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is it right what I have been told that Allo Vera is very good or am I having my leg pulled I suffer from midge bites and seem to get eaten alive with the little buggers can any one put me onto a very good tried and tested product thanks

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get eaten alive with the little buggers can any one put me onto a very good tried and tested product thanks


Me too - Avon Skin so Soft, works a treat.


(and you end up with lovely soft skin :D )



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is it right what I have been told that Allo Vera is very good or am I having my leg pulled I suffer from midge bites and seem to get eaten alive with the little buggers can any one put me onto a very good tried and tested product thanks


They must have teeth like a bengal tiger to bite through your skin , you leathery old bugger..... :lol::lol::lol:


The avon stuff didn,t stop me getting eaten alive at the imperial this year....I just smelt like a tart.


Jungle formula maximum killed em dead on contact though.


Deet aint good stuff for you however.


Different things work on different folk however. The avon stuff has a really good reputation against the scottish midges. Try em both Barry.


As nick says, get a headnet too, they work.

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They must have teeth like a bengal tiger to bite through your skin , you leathery old bugger..... :lol::lol::lol:


The avon stuff didn,t stop me getting eaten alive at the imperial this year....I just smelt like a tart.


Jungle formula maximum killed em dead on contact though.


Deet aint good stuff for you however.


Different things work on different folk however. The avon stuff has a really good reputation against the scottish midges. Try em both Barry.


As nick says, get a headnet too, they work.

thanks for that Dave nice to get insulted from your mates I will try them both while you lot will be shooting the fly I will be squatting the little blighters hate them nasty little things :angry:

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+1 for the skin so soft stuff also Tea Tree Oil is another one that works. Incidentally if you ever get bitten/stung TTO if very good at taking the swelling and pain out.

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I live in one of the worst areas in Scotland for midges and I have to say, nothing comes close to Avon skin so soft original. Even the kit we were issued with in Brunei doesn't stop the midge but the skin so soft does, and without melting any plastic or clouding your watch.

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I live in one of the worst areas in Scotland for midges and I have to say, nothing comes close to Avon skin so soft original. Even the kit we were issued with in Brunei doesn't stop the midge but the skin so soft does, and without melting any plastic or clouding your watch.

you men should know living up there what works I will have to try that thanks

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Autan Tropical



ASSS is good but not as good as Autan

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Avon skin so soft works but needs liberal application to all exposed parts (I think its citronella that is the working bit like those midge repelling candles). I once liberally spayed the stuff at point blank into my eyes and couldn't see a thing for about 1 hr one time (thank god it wasn't deet). I drove into the forest well before break of light to be ready for a dawn stalk lined up to nozzle into my hands (or so I thought) peering closely in the dark and scored a direct blast into the peepers.

to be fair if I am going to be in one place for any long periods I wear a midge jacket with hood as although they don't tend to land you can still breathe them in etc.

Skin so soft also seems to deter the horse fly of which we are plaged with here, though I have become immune to the bite of the local midge now so don't bother if its just midges

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Full strength deet, don't get any in your eyes! A headnet can be a lifesaver when they're really bad...

+ 1 for Deet had a few weeks in India this year and not a single bite

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I have just got some Avon skin so soft to try also got some Boots own Tropical strength 50% Deet insect repellent to try I will try Avon skin so soft first then boots own at least I will smell nice

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It is suprising how these things vary from person to person. I tried ASSS and found it hopeless. I may as well have laid naked with a large neon sign above me saying 'Midges come and get it'.

If i am sat in a Highseat or 'ambush' Stalking the Thermacell is very good. I also Stalk into spots that are likely to have a Breeze as the Midges do not like it and the Deer may be there too as they dont like the Evil little gits either.

The Lifesystems headnet is very good as it folds up and slips in your Pocket.



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It is suprising how these things vary from person to person. I tried ASSS and found it hopeless. I may as well have laid naked with a large neon sign above me saying 'Midges come and get it'.

If i am sat in a Highseat or 'ambush' Stalking the Thermacell is very good. I also Stalk into spots that are likely to have a Breeze as the Midges do not like it and the Deer may be there too as they dont like the Evil little gits either.

The Lifesystems headnet is very good as it folds up and slips in your Pocket.



I think that the species of midge may have a lot to do with the effectiveness of various chemicals. Haaving said that I have never had an issue with most UK midges, the Scots West Coast variety being the exception. These I rate with blackfly, tropical mosquitoes and tsetse fly for pure embuggerance factor. Clegs, although having a bit of a bite are tolerable except when in very large swarms.

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not sure why, but the buggers dont bite me, i must have bad blood. but the ex uses skin so soft form avon.


oh they will you just don't react to the bite. I had an interesting conversation with the boatman on loch awe, he never suffered from his midges but had just spent a week in the English lakes and was covered in bites / reaction to bites

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I think that the species of midge may have a lot to do with the effectiveness of various chemicals. Haaving said that I have never had an issue with most UK midges, the Scots West Coast variety being the exception. These I rate with blackfly, tropical mosquitoes and tsetse fly for pure embuggerance factor. Clegs, although having a bit of a bite are tolerable except when in very large swarms.


"clegs" round here they are horseflies and by crickey they hurt when they bite and often create bad reactions / infections. The name "Cleg" or "cleggie" etc is used for different bugs in different places I have found. Surely you don't find the bite of a horsefly tolerable? If so your the first I have found

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By god cleg bites (yup horseflies) are not painless but they a lot less of a nuisance than midges. Never had one swell but the mother in law ends up like a balloon when bitten. I have had a swarm of midges descent on us when over two miles out to sea fishing for herring, sometimes there is no escape from the damn things.

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Stood in the gate way to my mates field the other night talking to him and his misses. She was swotting like a good un barely bothered me or my mate.

I can't stand clegs they make me itch like hell. I have some issue stuff from when my lad was in the cadets that works but isn't pleasant.

Not tried ASSS but my former boss, his mate and other halves went to some tropical island both blokes got bitten wives used skin so soft were not.

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