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Remmy Mag system

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This morning the post dropped off my new mag system for my remmy 243.

I'm extremely happy with my little 243 stainless remmy sporter that I have since over a year, except

for the fact that feeding was always sticky and has sometimes caused delay in a second shot.

Last week I finally ordered a mag system from Roedale that uses the AI 5 or 10 shot mags. I stuck

to a 5 shot mag for now. After work I fitted it to my stock, it was a bit more work fitting this to our Remmy stock

than fitting a Roedale Howa sytem to our Howa stock. After half an hour of dremel and file work it was done.

The feeding issue was solved, even empty cases feed perfect and chamber.

This system is on the rifle to stay. Solved the remmy sickness. I'm really happy.


On the way home a quick detour to a farm I spotted a fox cub at a bit over 200 yds. This thing looked tiny through the

little 6x42 chinese scope I have fitted for the time being.

Anyway a frontal shot under the chin ruined his day.




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Nice one Edie, the AICS mags are very good at feeding most cartridges from the aftermarket bottom metal systems.



I havent tried a Roedale one, but I do have SYSS and Badger systems that accept the same mags - never a problem with them.

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Not sure if it is a good idea to warm up the old arguments.

I just gave a heads up to a newish product on the market. Having fitted badger systems before

I see an advantage at least in fitting time and weight of the product.

One can always decide if one wants a product from x, y or z.

This is just one alternative...

I was lucky up to now with roedale, had a sporter hunting rifle made from an old sako action which

was back to me in less than half a year. Won a 300yd comp last weekend with that rifle although

AI's with uso scopes, TRG's, Blaser's and a few F-class rigs where present.



one difference in the mag system I found was that the tangs are the same size as original remmy,

meaning the stock does not need to be milled deeper and larger in this area compared to other systems.



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Not sure if it is a good idea to warm up the old arguments.

I just gave a heads up to a newish product on the market. Having fitted badger systems before

I see an advantage at least in fitting time and weight of the product.

One can always decide if one wants a product from x, y or z.

This is just one alternative...

I was lucky up to now with roedale, had a sporter hunting rifle made from an old sako action which

was back to me in less than half a year. Won a 300yd comp last weekend with that rifle although

AI's with uso scopes, TRG's, Blaser's and a few F-class rigs where present.



one difference in the mag system I found was that the tangs are the same size as original remmy,

meaning the stock does not need to be milled deeper and larger in this area compared to other systems.




I can not believe that this blatant advert for roedale is aloud to be on here yet again.

you know the past dealings with this chap and bar less than an hand full of people have been satisfied with the customer service or lack there off. this individual is actually baned from advertising his stuff on here and can not even mention it.

there are all so payed sponsors of this board that actuly make the same kind of stuff them selves. IE baldi Dave and SYSS

they have in fact have had it out for quit some time.

o and have a (as far as i know ) an unblemished record and fantastic after sales.


shall we make a list of satisfied customers for roedale and SYSS and see what the out come is.

i put it to you EDI you have blatantly advertised for roedale as he has not been on here for ages but low and behold who was on here this morning? you guess it the man him self.

as for not bringing up the past,well I'm afraid in this and most of things you do in life you are only as good as your word.

i don't think i have to go through all the old threads to prove what I'm saying.

for armed is for warned.

And if anyone buys anything from this chap and comes on here moaning with all that has been said well there post should be removed as well as they get what they deserve.




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wind yer kneck in Colin. you have no idea of our current situation and no idea of what the future holds.


someone emailed me a link and i just followed it here, it wasn't Edi.


Now i do not want to advertise in any way shape or form, so please edit anything that is considered a sales pitch and i also didnt have an intention of posting, but will not stand for the past bieng brought up without reason, and i will not stand for anyone bringing my name into disrepute without due cause. Especialy you Colin.


And if i may, the record needs setting straight.



