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RS62 in 6x47


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There's not a lot of loading data for this calibre, and I thought RS62 might be a bit slow for 115 grain DTAC's (HBN'd), but I was pleasantly surprised. The MV is modest, but should still be supersonic at 1000yds.

This was the best result so far. The flags were stationary on Century, and the distance was 600yds, F-class scoring. MV measured with Labradar.

My rifle is a CG-RPA 2000 with a 26" Bergara 8 twist barrel. Usual caveats apply...........this load might not be safe in your rifle.

Anyone else tried this powder in 6x47?


DSCN5958 copy.jpg

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I have recently changed my 6.5x47 Lapua over to RS62 with 123 Scenar, 129 ABLR and 150 SMK and the results are around 0.3 MOA. Velocities as you say are modest compared with the RL15 I was using but accuracy is better and barrel life should be very good.

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That's my next project............I've had good results with RS50 /123 Sc's and excellent with RS52/136 Sc's so far.

However, having seen what RS60 can do to a barrel in <1000 rounds, I'd rather use a single base/modest MV combo.

If I can get 10 shots in to 1 moa at 600yds, I'm very very happy...........always assuming the electronics aren't telling porkies..............


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Elcho 17, Reloader 17, and  RS60 are the same.......a high energy double base powder that'll produce insane velocities at the expense of throat wear................RS52 likewise.

I get 3000fps out of a std 6BR with a 30" barrel and 105 Scenar's using RS60. It's very accurate, but the bore looks like it's crazy paved for the first 7 or 8 inches...............almost wish I'd never bought the Hawkeye.


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I was running hot loads and RL15 in the 6.5 Lapua and ate 140 thou of lands in 800 rounds. Having had that experience I'm no longer chasing velocity and double based powders are banned from the cupboard. The shiny new Bartlein is being treated much more gently!

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My buddy was visiting and I had a look up his Creedmore barrel with my borescope. He'd been mainly shooting 140s with H4350 but had recently been giving the bunnies a thrash with 95 VMs/ RL17. He reckoned the round count was no greater than 600 but there was horrible snakeskin firecracking in the first inch. It was explosively impressive on bunnies but he's having a rethink on powder selection..

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I had a play yesterday with some RS60 before I have a barrel change, it’s a 24” remmy gen 2 R5 stainless steel in 6.5 creedmoor 

The round count is under 200 . 

Like I say the barrel is in next month with dolphin for a 28” bartlien . Until then it’s play time 

 just to set the scene.. with my 24 barrel. 

44 grains of RS 62 with a 139 scenar will give me 2690 FPS  ( with small primer) 

41.5 grains of RS60 with a 142 HPBT will give me 2840 FPS ( large primer ) 

there maybe a  high price to pay , but the stuff is mustard!!! 



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How sacrificial are barrels if running RS60 at modest loads I wonder, i.e. to obtain like for like velocity v say RS62?

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I recently sold my 308 which had around 1200 rounds through a Dolphined 11-twist Bartlein barrel using a stiff load of RS52, another high energy double base powder, with 155 Scenars at 3050fps..

It never needed de-coppering and there was no sign of firecracking, so barrel quality plays a part as well.................you gets what you pay for.


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Unfortunately life is too short to work out all the variables unless you are a barrel tester. My barrel that ate 140 thou in 800 rounds was a PacNor and I was running RL15 at 62k psi in 6.5 Lapua. Max pressure is 65k psi so loads were safe, but the barrel didn't like it. If it was a Bartlein would it be different? I don't know. Most stainless barrel makers use 416 stainless. Are there different grades of 416? Their hardening processes will greatly effect the wear process and those are closely guarded secrets of the barrel makers. LW use a completely different steel which is much harder and wears much less, but most rifle smiths dislike it because it eats reamers. 

I would love to understand more about barrel steels and how each makers chosen steel and hardening process works with double and single base powders and how they effect barrel wear, but the information just isn't out there that I can find. There's a lot of chat on the internet but nothing in the way of statistically relevant testing that I can find.

If anyone took barrels as seriously as Bryan Litz took bullets it would be really easy to decide which was best.

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I have a LW barrel on a 6BR.........this has been round the galaxy. I've no idea how  many rounds it saw before I got it, and I've put at least 2500 through it. It started out at 34" on an RPA in 2007, then a few years later was re-cut to 30" and fitted to an old Musgrave target action before I bought it. According to my records, the COL has increased by less than 0.25mm.

Says something about LW barrel steel, I guess.............but it coppers up badly, as do many button rifled barrels.


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