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Is it just me or does anyone else find that if they shoot any crows or magpies off a bait with anything other than an air rifle nothing ever returns?

I know what you mean , it varys , they are i think the most difficult quarry to snyp ! obviously it helps when they haven't seen you . It sometimes pays to move position but they could be watching from distance . So wont ever come back . But they do get deeply curious and sometimes do ! Iv often shot 2-3 maggies in succsession which makes me over the moon :)

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Is it just me or does anyone else find that if they shoot any crows or magpies off a bait with anything other than an air rifle nothing ever returns?


Crows are very very intelligent, usually. Nobble one of a pair with a rifle and you might get the second within a few minutes if you have not been spotted but after that the survivor has gone. I had a pair on Sunday like that, hit the first hard, it flew off over some power wires with its mate with what looked like its head between its legs. Went round to the next field to find a single crow at about 150 yards, perhaps a bit more on some drilled barley. Tipped that over with a 20gr Vmax (17AH), sent the lab for it, she stopped en route and brought the first one back that was laying in a bit of dead ground. Hit low all its backend was hanging out, massive damage yet it flew 150 yards or so.



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I remember last year setting up under an Oak with cammo over the front of my pickup to cover the shine, placed some crow deeks out at 300yards, shot 1 crow and as you do slightly loose sight picture due to recoil, got POI back and there was a crow, bugger I missed, ??? Took that one definite hit feathers in the air, went over and there were 2 crows only10ft apart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

3 more magpie today :)

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About cleared mine all up with traps, moved the traps late last night and had a couple in one this morning but the first ones for a couple of weeks. Should have taken a rifle as there was a crow shot on but was running short on time. Had just under 30 maggies so far, mostly trapped and a handful of crows, all shot except one.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Should i drop the magpie gathering food from my bird feeder ? Thats the thing its probably feeding chicks or young , what would you do ? My instinct is to take him , hees very jumpy , i had him in cross hair once - then flitted away .

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I would drop ALL magpies given the chance, and carrions. Larsens are the way to go though if you want to really help the local wild bird population. I have taken 38 magpies and 92 crows this year.


We dont extend any courtesy to rabbits that probably have young underground, or pigeons mullering crops. I will put 54g through the nest if I know where it is though.


If your magpie is feeding chicks then it will be feeding them on other birds young and eggs for sure. Do what you feel comfortable with

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I would drop ALL magpies given the chance, and carrions. Larsens are the way to go though if you want to really help the local wild bird population. I have taken 38 magpies and 92 crows this year.


We dont extend any courtesy to rabbits that probably have young underground, or pigeons mullering crops. I will put 54g through the nest if I know where it is though.


If your magpie is feeding chicks then it will be feeding them on other birds young and eggs for sure. Do what you feel comfortable with

Well mind made up , i view magpie as the terrorist of the countryside , hees going down !

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One of two down , an accupell between the shoulder blades from bedroom window :lol:

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We had a real problem with them last year. Early mornings, there could be upwards of 20 in the yard at one time, eating the cattle feed. Took somewhere around 40 of them last year, and up until recently this year, they'd been giving our yard a wide berth, but over the last few weeks they've started pecking at the windows of the house at about 5.30 in the morning. Took the first 2 of the year earlier this week with the hmr.

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2 more yesterday ^_^

I got 1 earlier , missed a second at about 100ish as my scope was still dialled 1+3/4 MOA for a jackdaw - that i missed juuust high :(

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Ive always used a decoy owl on a fence post,i have a flappy one with fishing line attached....shot more then I can remember using this,magpies go mad at the sight of an owl ;)




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Ive always used a decoy owl on a fence post,i have a flappy one with fishing line attached....shot more then I can remember using this,magpies go mad at the sight of an owl ;)




Is that an plastic one ? I got a little owl but never tried the wings thing !

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Sure is!.. ;)

Lol plastic fantastic :lol:

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We have had a maggie raiding the egg box of the hen house. I set a trail cam that gave me an afternoon timeframe for the raid. I figured that if I parked the car on the yard they would probably ignore it and I could use it as a mobile high seat. Sure enough after no more than 10 minutes a black and white thief jumped into the hen house to emerge after 20 seconds or so when it sat on the wall next to the hen hut. This was only about 10 yards from the car so it wasn't much of a test for the 17 remington. The result was however fairly spectacular! One down and more to go!

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Had a problem with magpies in the back garden raiding nests - the other day they started taking chicks.



So time for some payback -


Shot a rat, used that as bait - shot junior magpie, then mother.


Customised HW80 - at about 25 yds for all.



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Hmm, this youngster obviously couldnt read the signs;


Trespassers will be shot, then shot again to make sure....






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Sorry Simon


inadvertently deleted your last post

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Who made the stock Andy? Very nice.



CS at Sheffield

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Two more from the bedroom window earlier , almost had a 3rd . ILL let them settle for a bit, then S410 on the ready :)

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