Everyone knows that I had a shed load of problems in the past. 2 very demanding jobs, 370km apart, a wife ill, 2 kids to care for, a father ill, mother with alzheimers was simply a reciepie for disater. I am the 1st to admit, bad decisions where made, cockups where made, I did all I could to make it as right as I could, but still some customers where very unhappy, for that I am truely, and eternaly sorry, i just couldn't avoid it, if i could have i would have.


That however is a thing of the past.


The Past is the Past Gentlemen.

Every small company starting out suffers teething problems, and God knows we've had more than our fair share, add some personal problems into the mix and something will go wrong.add a couple of folk with a vendetta blowing wind and spouting crap at every oppertunity and ones name is quickly tainted. Still, under the same circumstances I would have like to have seen anyone do any better at all. move on.



The Present is the Present Gentlemen.

Since going full time the company has gone from stength to strength, ( with the occasional supplier caused hickup along the way, which continues occasionaly to be a right pain in the butt for now) increased local production of own design parts and accessories go a long way to combat such problems, as i am sure several companies in the UK are aware, as own manufacture of parts is the way several companies are going, We've weeded through the local companies to which we sub contract parts manufacture and have come up with a couple of very reliable partners, ( you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find the right companies mind,) expansion of own production capability and machine park increases efficiency to boot. Currently we employ 4 staff and are expanding as demand is increasing. I put my head down and worked my balls off, going on the motto of Winston Churchill, " if your going through hell, keep going" and I cant think of another company that has fielded as many own products over the last 2 years as we have and we aren't done yet. Increased production capability, storage area and sales area, exhibiting at the IWA the past 2 years as well as working closely with the University of Applied Science on R&D has paid massive dividends.


The Future is the Future Gentlemen

Non reliance on external suppliers from abroad is the way we are moving rapidly, additional staff, larger premesis, increased export and branching into the Defence-LE market is on the agenda for next year. The possibility of supplying a large retail-wholesale outlet with our suppressors as well as supplying the German Army with suppressors are currently in discussion as are contracts for the supply of sniper rifles to certain agencies. Turnover has trebled if not quadrupled since mid 2009 and its a trend we expect to continue for a while yet.




To Edi's post, if i am not mistaken a forum is supposed to be a place where folk can swap info, un biased opinions and talk about methods and kit they use. As well as have a bit of fun and meet new folk.

If then on here, one is only allowed to mention equipment from companies who advertise on here, is not the integrity and very purpose of such a forum totaly out of balance ?


Thankyou for your time Gentlemen.

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Well Col, nice to hear of you again.

A few years ago we where all slurping beer together and you seemed best of buddies with Pete Lincoln.

Times change.


All I can say is I have bought this product for my hunting rifle, I am not aware that you have designed or

built a comparerable product. A mag system where one can actually put back the original floorplate into the stock

if one wants to.

Up to now I have mostly looked on the mainland for my shooting gear, but this year I have booked in to visit

your CLA for two days. I am looking forward to seeing innovative products from your'e self and similar

innovative people.

I will always promote a good product. I don't sell any shooting related products that I don't manufacture myself

and have therefore no gain. But I shoot just about every day and always on the lookout for the best gear.



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I am the 1st to admit, bad decisions where made, cockups where made, I did all I could to make it as right as I could, but still some customers where very unhappy, for that I am truely, and eternaly sorry, i just couldn't avoid it, if i could have i would have.



had you just bowed down and said sorry years ago instead of posting pages mind numbing excuses and undeliverable guarantees, your reputation would not be in shreds and your name not mud in this country, bad feelings run deep mate.



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wind yer kneck in Colin. you have no idea of our current situation and no idea of what the future holds.


someone emailed me a link and i just followed it here, it wasn't Edi.


Now i do not want to advertise in any way shape or form, so please edit anything that is considered a sales pitch and i also didnt have an intention of posting, but will not stand for the past bieng brought up without reason, and i will not stand for anyone bringing my name into disrepute without due cause. Especialy you Colin.


