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Obama comes down hard on US Gunsmiths


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US gunsmiths are going to pay the heavy price of Obama placing restrictions on gun ownership.

Having failed to achieve anything in the Senate, Obama has now made an executive order that any gunsmith who does any machine type work on a firearm must register under the ITAR system.

That will cost $2,250 per year which is likely going to put some out of business.

Here are a couple of links on the subject:





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Madness - and what's more it won't achieve anything whatsoever apart from causing inconvenience.


Almost eight years in office and Obama hasn't achieved anything whatsoever.


Never mind, he'll be replaced in January by an insane egomaniac with dodgy hair or a vile feminist hag with an "iffy" past. Only the USA could elect such a succession of muppets into the White House since 1945.

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I know this is a cliche that the Americans are fond of saying namely, 'God bless America'.

They are going to need God's help I think especially when that egotistical excuse for a woman gets into power. Maggie Thatcher on steroids and with an attitude.

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It is madness and will likely lead to job losses.

Let's see if they come up with a similar 'idea' this side of the pond, it wouldn't surprise me.

If they can't get to us directly they'll do it through the back door.

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When has any head of Government in any sane society actually called the tune,,,,excepting Dictatorships,,,,firmly believe there is an underlying controlling mass we don't know much about and it aint God,,,,,yet!!!!


2% of the population own 98% of the wealth , You do not have far to look ?



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2% of the population own 98% of the wealth , You do not have far to look ?

Trying not to go too far off topic but ?? Are you talking US or UK, either way where did you obtain this statistic as it appears to be wrong?



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Interesting article: http://uk.businessinsider.com/inequality-in-the-us-is-much-more-extreme-than-you-think-2015-6


With regards to Obama taxing gns smiths that will amount to an increase in cost being passed on to customers, no business is going to simply absorb it. It will amount to an increase of approx $1.20/hour assuming a 40 hour week for 47 weeks per year. Can't see it putting many serious smiths out of business just an increase in retail prices that won't lead to any meaningful gun control whatsoever.

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Democrats don't want martial law here, they want a police state. That buck toothed sow is just the one to give it to them. One more liberal on the supreme court is all they need. they may get it anyhow after john roberts stabbed us in the back with bummy care. You can't fix stupid and we are filled with it here. A democracy can't survive with stupid people governing themselves. A court here last week struck down our North carolina law requiring a photo ID to vote saying it was designed to hurt black voters. These same black voters must present photo ID to cash a check, buy alcohol, or sign up for welfare money. Virginia governor terry McAwful is signing pardons by the thousands to convicted felons in Virginia so they can vote for the buck toothed sow. We are going down the tubes headed for a one world government. Please feel free to pity us, as we americans have done it to ourselves.

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Trying not to go too far off topic but ?? Are you talking US or UK, either way where did you obtain this statistic as it appears to be wrong?




It is a figure that I have heard mentioned a few times on the television,I have heard it several times and seems to vary between 1% and 2% owns 98%.

If this is not correct I would like to hear your explanation as to why and also what the true figures are.I am not having a go and would be genuinely interested in what you have to say and why ?

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Obama knows that he will never be able to make any meaningful changes to gun ownership in the USA, but seems determined to do something to hit the firearms industry. This is a totally pointless increase which will achieve precisely nothing. It'll be interesting to see what his spin doctors make of it. It'll probably be heralded as a "significant move which will make the USA a safer place for everybody" ..... or somesuch carp. :rolleyes:

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