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Annealing machine


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Try a Bench sorce this one seems a bit hit and miss

I tried doing mine in a Battery drill but that was not really as good.

Templac should not be hard to find and a bottle lasts a long time.

I know of a bloke near me that is trying to develop an automatic annealer but no news yet.

Good luck in your serch


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Ta I'll have a look at the Bench source one, this one just looks so simple and easy to make. Templac 750 F seems quite hard to find or my google skills are very poor.

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i dont stock it but i can cvertainly get it just order any temp and ill change the order to that temp

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650 will work (and is the one to use with the Benchsource). If you apply below the shoulder and not directly in the flame, by the time the 650 has melted and you have reacted, the neck and shoulder will be at temperature.

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My experience of Tempilaq is that it sucks big time, unless you're using the 450-475 F.

I like many others have never managed to get the 750 F to melt like it's supposed to, it does however turn black. Now some say you shouldn't have it directly in the flame, which makes sense, but I have painted it on the bottom of a scrapped case and have put heat on the shoulder for over a minute, and guess what, it didn't melt!


I would wait a little while longer to see if the UK made annealing machine shows up, if it does I think it will be worth the wait.

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My experience of Tempilaq is that it sucks big time, unless you're using the 450-475 F.

I like many others have never managed to get the 750 F to melt like it's supposed to, it does however turn black. Now some say you shouldn't have it directly in the flame, which makes sense, but I have painted it on the bottom of a scrapped case and have put heat on the shoulder for over a minute, and guess what, it didn't melt!


I would wait a little while longer to see if the UK made annealing machine shows up, if it does I think it will be worth the wait.


If it turns black it might need thinning out, it should be pretty runny and kept away from the naked flame as you say. Tempilaq is definitely not great but its pretty much the best thing out there at the moment.

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If it turns black it might need thinning out, it should be pretty runny and kept away from the naked flame as you say. Tempilaq is definitely not great but its pretty much the best thing out there at the moment.


I just rely on the inside of the case turning a very dull cherry red in a dark room, it seems to work and takes about 4.5 seconds on my Benchsource. What I won't do is to rely on time alone as this all dependent on the gas flow being true every time, and if you remove the nozzles ( I don't ) it's even more critical.

If I have any cases that I have culled I use these as a guinea pig, I will let it glow red in a dark room and then knock the time down by 1.5 seconds and then work back up, but the case most definitely has to be the same make and really it should be from the same batch.

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As far as gas flow goes I use a 4.5KG bottle and a gas regulator to maintain the flow, without a regulator the flow will reduce as the gas is used up and the bottle pressure drops. Temiplaq applied inside the case neck does clearly change colour when the temp reaches 750 Deg F, I use a 450 and a 350 Deg F paint on the outside of the case body.

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