And if i may, the record needs setting straight.



Everyone knows that I had a shed load of problems in the past. 2 very demanding jobs, 370km apart, a wife ill, 2 kids to care for, a father ill, mother with alzheimers was simply a reciepie for disater. I am the 1st to admit, bad decisions where made, cockups where made, I did all I could to make it as right as I could, but still some customers where very unhappy, for that I am truely, and eternaly sorry, i just couldn't avoid it, if i could have i would have.


That however is a thing of the past.


The Past is the Past Gentlemen.

Every small company starting out suffers teething problems, and God knows we've had more than our fair share, add some personal problems into the mix and something will go wrong.add a couple of folk with a vendetta blowing wind and spouting crap at every oppertunity and ones name is quickly tainted. Still, under the same circumstances I would have like to have seen anyone do any better at all. move on.



The Present is the Present Gentlemen.

Since going full time the company has gone from stength to strength, ( with the occasional supplier caused hickup along the way, which continues occasionaly to be a right pain in the butt for now) increased local production of own design parts and accessories go a long way to combat such problems, as i am sure several companies in the UK are aware, as own manufacture of parts is the way several companies are going, We've weeded through the local companies to which we sub contract parts manufacture and have come up with a couple of very reliable partners, ( you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find the right companies mind,) expansion of own production capability and machine park increases efficiency to boot. Currently we employ 4 staff and are expanding as demand is increasing. I put my head down and worked my balls off, going on the motto of Winston Churchill, " if your going through hell, keep going" and I cant think of another company that has fielded as many own products over the last 2 years as we have and we aren't done yet. Increased production capability, storage area and sales area, exhibiting at the IWA the past 2 years as well as working closely with the University of Applied Science on R&D has paid massive dividends.


The Future is the Future Gentlemen

Non reliance on external suppliers from abroad is the way we are moving rapidly, additional staff, larger premesis, increased export and branching into the Defence-LE market is on the agenda for next year. The possibility of supplying a large retail-wholesale outlet with our suppressors as well as supplying the German Army with suppressors are currently in discussion as are contracts for the supply of sniper rifles to certain agencies. Turnover has trebled if not quadrupled since mid 2009 and its a trend we expect to continue for a while yet.




To Edi's post, if i am not mistaken a forum is supposed to be a place where folk can swap info, un biased opinions and talk about methods and kit they use. As well as have a bit of fun and meet new folk.

If then on here, one is only allowed to mention equipment from companies who advertise on here, is not the integrity and very purpose of such a forum totaly out of balance ?


Thankyou for your time Gentlemen.



my neck is wound in yours is by contrast out on the chopping block again i see. :rolleyes:

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To Edi's post, if i am not mistaken a forum is supposed to be a place where folk can swap info, un biased opinions and talk about methods and kit they use. As well as have a bit of fun and meet new folk.

If then on here, one is only allowed to mention equipment from companies who advertise on here, is not the integrity and very purpose of such a forum totaly out of balance ?


Thankyou for your time Gentlemen.





We no longer have paid sponsors and fund the site ourselves for the simple reason that we aren't beholding to anyone.Simply put if we think somethings good we say so and all the companies on the right have provided good products AND service therefore have free advertising

All we hear from you is same old same old as to why you haven't come up with the goods and on that basis thats why we don't want your stuff plugged on here

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We no longer have paid sponsors and fund the site ourselves for the simple reason that we aren't beholding to anyone.Simply put if we think somethings good we say so and all the companies on the right have provided good products AND service therefore have free advertising


fair enough


All we hear from you is same old same old as to why you haven't come up with the goods,


what goods, ? have i had anything to do with anything on here in the last 18months? sorry, but i didnt bring the past up. but when some one else does, I have a right to say that things where as they where and why, and that things have progressed drasticaly since then. why some folk can't look forward instead of backward is beyond me, am I to be tarnished by a hard time for the rest of my life? Sorry, but i truely think that folk, including my self should be given a chance, i realy do think i deserve better than to be abused on the internet for a situation which is 2 - 3 years old.



and on that basis thats why we don't want your stuff plugged on here,


like i said, you are basing your judgement on old hat, its realy a shame that some of you lot can't see the forward thinking, innovation, design tallent and production capability because contrary to popular ukvarminting belief, Roedale Precision has one hell of a lot to offer these days. But hey, i can live with that. so excuse me for dropping by.

