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.17HMR - choosing gun

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Hi all

I currently have a .22LR (CZ457) and a .223 (Tikka T3x). I'm not using the .223 much at all, as most of my targets are rabbits and I really went for the wrong calibre at the outset. My mistake. Yes, it kills rabbits effectively, but the ammo is quite pricey.

I now have a variation to purchase a .17 HMR, which should be more suited to bunnies.

Currently looking at Tikka Tx1 UPR and CZ457 Synthetic. The Tikka is over 2x the price of the CZ!

Does anyone have any thoughts on the above, or an alternative? Needs to be something I can put a moderator on, slings/bipod, and obviously scope. Not too concerned what it looks like, it just needs to be accurate with something like Hornady v-max. Ideally will be head-shooting out to 120 or so yards.

Many thanks



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I've had both, a CZ and now a Tikka Tx1. The Tikka may be a lot more expensive  but I'd choose that over the CZ any day.

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i too have had both ..in .223cal

Maybe it was because of the heavier stock being laminate on the CZ 527 Varmint and the plastic on the Tikka T3 Varmint, but that CZ was the one I wish I never got rid of - not fussy with any weight bullet and had superb accuracy (I found the Tikka too fussy, at least the one I had was)

The Tikka had the slicker action, but that's all it had going for it comparitively speaking against the CZ 527 which was solid and built like a tank, yet not heavy - CZ is 'fully' free-floated all the way to the action, (unlike my Tikka was)

Both hammer forged barrels, and in the event when you decide to pass it on you'll likely get a better return with the Tikka than the CZ. However, with the prices you have quoted for new you're not going to get the retun of over 1k difference

Massive cost saving and bullet doesn't hit the target any harder or faster than either

Over 1k saving for doing exactly the same job??- no brainer for me


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just get a standard T1x. Around £600 plus extras. You can always upgrade the stock later but I’ve not seen the need with mine.

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7 hours ago, Akeld said:

HMR ammo isn't exactly cheap either, at least with the .223 you are deer legal for roe if the opportunity arises.

Good point.


I have a .22LR and a .223 and was looking to trade-in the .223. Maybe I'd be better to trade-in the .22LR instead? Everything I read online suggests the .17HMR is a better bunny-popper than the .22LR anyway, and having coverage for Roe (I live in Scotland) would be nice to have.

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Never trade a slot in on the license. Just get a variation and another rifle . As before posts I’m using my .22 lr more than ever on the bunnies especially when the farmer has holiday people in the barns . So quiet shooting is required , upto 100 yards . 17 hmr is great with night vision as don’t need to worry about range finding ie 100-150 is easy shooting. Anything over that and it’s 223 time . 

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Thanks everyone, all great advice and thoughts.

I'm going to keep both .223 and .22LR and get a .17 HMR. That's the only real way to know what to settle on.

But before that.....a bigger gun safe!

Thanks all



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A big bratton sound is good but rated for 20 shotguns only really makes room for 6 scoped rifles if like me you prefer to have a gap for the turrets. Fits inside a wardrobe. You’ll need a strong mate and a rope to pull it up the stairs. 
just my preference that I don’t like the rifle barrel sat on the floor end . 

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Yeah it's the RD7+ I'm looking at. It's 407mm wide, versus my current cabinet at 250mm. That should allow me to store three with scopes and bipods. If I remove the bipod off my .223 I'd get another gun in there, but this extra width should allow me to keep the bipods on.

My current cab (which was bought when I just had an FAC air rifle) is also on 275mm deep so it's a snug fit with the scope; the extar depth on the RD7+ should help there too.

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Hi there 

back to your original post. Tikka t1x has a ten shot magazine and most other brands have 4 or 5 shot magazine. My anschutz is very good but I need to carry 3 loaded magazines when I’m out after bunnies. A ten shot mag is a very useful thing to have. 

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