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Good afternoons work


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The other night I shot a vixen on some lambing ground and saw another but couldn't get a shot but I was guessing it would be the dog fox. So I went a drive round this afternoon to see if I could find anything about there and knew where some earths were and it wasn't long till I found what I was looking for 3 cubs playing on the hill side out of some gorse bushes




So I got set up on the other side of the valley and waited, after two and a half hours a adult turned up first I thought it was a vixen but once I'd shot it and went over it was the dog managed to get one cub aswell before they ran back in. So two cubs left to clear in the morning




Right it the middle of lambing hills



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Good going gaz,found a litter myself yesterday after telling you all my ground was cub free,just shows keep looking and they will turn up.

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Good going gaz , hope to hear later if ye catch-eth upeth with em !

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Cheers chaps ;)


I sorted the remaining cubs :)


Been out tonight no joy but it was wet and windy, but we have a fox at another free range chicken farm being a pain so I went to show good willing



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