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And what else can you base an opinion on if not past experience and previous reputation ?


Remember instead of holding your hands up at the time you chose to come up with a plot that the Eastenders scriptwriter would have been proud of where you blamed everyone else but yourself.What with defective exhausts,militant builders,dodgy phone signals,incompetent suppliers,couriers that wouldn't courier, and half of Germany turning into Atlantis are you really surprised that we're sceptical


I seriously hope that you've resolved your problems but until we start getting favourable reports across the board you won't get recommendations on here

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Admin,. / Vermicinerator


all i told was the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. if people had problems believing that, what can I do. 1 problem does not cause a situation, several problems do and the situation was very complicated, i treid to explain and only got mobbed. Situation is different today, not as i had wished it, but different. I'm fulltime, with 4 staff, my Wife is no longer ill, my Dad is dead and my Mum is in a home.



and i realy did nearly pop my clogs with a dodgey exhaust in a ford escort i bought of ebay, i can show you the bill for the ambulance, i got rid of the car, pointing out the exhaust prob to the next owner of course. can show you the solicitors letters ref the builder and getting the moeny back. mobile phone coverage may or may not have improved, makes no odds these days, suppliers continue to be incompetent, but thats a well known fact in the gun trade and absolutely the reason to make as much as you can your self in house or localy contracted. Couriers are still useless. from the 200odd packages we ship each month they loose .5% and misplace 5 % for more than a week. but we've shipping ensurance to cover it. Now luckily the drainage system put in with the new workshop has prevented and more floods.


no bullshit, bo excuses, 100% absolute truth. don't believe me? tough for me. i can live with it.



Col. my kneck is exactly where it should be, between the thinktank that is my head, and the wide wide shoulders carrying the burdens that are bestowed upon me.



DevlishDave: Arte Et Marte. believe it or not, exactly that phrase is bieng engraved on every single Avenger II action. By Skill & Fighting. sums it up eh.


anyhow, the machine has finished now, so i'm back of the pc.



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People dont want to hear a barrel load excuses whether they are 100% true or not, i simple "sorry i made a mistake" would have put you in much higher regard in the eyes of those who thought they were getting bullshitted.




People dont want to hear a barrel load excuses whether they are 100% true or not thats one of the problems with society today I guess. any anyhow, prior to, during and post explanation of what how and why, appologies where made. Like I said, the past is the past and I think it only fair that the past is let go, do people go around saying, "don't buy a japanese car, they rust like hell" no they don't, because rusty nissans are a thing of the past.

Wouldn't it be nice if people said "hats off to Pete, he's gone through a hard time, but with hard work, dedication and ingenuity he's marketing some superb own design products these days, well done !" maybe that is wishfull thinking among the crowd here, but if some would simply refrain from jumping on me and dragging past issues up everytime someone mentions my name it would certainly be much more constructive for the whole of the firearms industry and consumer alike.


We don't sell all that much to the UK, although it is gradualy increasing, and i'm sure there is a lot of waryness due to the past problems.

Although we don't financialy need to sell anything in the UK, other markets are far less cut-throat, with far less competition. But I am a Brit and would take great pleasure from more contact with my own countrymen and I believe we as a company have a lot to offer to a lot of sheeters in the UK.

