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John MH

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Everything posted by John MH

  1. No wind shield provided with V4, it comes with a wind shield lid which replaces the the Fx120 lid.
  2. There is no problem showcasing, if you want the 'sell' on here then a conversation with Brown Dog will be required and probably a 'Trade Membership'. Looks good though any other actions planned?
  3. 6XC is great, I have never used RS70 though. I mainly used N160 for many years and have been using RS60 for the last couple with old style DTACs and the new RBT DTACS.
  4. It took 15 years to get from 24 to 30 to the current 100+.
  5. Was 110 Competitors yesterday.
  6. Whatever, you don't really know me and have got lots wrong in your post above, I don't care what you think. I suggest you move on.
  7. They CSR Team survived. Results here
  8. I edited that after seeing that you asked two questions in separate posts. Struggling to keep up. I believe your question has been answered quite clearly.
  9. As far as Russia goes I would recommend you follow the IOC stance.
  10. I still have no idea what you are blabbering about.
  11. I have no idea what you are blabbering about. I asked a question.
  12. Who did you message I think maybe you are a bit paranoid but I'm sure you'll get over it.
  13. It's awful, I think that Putin will probably move on Moldova next if he is successful in Ukraine. It is very unlikely he would be able to hold the whole of Ukraine against the peoples will and if he ends up occupying all of it there will likely be a long period of attrition by IED and Stinger Missile, it would be another Afghanistan for the Russians. In Afghanistan they finally withdrew when they could no longer move around safely once the Mujahedeen were suppled with Stinger Missiles by the USA. All that the free world can currently do without escalating to WWIII is to be united in excluding Russia from anything that could be considered normal business that includes all forms of Sport, good call on the IOC after initial hesitation.
  14. Yes YorkshireShooter was temporarily blocked for about 30 mins as it was flagged a a spammer account. It was unflagged after 30 mins. When multiple accounts are opened in a short period of time to post in one thread they get flagged.
  15. Technical issue, what is your account name? Three accounts were temporarily blocked when they were all opened within minutes of each other to post in the same thread.
  16. Simon Take your tripe elsewhere and I’m not your Buddy. Regards John
  17. The meme blog is very funny but has absolutely nothing to do with me. Blocking people from Private Facebook Groups is vey common..
  18. No it is not and hasn’t been since multiple accounts were opened within minutes of each other to post in this thread.
  19. Lots of people have a genuine interest, why can the GBPRA not be transparent with the truth? Why promise/advertise stuff that will not be delivered? Why make statements that are not followed up? I fully recognise that a lot of good work has been done by the GBPRA but the propaganda is still off the mark.
  20. So the answer is ‘the disinformation continues’.
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