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Recommendation for most accessible range/s


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I am a F Open shooter from Country Victoria (originally an Essex boy and London worker). My club uses 3 electronic targets with mounds at 300, 500 and 600 yards. We have a regular club shoot on Saturdays with a break during the hot Summer. During the competition season, we also run development and practice days most Wednesdays. Additionally we have Pennant, Long distance up to 1000yards, OPMs with other clubs and obviously State Queens. 

I am seriously contemplating coming back to the UK permanently or for 6 months at a time (competition season in the UK) to spend more time with family. 

Location is not a major issue as my family is spread over various parts of the country but I do want to shoot regularly without too long a drive and hopefully with electronic targets. 

I did not shoot when I lived in the UK so my knowledge of ranges is pretty much by reputation and some advice from Mik at Dolphin.

Bisley and Diggle are obviously on the list and I would be grateful for the benefit of the forum’s experience and suggestions on any other ranges

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Unless you have some overseas credentials to use and they are acceptable on an ongoing 'open' basis, you need to join a target shooting club or the NRA (or both) to access ranges.  A Safe Shooters Certification Card (SCC)  is a must for any MoD range or Bisley.  You will get one of these from your club when they confirm you have sufficient skill and knowledge.  Not many ranges have electronic targets - you've identified the two most obvious (and best) ones.

Bisley is ace.  I recommend joining the NRA so you can book as an individual.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/4/2020 at 2:09 AM, Handbrake said:

I am a F Open shooter from Country Victoria (originally an Essex boy and London worker). My club uses 3 electronic targets with mounds at 300, 500 and 600 yards. We have a regular club shoot on Saturdays with a break during the hot Summer. During the competition season, we also run development and practice days most Wednesdays. Additionally we have Pennant, Long distance up to 1000yards, OPMs with other clubs and obviously State Queens. 

I am seriously contemplating coming back to the UK permanently or for 6 months at a time (competition season in the UK) to spend more time with family. 

Location is not a major issue as my family is spread over various parts of the country but I do want to shoot regularly without too long a drive and hopefully with electronic targets. 

I did not shoot when I lived in the UK so my knowledge of ranges is pretty much by reputation and some advice from Mik at Dolphin.

Bisley and Diggle are obviously on the list and I would be grateful for the benefit of the forum’s experience and suggestions on any other ranges

If you are interested in Diggle (10 miles NE of Manchester) we shoot TR/F Class twice per month at all distances from 300 to 1000 yds using electronic targets. No SSC needed.  PM me (Membership Sec) if you want more info.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Kipper,

Covid has a lot to answer!! At long last planes are flying, restrictions are negligible so my long overdue visit to the UK to visit my elderly mother and family is back on arriving 21/09.

I won’t be bringing any shooting kit as I have to get back to Australia in the second week of October. It is still my intention to get to Diggle and hopefully to Blair Atholl to so how you guys are set up. 

Do you shoot have any shoots on last week of September or beginning of October?

best regards, Neal

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