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Dog shot on golf course !


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Hmmm your defending a shot being made to an mis-identifed target, I think I need to stop going out for walks for my 2yr son ...

Yes legal blame worthiness regarding who had responsibility for the ultimate and unfortunate demise of the dog by not keeping it under proper control is one conversation, the entirely separate and concerning conversation is about shooting at unidentified (or poorly identified) targets. there are "rules" on the forum about showing photo's of damaged shot "varmints" or game due to the perceptions of those non-shooters who may come across the site and to prevent further fuelling any anti shooting perceptions, may I suggest those who are not shocked at such shots do not condone or support for the same reasons on this forum. (I fully appreciate the media making the stories more "interesting" and the full circumstances may not be portrayed however this won't affect those looking for a further excuse to cause disruption to our interests.

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And your defending this why??? Perhaps the club should stipulate that any patrons or otherwise wishing to walk across the golf course do so at the risk of potentially being shot, this i'm sure will set a new precidence for home-owners wishing to stop those pesky kids jumping over the fence to retrieve a lost football ....

I think you fail to understand. I am not defending the action, just airing other potential reasons for the outcome. It is rather easy to jump to conclusions before all the facts are know.

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I think you fail to understand. I am not defending the action, just airing other potential reasons for the outcome. It is rather easy to jump to conclusions before all the facts are know.

I think you have a point. The story clearly states that the golf course had problems with dogs. The owner of the dog in question says that his dog was not one of the problem dogs.


I can think of no reason why a dog should be shot unless it was worrying livestock of was a danger to a person at the time. Running out of controll would not justify shooting out of hand, but as has already been mentioned, a dog is hard to mistake for anything else if the lamper knows what they are doing.



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In court it will simply come down to " did you or did you not pull the trigger on a target which you failed to positively identify".


Fact, yes or no.


I've said my piece on this.

With respect, no it is not. The question will be why did you shoot the dog? If the answer is " I thought it was a rabbit/fox" Then yes, failing to positively identify the target and therfore being a complete muppet will land him up to his neck in the brown stuff. If he has a reason (which I doubt) it had better be a good one...something like "the dog had tried to attack me then ran off and I thought it was a continued danger" he might have an argument. But for now we will need to wait.



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I regularly scope up on dogs when I'm shooting golf courses - though as soon as I see them through the scope I can tell by the way they move and look that they aren't foxes. I usually find the owner and explain I'm shooting - either they leave or I do.


I'd guess this was an inexperienced shooter who saw the outline and assumed fox - I've taken new shooters out who've been ready to pull the trigger on everything from owls to badgers as they thought they were something else!!


That's why I mentor anyone who asks - imagine being given a driving licence having had no lessons! It's the same thing with most FAC's.


Newbies need to be shown, not banned or ridiculed.

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IF POSSIBLE CAN AN ADMIN 'PIN' THIS - as the sentence ,'DOG SHOT ON GOLF COURSE' is a real reminder to all shooters to stay safe or this is likely to happen !!! this must of been horrific for the owners .. i totally blame the shooter ...


anyone else ????

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IF POSSIBLE CAN AN ADMIN 'PIN' THIS - as the sentence ,'DOG SHOT ON GOLF COURSE' is a real reminder to all shooters to stay safe or this is likely to happen !!! this must of been horrific for the owners .. i totally blame the shooter ...


anyone else ????

Only the person behind the rifle could be to blame he/she squeezed the trigger. By the shot placement (side on through the heart/lung area) I believe they new exactly what they were shooting at. Idiot has dug themselves a very big hole as unless I am mistaken you can only shoot dogs if they are a direct threat or have killed livestock?

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Dogs can actually be shot for quite a variety of reasons, including when the owner is present; for example a dog not responding to owners instructions after getting onto an active airport runway. However, this case would appear to one of three scenarios: mistaken identity, deliberate targeting, or the result of the dog behaving in an aggressive manner towards the rifleman or any person with the rifleman. I am sure time will tell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What surprises me is that nobody so far discussed the fact that the dog was shot in its owners garden...that alone is an offence. That were me, I'd be in jail now, I wouldn't take too kindly to anyone shooting my dogs in my garden...

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What surprises me is that nobody so far discussed the fact that the dog was shot in its owners garden...that alone is an offence. That were me, I'd be in jail now, I wouldn't take too kindly to anyone shooting my dogs in my garden...

That's because the dog was shot yards from the owners garden. Perhaps a re read of the article would be in order.


I see dogs running out of control or left to roam on a Sunday morning many times during a season. One has bitten me and I have informed the owner that the next time I see the dog around my wood on it's own, I will shoot it on sight. They have since kept the dog under control.



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That's because the dog was shot yards from the owners garden. Perhaps a re read of the article would be in order.


I see dogs running out of control or left to roam on a Sunday morning many times during a season. One has bitten me and I have informed the owner that the next time I see the dog around my wood on it's own, I will shoot it on sight. They have since kept the dog under control.




Although I could not positively make sure that this was the case, how can anyone be sure that there was adequate backstop? a golf course is flat and houses backing at it is a definite risk. I have shot golfcourses in the middle of towns and only when the shot was downward pointing it was taken. And that was with a .22LR, with which I took both foxes and rabbits. Sounds shoddy any which way we look at it, and if the chap ends ups losing his FAC, I won't be surprised...

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