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Being uncomfortable in comfort

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Currently I rely on either waterproofs or a bivi-bag if I'm shooting over bait, anyone use anything else or made anything else to allow being out in crappy weather a little more bearable, I know a bloke on here was offering a modified bivi type affair, but thats a little out of my price range

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Warmest & driest piece of kit I've seen is the DPM goretex sniper coverall - a sort sleeping bag-lined goretex romper suit / onesie


Pic of a bit of one here:




I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find them surplus somewhere or on ebay; here's an example with better pics: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/uksf-sas-goretex-sniper-suit-245287053

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Might be worth looking for something called a "crew suit", basically a DPM onesie made for boat crews to wear if they're not in a drysuit etc. Ridiculously warm, the theory is if you fall into water that is 15 deg or colder it will keep you alive for a long time. Not sure of the NSN but would definitely keep you comfortable whilst sat out in the cold and wet. Only issue is the material can be noisy if you are moving and walking a lot.



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Harkila prohunter jacket and trousers, spendy, but warm, breathable and waterproof.


Particularly wet bodmin day, prohunter suits held up to it well.



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Hi Akeld, yes it was me selling sniper bivies, not a modified bivi but current issue item, sorry they are a bit expensive, its an exoensive item to produce.

I digress, in my many years of being outside lying up or sleeping in the worst weather the wolrd can throw at you,the absolute one thing that is key is insulation and padding from the ground. Get that sorted and the rest of your observation/sleep system will work far better.

Get yourself a couple of standard compressed foam kip mats, cheap, waterproof, pretty light and have good thermal properties.

Also a simple tarp may be a better option than a cheap camping bivi, the reason being to keep the membrane off your clothing. Cheap membranes dont breath when its wet, ( nor when they are dry) neither does standard goretex, Im not going to go into details on this, the research has been done by plenty of universities, Cranfield and dst,hence gortex producing goretex defense fabric ( used in the sniper bivis) this is gas permiable etc etc.


So for you its better to have cheap waterproof high thermal foam kip mats, use 2 together for a nice thick layer, then wear a decent layering system, so on the coldest dampest wet days one or even 2 synthetic base layers, a midweight fleece or wool jumper, then your waterproof jacket. On the bottom half some insulated over trousers, or even cheap ski trousers, stuff them in your pack for the walk in to your static shooting point.

Then pop your tarp sheet up, keep it low and nice and tight, jobs a good en!

This would be a cheap and effective way of being more comfortable.

PS stay away from self inflating mats, the cheap ones are very poor choice for your end use, and since thermarests are expensive that cancels them out.


If you are already doing this, and still not comfortable then post on here the clothing and bits of kit your are actually using, there may be some tweaks I can suggest for you.


Im happy to pass on my experience for you to learn from :)

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Warmest & driest piece of kit I've seen is the DPM goretex sniper coverall - a sort sleeping bag-lined goretex romper suit / onesie


Pic of a bit of one here:




I'm sure if you look hard enough you'll find them surplus somewhere or on ebay; here's an example with better pics: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/uksf-sas-goretex-sniper-suit-245287053

A chap at a well known rifle facility swears by a issue free fall suit which I guess may be similar?
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