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smashed my pb

pork chop

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me and 204 rem was up in the peak district this morning on one of my farms after some crows and may be the odd hare or two and had a great morning,there was hardly a breath of wind to speak of which makes a change and i had a feeling i could beat my personal best on a crow which till now was 360 yrd.not been there long when 204 rem shot a nice hare at 200 yrd and as we tend to shoot in turn the next shot was mine which with my luck turned out to be a pair of crows way off in the distance 690 yrd so the range finder said ,looked at the i touch app wound in 53 clicks up and 7 left for wind let fly dont know you was more shocked me or the crow which after a couple of flaps lay still :D now i know there was quite a bit of luck involved but i dont care for me thats a shot i will remember for the rest of my life and may never repeat but that wont stop me trying,finished off the morning with another crow at 460 yrds then i got two more hares one at 420 yrd and the other at 260 yrd .dont normaly shoot many hares but ive never seen so many in one place before and its not a farm we shoot much

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nicely done as the old adage goes 'the more I practice the more luckier I get' a stroke of luck is failing in a sh*ty pit and coming out wearing a gold rolex, that is good shooting no shame in being chuffed to bits.

Was this with the .22BR?

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good pal still can't stand the stock but that will be fixed soon.going from anschutz to cz i thought i would not feel it but its impressing me and the way the rifle is put together seems spot on.the new stock is being pimped by dave and if that all feels as good as it looks it will be a keeper.

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Nice going mate, I'm out at the minute with Nige Practice practice practice lol ;) bloody good shooting :)

cheers buddy,was up there the other week and had a bad morning but came away with a soild 500 yrd zero which helped this morning as it all seemed to come together pritty well,my mate didnt do to good this morning in the end as he changed his stock for one with mag and lost his zero slightly but like the other week he came away with a good zero and his drops sorted so should be good to go next time out

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as you say buddy luck has alot to do with it ,but i like to think i played my part buy shooting straight for a change just glad my mate was there to see it coz he would never believe i pulled it off just need to do it again or even better break 700 yrd now that would be something ;)

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Sounds like you had a cracking day out, what pills you putting thru the .204?

39 gr bk,its been a long time coming not done much now for a while,thinking back to yesterday i im more pleased with the crow at 460 yrd as the 690 yrd shot had a fair old bit of luck involved

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as you say buddy luck has alot to do with it ,but i like to think i played my part buy shooting straight for a change just glad my mate was there to see it coz he would never believe i pulled it off just need to do it again or even better break 700 yrd now that would be something ;)

bloody hell PC awsome ! iv been trying since january for a 500 -600 yarder but all near missis so far ! i shoot mainley in a big valley the wind is V-hard to judge (i use a kestral) but its the angle / cosine uphill / downhill together with the variable wind and never constant speed or direction ! been practising today on steel out to 580. practice makes perfect ! ATB..tim..

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yes buddy i was very happy with that one,like you been trying for ages to break 500yrd had plenty of near misses also if you put enough lead in the air you've got to get lucky at some point,now just need to do it again to prove it was'nt a fluke just hope it does'nt take as long this time

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How can it be luck if you aimed at it,my longest crow is 496yds,had plenty out to that range but still haven't broken the 500yd barrier on a crow,I use 25-06 with 85gr nos bal tips,past 500yds it gets tricky

yes i do tell myself that :D truth is shot at a few in the same field same sort of range and he's the first one i've hit,bloody good shot though if i say so myself

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How can it be luck if you aimed at it,my longest crow is 496yds,had plenty out to that range but still haven't broken the 500yd barrier on a crow,I use 25-06 with 85gr nos bal tips,past 500yds it gets tricky

Very few shooters will be 100% at those sort of ranges.

The more shots fired and missed,and the greater the average distance missed by,the more one hit approaches "luck".10 shots fired,and 9 strike within in say 5 inches,and 1 hits-it isn't really luck,compared to 10 shots fired,nine of which are 1-2 feet off,but one hits-that is much closer to what we mean by luck.Doing the second thing again,ie one hit and nine not really near,hardly helps-that is much more likely to be another fluke.

