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ACPO guide lines to the police

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Hi Guys,



Does anyone know if ACPO lists a guidline spreed sheet for the police to use when looking into rifles, bit like what BASC do (Guidence to the police)


Cheers guys,





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There is a Home Office guide for Police in interpreting the Firearms Acts. It's on-line if I remember correctly.




Cheers Vince,


I know about the home office guidelines, but my local police say they are refuring to the ones by ACPO?


Cant find any???






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Do police forces have to go by ACPO guidelines or are they Individually enforcing their own rules

an example of this is:

Some of us have asked for Lawful quarry to be placed upon our certificates, yet the police seem to not want to use this wording and are currently choosing certain species fox,rabbit, deer.


If I were out at night using say a .223 which has the capability for muntjac,yet on the certificate the local police force have imposed a stipulation of fox,I would be breaking the law if I shot a muntjac.

surely Using ACPO guidelines this calibre is well suitd for other species other than fox.


I find the whole saga confusing.I would much rather see an even playing field for everyone, Yet some police forces seem to differ

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My local police say that a .204 Ruger is not suited for vermin as it is way to powerfull, we do have fox over here. They were following home office guidlines but no since ive got them on that they say they are now following guidlines set by ACPO??


The largets cf we are or have been allowed over here is at the moment is .22 hornet or .17 rem ! but according to them the .204 is not issued in the uk for vermin control????!!!! ARe they right???!!!



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The plods make up their own rules as they go along, for example with regard to what you can buy at an RFD without showing your FAC, and they bully RFDs (most of whom don't need much bullying) into going along with this. It's been the case for a long time. Those Brit shooting associations who've gone through the motions of resisting it haven't succeeded, and/or haven't tried hard enough. Maybe it's because there are just too few of us to be electorally significant, and the shooting sports have always been riven by factionalism. What kind of effort has been made, for example, to boycott the Olympic shooting events, to highlight the outrageous restrictions faced by Brit shooters? Damn all as far as I can see.


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The plods make up their own rules as they go along, for example with regard to what you can buy at an RFD without showing your FAC, and they bully RFDs (most of whom don't need much bullying) into going along with this. It's been the case for a long time. Those Brit shooting associations who've gone through the motions of resisting it haven't succeeded, and/or haven't tried hard enough. Maybe it's because there are just too few of us to be electorally significant, and the shooting sports have always been riven by factionalism. What kind of effort has been made, for example, to boycott the Olympic shooting events, to highlight the outrageous restrictions faced by Brit shooters? Damn all as far as I can see.




Not a truer word typed!

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Not a truer word typed!


I agree, I often think the unofficial police guide lines are to make anything to do with firearms as difficult as possible for law abiding citizens in the hope we get sick of jumping thru hoops and give up firearms possession altogether.

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I agree, I often think the unofficial police guide lines are to make anything to do with firearms as difficult as possible for law abiding citizens in the hope we get sick of jumping thru hoops and give up firearms possession altogether.



Never will I do that I'll jump thro as many as it takes each and everytime.

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