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KMW Sentinel stocks

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There will be a batch of the KMW stocks becoming available from KMW, see here for ref.: http://www.kmwlrs.com/sentinel-stocks


There are both short and long action version available, all would have the IMB fitted and come with the matching DBM 'bottom metal'.


Colours are McMillan Black/Lt Tan/OD marble swirl and McCamo (Multicam) in the Long actions and Woodland or Desert spectre in the SA's.


They should be ready for export in the next week or so the cost by the time they reach the UK is £1408 + VAT


If anyone is interested on these please let me know or contact March Scopes UK


Brgds Terry

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The look of these stocks has always immpressed me, can anybody tell me if they are particulary light when compared to other stocks?

It depends on the stock? Weight wise probably on par with the old AICS, give or take 1/2 lb, but that's where any simularatory ends. They are extremely comfortable to hold and shoot. Basically it's a fantastic well thought out stock and a joy to use. I bit the bullet a year ago or so and certainly haven't regretted it.

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I've a spare empty stock here , with the bottom Metal and the integrated bedding it's weighing just over five pounds . That's with adjustable cheek piece and couple of spacers in the butt . They are not ideal for long stalks but the advantage in hold and comfort I would take over the weight any day . Wish I had them on a couple of other rifles but there's still time :-) that was on a simple balance but can weigh more accurate if you prefer ?


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