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Cracking weekend all round


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Started with the show Saturday that was real good, I knew today was better weather for plinking :) Left the house at 7, met up with my mate for breakfast, then we headed over to the first farm for a quick zero check then some pigeon plinking. Plenty about and nice steady shoots from 180-220 yards. Mate using his 223 and me my 223 ackley.




After we had a good few we head to another farm for so crow and magpie fun. We shot a few birds driving about on kobota for decoys






Plus we had shot some crows that we put out in the field and the odd rabbit :) best shot for me was 278 yard magpie and my mate had a crow at 238 so all was good :)


We have just stopped plinking now and waiting for a fox on one of the free range chicken farms we do as it's being a pain




Let you no later if we get the result :/


That busy with shooting vermin not put my new gongs out for a play still like new :( and that can't be right lol




Won't stay like it for long



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Hi Gaz

Good day out well done

Why is it we like shooting vermin with a fast bullets I still find it great sport to shoot rabbits up to 300yds with 58gr vmax 243.

I find it builds confidence in yourself and your gun.

Hope the fox played ball for you.



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What metal are those swingers made from Gaz? The 58 V-Max would be fair zipping along and would deal death and destruction to mild steel.


Had my son out on maggies etc on the weekend. He took his .260 for a little play. Those 95 V-Max are devastating- a centre hit on a maggie at about 100yds blew the rear third about 20' away. A plover met a similar fate at about 200- one wing ended up over 10' from the remains. Neither would known what had hit them. Same I guess for the five rabbits I bought home- the back ends were still OK for catfood.


Can't wait to get that suppressed 6BR running..

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Ha I've got some pics on my phone of what a 40gr nozler does at 4000 fps and they ain't nice lol. That steel Is ar500 armma plate you won't even dent it with a 338 lap at 100 yards ;)



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Cheers chaps ;)


Yep it's all good fun when vermin shooting :)



Thankyou gaz for sharing , i managed 1 and1/2 hours in windy wet valley till i got the flock outa there :( no shots!

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Shite this weekend :( went shopping yesterday, did manage to get in the gun shop for half hour for bullets and powder :) and plinking today in 22 mph winds was testing ;)



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