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UKV Challenge Shoot 2010


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Yeh, tell me about it....


The Doc's given me enough codene (sp?) to start my own pharmacy or turn me into a "Bag ;) Head" till Chrimbo


Just had young Shrekle's tormentin' me.....


Looks like he'll be on his way to darken your doors..... lt's a Tarten Frock thing you know :(

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Dave, don't be a woos..... :wacko:

If i can make it three weeks after spinal surgery, you can bloody well limp down mate..... :lol:

I'll bring my crutches for you to use....


Seriously though mate... Hope you're feeling better real soon.. ;)


It'll be good to see William again and that lovely Tikka of his.....




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Sorry guys can't make it ;)

Hope you all have a great day and thanks for the open invite to all on here.




Now look here.. I know you have a big boomstick and you think that if you turn up you'll wipe the floor with everyone and as such you're being honourable...

Well we weren't going to let you use that 6.5 - 284 anyway..... :wacko:

So come and play with us Dave.... Go on you know you want to....... :lol:




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Hi Matt,


Details for the day are roughly from 100 yards out to 400+ at steel gongs, but with full details on the day.


Best to bring more rounds than you think, as it's best to take some home than run out.


The farm is

coughton fields farm

coughton fields lane




B49 6BT


what is the latest that we can confirm

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what is the latest that we can confirm



At the moment were looking at about 10 shooters. The course of fire will require 23 rounds for the main comp and as many as you want for the fun / pool shoot which will take 6 rounds per try..

Each competitor will be asked for £5 on the day to pay for the cost of a trophy that will be manufactured by one of our very own for next years shoot. This years winners name will off course be engraved on the trophy.


Also i must remind everyone to please bring a prize for the prize table so no one goes home empty handed.

The winner will have first choice from the table and so on.

Last years prize table saw bottles of whiskey and quality wine, boxes of bullets and various other shooting accessories from torches and fox calls to packs of primers so please be generous.


Graham, Ian , Kip and myself all look forward to welcoming you all to UKV's 2nd annual comp.... :wacko:



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Hi Graham,



I am intending to arrive around 8a.m. i hope this is ok.



I am looking forward to the day, especially as the weather gods would appear to be smiling on us. :D








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hi guys and girls ,


well another uk varminting shoot has passed for those that couldnt make it you missed a cracking day and i am sure posts by others will convey that fact . few technical problems mainly due to targets been damaged by heavy incomming gunfire but a bit of farmyard technical wizzardy sorted them .


and in true varminting style one or two of us joined the long range clubs. personally thank all who turned up and put yet more names to faces.and the way the friendly banter and leg pulling was given and taken by all .

thanks have been conveyed to my mum for doing the teas and coffee . also i would like to thank kip for comming up and helping set up on saturday afternoon and hope he enjoyed the fun we had after but i will leave that up to him to explain .


surfice to say that you dont expect to offer someone a shot with your rifle and to have them part a crows hair at 600 plus yards then fetch feathers out of a magpie at 500 yards plus and then hit a hare at 398 yards with the third shot all by guessing hold over.


well the targets for next year are already in the planning stages so watch this space for details of next years get together and once again i hope everyone enjoyed the day.




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well thank you for the coaching with hitting the long range gong. got it in the end now bitten by the long range bug and thanks for the pointers to work with . also the flying drop dead crow was just a bit funny would love to know exactly what happened to it .



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Absolutely fantastic day, with a great set of people in attendance. The weather was glorious too; I have the burnt head to remind me of it. :D


Many thanks to Graham, Ian, Kip and Grant for giving up their time to organise it, A special thanks to Grahams mum for the teas and coffees.


As Graham has said Kip will be doing the full detailed report of the day’s events, sometime today I should think.



Looking forward to next year already.







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Graham i can't thank you enough, coming upon the saturday was a very good idea, not only did we throw some unexpected challenges in for the day, we also had a fantastic evening varminting.


Thanks to all of you that turned up, nice to put names to faces, and got to shoot some other calibre's........(mmmm a .308 would be nice)



I will be doing the full write up this week, with some nice photos as well.



Thanks again for a truly fantastic weekend.




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Even though I did not arrive untill mid afternoon due to work and missed all the earlier precison stuff it was really good fun to meet you all and have a pop at gongs at distances I cant usually even see let alone hit. With some skilled help I even manged to clank an odd one here and there.


Thanks Graham for hosting the event and the tea.



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many thanks to

Graham, Kip, Grant, and Ian for their efforts on arranging a great day and supplying targetry, even the ones we managed to 'kill' on several occassions


it was good to put some faces to names and meet some like minded folks

excellent shooting all round and a very enjoyable day


look forward to next years event



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What a marvellous day, lovely weather, challenging targets and excellent company :D

Many thanks to our host Graham and his mum for the much needed cuppa, top notch, Grant and Kip for their organizational skills and also to those who helped me with my difficulty in getting about.

I think i recieved a good lesson in steel swinging target design, to "make it beefier" now that i know what they need to withstand during the days competition, (err punishment)

Lastly but by no means least, thanks and well done to all the competitors that took the time and made the effort to attend the shoot, after all its the competitors that make this shoot the enjoyable event that it is.



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