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Can anyone who shoots at Kingsbury please help me out with some info. I’m a member of ODRC but I’ve never shot at Kingsbury before - this coming Saturday will be my first trip.

Is the range briefing at 08.30am, ready for a 09.00am start?

And is there anything I need to know about where to park, protocols over bringing kit to firing points then moving the car etc? 

Thanks in advance! 

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I'm sure the briefing and start times are on the website.

Car parking is obvious when you arrive.  It's a short walk to the 600yds from there however you will have to walk to the butts and to the 300yds (unless that's a particular problem and then it's possible to drive).  Toilets are down past the Warden's hut to the right, again obvious.

It's a good range but can be windy!

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3 hours ago, SMLE said:

ODRC require arrival and booking in at 8 with the briefing at 8.30.

Remember your FAC which is a new ODRC requirement 

and your Safe Shooters Card !  

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I was just about to say that I’ll see you there this Sunday when you mentioned Saturday.

The first thing worth mentioning is getting there. From your location you’ll arrive via the M42. Come off at J9 and Kingsbury is we’ll sign posted. At the second round take the third exit on the B4098. After you go under the narrow bridge there are two turnings to the left right next to each other. Take the second. Follow the lane and the car park and club lodges are just after the 600 yd firing point.

As SMLE says, if you get they for 8 o’clock you won’t go wrong. Although I shoot with another club I have attended with ODRC several times and their range briefings can take place at the car park or at the 300 yd firing point. Whatever happens they will look after you . They’re a good crowd to shoot with. 

Like the others have stated, do not forget your FAC and SSC. You will definitely be asked to show them. Good luck and enjoy.

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6 hours ago, Brillo said:

I was just about to say that I’ll see you there this Sunday when you mentioned Saturday.

The first thing worth mentioning is getting there. From your location you’ll arrive via the M42. Come off at J9 and Kingsbury is we’ll sign posted. At the second round take the third exit on the B4098. After you go under the narrow bridge there are two turnings to the left right next to each other. Take the second. Follow the lane and the car park and club lodges are just after the 600 yd firing point.

As SMLE says, if you get they for 8 o’clock you won’t go wrong. Although I shoot with another club I have attended with ODRC several times and their range briefings can take place at the car park or at the 300 yd firing point. Whatever happens they will look after you . They’re a good crowd to shoot with. 

Like the others have stated, do not forget your FAC and SSC. You will definitely be asked to show them. Good luck and enjoy.

Many thanks for the detailed help Brillo!

Yeah after such a long hiatus due to the delay ODRC has renewing their HO approval, I thought I’d give Kingsbury a go as it’s one of the first shoots this year. 

Really looking forward to it, I know the ODRC chaps who venture to Rogiet and Sennybridge F, J3a and G ranges are always pleasant and good for a laugh.

Thanks again!

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What a lovely range Kinngsbury is. 

Had a blast today (excuse the pun). Weather largely good, company very good, shooting do so. At 600yds the little 123gn Scenars we’re dancing around the v-bull a bit...interesting winds that not only crossed the range but also make the bullets dip and dive randomly.

interestingly my Kestrel Elite AB over-egged my dope by a fair margin. Despite having the appropriate data captured and plugged in correctly, i was actually at least 1MIL higher than the Kestrel said I should be. Think part of it could be my barrel speeding up a bit. But also wondering if the HbN is also making my bullets just that much more slippery and efficient in the wind. Dunno?!?

Thanks to all who helped advise, and those of you I met today! 👍



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Catch-22. I believe we met at Kingsbury, though being old and senile I can't remember you name. We were shooting together. I was using my Sabatti .300 WinMag and once the 'running in' ammo was used up I switched to my .308 STR at 600 yards. Clinton and myself enjoyed your company and perhaps will see you at Rogiet Moor on the 21st? 



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Ralph - indeed, between the three of us we had fun doing a number on that v-bull at 300m.

Sadly I won’t be at Rogiet on 21st Sept but I’ll be there on 19th Oct, 9th Nov and Sennybridge J3a on 30th Nov. Hopefully I’ll meet you two then!?

Those last two dates I’ll switch the gun from 6.5x47 to its .338 Norma Mag guise. With my brake, it’ll be murder being in the lane next to me ☠️ 🤣

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Yes we did rather destroy the V bull 🤣

I can't do Rogiet in October as will be getting drunk at a bike do in Stafford.

Fingers crossed I will make it to J3A with the 300 win mag - the further away the targets the better I like it!

I will also be at the Warminster IRII shoots which are great fun.


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Yeah J3a is always good fun - not been out on it for quite a while though. Definitely not looking forward to the Sennybridge weather though! ☀️❄️☃️💨🌪

I’ve yet to shoot at Warminster. Issue is that it’s only Thursdays. The last shoot I could make but it was suddenly cancelled. ☹️

Hope you enjoy Rogiet on the 21st!

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