I certainly don't want to put folks backs up by self advertising here, I would however like to put the record straight in saying that Roedale Precision today has grown, and moved on from the problems of the past, we are working hard and expanding and have many interesting products. certainly we, like most are still suffering from the problematic supply from the USA and we like many are taking steps to combat this. We and especialy I would like to be given a chance on the UK scene and it would be nice if that where to happen.



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here we go again Pete Lincoln looking for sympathy,dont you ever get fed up with trying to justify your own ###### ups,as we get sick of reading the same old that which promotes growth and vigour and excuses

you must be very careful when you wake up in the morning as something always happens to you.

you must be the unluckiest man in the world

as its been already said you should have " been honest and held your hands up" and said "sorry" instead of winding people up month after month with no contact and piss poor unbelievable excuses

yes that which promotes growth and vigour stick and will stick to you for a long time,seems your also messing people around on snipers hide,or so I am told

same old Roedale it will never change

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Tell you what shootingbags and sporting rifles, where certain folk are concerened i don't give a damn if i put thier backs up or not, because what some of the folk on here put me through in public was nasty, un called for and certainly out of line. I wouldn't wish what i had to deal with back then on anyone else and yes, unlucky I was, but bad luck seems to come and go so you can keep your sympathy. Some of that might have been in order 2 years ago, or as my Dad passed away in Feb, but not now.

And as far as my comments go, i don't care how often I have to tell the truth, even if some are sick of hearing it. Want me to stop explaining the past, stop attacking me with it, its as simple as that.


see what i mean, its like I said some folk can't let the past go. now Ive no reason to mention anything from the past, and it suits me if its dead and buried, but I am damned if i will

take a slagging all over again for a situation which was over 2 years ago, was beyond me control and is history. Time has moved on, Roedale has moved on, so maybe some other folk should move on too.


i'm not messing anyone around anywhere, not here, not on the hide.


But in an industry where messing around is commonplace and some suppliers do occasionaly mess gunsmiths and retailers around, this inturn unfortunately always gets passed down the line to the end customer, thats pretty common throughought the industry and most of us are sick of it, some sit and moan, others find solutions.


Every company, irrelevant of thier business field will experience difficult customers from time to time. Some of these customers like to voice thier point of view on the net.

I occasionaly get one who cannot grasp that to export firearms abroad certain paperwork has to be in order, and that the authorites issuing this paperwork cannot be bribed, threatened or pushed into working any quicker. Your reference to snipershide, sporting rifles is exactly such a case. guy in spain,already upset because the US supplier kept us waiting on his parts, his rifle ready he had simply to wait until export papers where issued and rifle courier booked and rifle sent, which took about 4 weeks longer than he would have liked. so he got irate, his panik was understandable as he needed to sell the rifle to generate cash due to going bankrupt or loosing a bunch of Gov't contracts, but i don't see what an issue that was resolved as soon as the paperwork was issued has to do with you or anyone else ?



I thought maybe after 18months of absence I could perhaps return to this site and participate in what should be our common goals, that is, the promotion and furtherment of our sporting interests and the firearms industry in general, the interest in conservation and natural habitat. and the common goal of private firearms ownership etc. It seems I was wrong, it seems that these days compassion is a little found quality, appreciation of hard work is none excistent and an eye for ingenuity is blind.






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Tell you what shootingbags and sporting rifles, where certain folk are concerened i don't give a damn if i put thier backs up or not, because what some of the folk on here put me through in public was nasty, un called for and certainly out of line. I wouldn't wish what i had to deal with back then on anyone else and yes, unlucky I was, but bad luck seems to come and go so you can keep your sympathy. Some of that might have been in order 2 years ago, or as my Dad passed away in Feb, but not now.

And as far as my comments go, i don't care how often I have to tell the truth, even if some are sick of hearing it. Want me to stop explaining the past, stop attacking me with it, its as simple as that.


see what i mean, its like I said some folk can't let the past go. now Ive no reason to mention anything from the past, and it suits me if its dead and buried, but I am damned if i will

take a slagging all over again for a situation which was over 2 years ago, was beyond me control and is history. Time has moved on, Roedale has moved on, so maybe some other folk should move on too.


i'm not messing anyone around anywhere, not here, not on the hide.


