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When is the next benchrest match

No i deer

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On 31/01/2018 at 9:18 PM, No i deer said:

When is the next match.seems like forever since the last one...?

It's not until the middle of March if you're meaning the Gelston shoots. Unlike Diggle our range is only 1000 yards with 4 benches on the firing point and there just isn't enough daylight in winter for us to run competitions. I was actually thinking of posting the competition dates for this year at some point over the weekend. If I get a moment in amongst all the other things I need to catch up on I'll do it later.

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Any results from rifle shooting.Bencrest.F class.Practical rifle.CSR.not via Dropbox though....!

In the LPSC THE club I shoot with do army type shooting but not much in recent years apart from in the gallery which can be standing.kneeling and sitting.there is a few shooters do that do this that are amazing.when I see their targets I am gobsmacked.one is female shooter.

We shoot timed details out too 1000yds prone which is trust me a good test of your shooting ability.it can get rather frustrating and confusing.some of the marking can be very suspect....!

years ago we use to shoot from 600yds prone off bad shoulder and good shoulder in some details.using fig11s. Fig12s.fig12a's.fig14s and the Huns head.(McQueens target).we moved away from 600yds as it was easier for us to mark our own targets at 200 and 300yds McQueens saves on paying for NRA markers.this was a gutter for me as I really liked 600yds.

This year's fixtures has 2 afternoons on century from 600yds up to June.woohoo which I will take the credit for from constantly asking :D.

Even better it's 1000yds in the morning :P

Oh I forgot there is several practice days on our calender for the methuen competition in the build up to the comp.

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1 hour ago, bradders said:

Instead of just looking art results, you could actua;;y go along and take part you know Swaro, errr I mean No i deer :lol:

Na i will leave the CSR to the real men.i am happy sniping mate.i am going to try an f class day with the Dorset rifleman shortly but not this month as they only have 2x1000yds mornings and I am not travelling 100 miles each way for a morning.its gottabe a whole days shooting.hopefully in March.

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