vary  much in their reaction to high energy powders like RS60, which is what this one cut it's teeth on.

    I know about the metallurgy, and I certainly don't over clean........a little copper and a bit of glassy carbon is of no consequence, as long as the rifle shoots well.


  6. That's interesting, I belonged to a civvie SCUBA club that trained at Vernon for a while in the late 70's. (The club sec. had some useful contacts................)

    I remember the bottom of the eastern end of the channel had metal tables and other stuff for the clearance diver training with cutting/welding equipment, and there was a diving board for the helicopter rescue divers.

    Small world.......


  7. The trigger is removed first, ultrasonic'd in a different container, rinsed with brake cleaner, then lubed. Different trigger makers have different opinions on lubing.

    RPA recommend graphite paste on the sears and pivots, and grease on the springs.

    For the CG Universal 2-stage triggers that I use, Jackson Rifles say: "lubricate sparingly with WD-40 or a similar light oil which will evaporate to leave a dry lubricating coat"

    They then go on to say: "When used in dusty conditions, the trigger will operate without lube provided the pull weight is set to 500grams or more"

    I put a spot of light oil on the pivot pins and give the rest a squirt of "Anti friction dry PTFE lubricant", which is also made by the WD-40 people.


  8. Nothing at all................it's all down to what works for you. My partner shoots 16x-20x at all distances. I use 24x at 1000yds......then again, I shoot off a home made bipod, and I'm very happy if I get a 1 MOA group. Gluv hit the nail on the head.......it's all about your twitch coefficient.


  9. For what it's worth.............I use a bog standard Lee de-capper which has a 1.58mm pin. I just tried it in some new Lapua cases in 6BR, 6.5x47, and 223 by dropping the case base first on to the pin...............they all dropped on under their own weight.  The 223 cases were a tad looser fit than the others.


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