But in an industry where messing around is commonplace and some suppliers do occasionaly mess gunsmiths and retailers around, this inturn unfortunately always gets passed down the line to the end customer, thats pretty common throughought the industry and most of us are sick of it, some sit and moan, others find solutions.


Every company, irrelevant of thier business field will experience difficult customers from time to time. Some of these customers like to voice thier point of view on the net.

I occasionaly get one who cannot grasp that to export firearms abroad certain paperwork has to be in order, and that the authorites issuing this paperwork cannot be bribed, threatened or pushed into working any quicker. Your reference to snipershide, sporting rifles is exactly such a case. guy in spain,already upset because the US supplier kept us waiting on his parts, his rifle ready he had simply to wait until export papers where issued and rifle courier booked and rifle sent, which took about 4 weeks longer than he would have liked. so he got irate, his panik was understandable as he needed to sell the rifle to generate cash due to going bankrupt or loosing a bunch of Gov't contracts, but i don't see what an issue that was resolved as soon as the paperwork was issued has to do with you or anyone else ?



I thought maybe after 18months of absence I could perhaps return to this site and participate in what should be our common goals, that is, the promotion and furtherment of our sporting interests and the firearms industry in general, the interest in conservation and natural habitat. and the common goal of private firearms ownership etc. It seems I was wrong, it seems that these days compassion is a little found quality, appreciation of hard work is none excistent and an eye for ingenuity is blind.






same story Peter isnt,nothing is never your fault,the truth is what it is,the thing is peter people have told the truth about the piss poor service and excuses you keep coming up with,its seems its not only the british shooters you have upset.

no one is attacking you there telling the truth on there past experience with you

you keep saying dont judge you by the past,what more does anyone have to judge you on,

people use companies by reputation and service given,your track record isnt very good,

in fact its shocking,lets look at what the public can expect to get with dealing with you

1 customer service NONE

2 communication NIL

3 time taken to do simple engineering tasks TOO LONG

4 quality of items supplied POOR

5 delivery and the companies you use SHOCKING

6 customer satifaction WELL WE ONLY HAVE TO READ THE FORUMS

all this under the banner of Roedale Precision,so what is all this firearm inovations your harping on about,other than pissing off the british shooters who trusted your bull that which promotes growth and vigour

whats up Peter work dried up and you need to try again over here.

The thing is Peter you could have had a superb business with the amount of people having rifles built nowerdays,you ruined it and the only person to blame is Peter lincoln,the sooner you accept that the better

also please dont PM me with silly excuses Ive heard them all before

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I don't usually get involved in these type of threads. However after sending 2 enquiries in the last 6 months to roedale through the website and getting no reply my second chance for roedale was lost.


Admin I think this post should be closed before it gets out of hand. I see it going no where fast.

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I don't usually get involved in these type of threads. However after sending 2 enquiries in the last 6 months to roedale through the website and getting no reply my second chance for roedale was lost.


Admin I think this post should be closed before it gets out of hand. I see it going no where fast.



Hi -


you don't know how close you came to making a very very big mistake. thank god roedales customer service is still the same as always.




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How you possibly think that you can pop up and expect a clean slate with whats gone on in the past takes some believing.Every excuse in the book as to why you haven't come up with the goods time and time again and you then expect us to all take your word that things are suddenly different.Using these excuses shows a total lack of professionalism to prospective customers yet again


You seem to think that theres some sort of vendetta against you but the simple truth is that there are a number of UK based smiths that provide excellent service without the drama that a number of customers have experienced dealing with you :o


Everyone is free to make up their own minds up whether to deal with you or not


And yes I have removed the blatant advertising that you seem to attach to every post <_<

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