"Put plenty of lead in the air' is OK if it means shots will be near misses with a few hits,as no-one can depend on a hit every shot,especially under field conditions,but if it means "keep spraying and praying,"then you are in fluke land,essentially,even if there are two hits.

Good shooting clearly depends on the hit/miss ratio and the size of the misses (or their standard deviation,maybe).


Other achievements can be like this,and some again are not-If a sprinter had only ever run one 100m in 9.5 it would still be an impressive world record(U Bolt has of course quite a good group of close to that; Bob Beamon did not long jump over 28 feet very often, but it was still an outstanding world record,especially as no-one else came close,despite their being the worlds best in the same competition.)


But hitting a clay pigeon at 1000y once with 100 shots isn't very impressive,if the standard deviation of the misses is 5 feet.

For that matter,one hit with one shot is 'not proven' either!


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I was an inch or two away from a magpie at 754yds,had the elevation cock on,seen the dust kick up on the right,it's a lot to ask from a 85gr nosler ballistic tip,a 6.5x284 with a 140gr berger I think you would have a more realistic chance at that range.

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I was an inch or two away from a magpie at 754yds,had the elevation cock on,seen the dust kick up on the right,it's a lot to ask from a 85gr nosler ballistic tip,a 6.5x284 with a 140gr berger I think you would have a more realistic chance at that range.

Completely agree.No one makes that kind of shot every time-with anything.But good shots/equipment are pretty close almost all the time,and do make some of them-you are at the limit anyhow of the precision envelope of the rifle even if all the wind calls etc are spot on.The real criterion is whether this is the typical result,or just happens one in ten/more-with some shots a long ways off(say 15 inches-or worse).Consistency means a lot-10 shots,all misses but all within a half minute of angle is much more impressive than say two hits,and the rest variously feet away-that is

It's essentially why we look for groups not single shots,and work out standard deviations-but even hit/miss ratios are not always reported for essentially meaningless (or being generous,'not proven') one off "PBs". Fool's gold,usually.


Gbal(ballistic pyrites assay office,PB 1018 yards,one shot one hit).

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I use a 25-06 tikka t3 varmint as standard,it shoots clover leaf and better at 100yds with the 85gr nosler ballistic tips,have shot into 0.750 oai at 400yds and under 2 inches at 500yds,my last attempt at 500yds I either pulled a touch or the wind took it a fraction,I had 2 smack bang in the mid of the target and one out to the right which opened group out too 2.7 inches,the rifle is awesome,I would recommend it to anyone

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I use a 25-06 tikka t3 varmint as standard,it shoots clover leaf and better at 100yds with the 85gr nosler ballistic tips,have shot into 0.750 oai at 400yds and under 2 inches at 500yds,my last attempt at 500yds I either pulled a touch or the wind took it a fraction,I had 2 smack bang in the mid of the target and one out to the right which opened group out too 2.7 inches,the rifle is awesome,I would recommend it to anyone

That's good consistency,especially for a relative kicker like 25-06.

Actually,for a varmint rifle,5 spaced single 'first shot' target hits/very close are more informative of its potential than a 5 shot group-though the 5 shot is impressive too,when very small- but if the group opens up a little on the last shots,it's much less of an issue,as it's unlikely to arise in live varminting.



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So close yesterday evening,750yd crow,I was bang on line and missed over by a whisker grrrr

OK-seems you are there....when you factor in the precision of the rifle,there will be shot to shot dispersal that has nothing at all to do with your ability,(in effect,the rifle is a like a very tight choke shotgun),and it will be larger(wider esp) than crow size at 750-or larger than a whiskered crow! While a hit is 'psychologically satisfying',perhaps, such a near miss is actually just as good a shot...esp from the crow's point of view! (if you miss several times again, in that same precision defined box,of course,as in my previous post point.)

Getting consistently in the box is skill,strictly centering the box on the crow is,and given that,which shots actually hit is pretty much luck....as is the exact location of shots in a very good group.


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