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Watched a fox "crying" drawing in 2 cats, one to it's death!


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Just to briefly set the scene. I live in a village a couple of miles from our town.

I like to sleep with the window open.

In the early hours of this morning my wife and I were woken by what sounded like "crying".

I quietly went to the window and pushed it fully open. Our road has no street lights, bar the one at the end of the road at the junction some 40 (ish) yards away. The odd house keeps what I call a "front door" light on during the night, but that's it.

I could tell the crying was very close, and was in fact on the opposite side of our road, (20ish yards). I could make out a shape like a fox, but couldn't be sure at that point....

It cried a few more times, (which sounded awful!) before I then heard what sounded like the local cats "growling" at each.

I saw the one cat appear on a garden wall some 6' high (as the "PIR" light came on), on the other side of the road. I then saw another cat on our side of the road near the junction on the kerbside, and in a relatively well lit part of the road.

Both cats stayed put, but the fox slowly walked toward the junction, but stayed in the shadows.

I watched the fox make it's way to the junction, where it "cried" again, but at a lower and slower pitch, (more like a cat). I could definitely see it was a fox by now. I couldn't believe it when

(in my eyes anyhow), the fox drew the cat into the shadows on it's side of the road, making the cat believe it was facing another cat, before killing it and running off with it!! :o:o

I've seen foxes chasing cats before in our village, but never seen one mimic one and then kill it!!

The fight lasted seconds! The cat cried out at a hell of a high pitch for several seconds, before being subdued to the point of only making the usual rabbit "squeaks" that we all know. Maybe by biting it's throat??

Anybody else out there seen anything similar?

It was amazing to watch!








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I watch the foxes on the green out of bedroom window and unlike your experience I have never witnessed a fox take a cat what I did see one night was the fox appeared to be stalking the cat but then the cat started to crawl in that cat like manner towards the fox I instantly thought that's a dead cat but to my surprise the fox ran of the cat got the better of it but they are tough cats round here or soft foxes ?

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in all the years i have controlled fox numbers i have never heard of that before-i am not saying it didnt happen but a fox will at all costs not pick a fight with a moggy -they [fox]know that a cat can do serious damage and will stay clear.there are easier pickings for them without risking injury.

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in all the years i have controlled fox numbers i have never heard of that before-i am not saying it didnt happen but a fox will at all costs not pick a fight with a moggy -they [fox]know that a cat can do serious damage and will stay clear.there are easier pickings for them without risking injury.


I agree Gary. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I probably would treat the same story from another with scepticism....

Both me and the Mrs have seen the odd cat scream across the road in front of the car, closely followed by a fox. But I believe It's highly unlikely i'll ever see that again.........

It's amazing how the fox has adapted to the ever growing urban areas....

After reading your post again, it reminded me of my old Beddy Whippet bless her. Totally fearless! Yet she got her ass kicked by the neighbours moggy. Poor girl was ripped to shreds!!

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It's a few years back now, but I remember this very well. One evening in April it must have been, around 1030pm, I heard this awful cat noise, as if the cat was fighting. Soon after the noise stopped and I heard a fox call in this barking sort of call. I put the lamp out on the field, and saw the fox, sat by a hedge and another two pairs of eyes 'trotting' towards it. It transpired they were cubs.


I can only surmise that the vixen killed a cat and called the cubs to it once it was all over.


Best wishes



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Do not kill that fox he is doing a great service. He is saving countless thousand song birds...

Fair point Orka. And will restrict the amount of cat shi* I have to clear out of the flower beds!! :mad:

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Do not kill that fox he is doing a great service. He is saving countless thousand song birds...


Hear hear!

Anybody have any ideas what I could use in my air rifle to frighten them off, cats that is?

Thinking spud gun like pellets or wet paper towel bits........ proper reloading :D

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Hear hear!

Anybody have any ideas what I could use in my air rifle to frighten them off, cats that is?

Thinking spud gun like pellets or wet paper towel bits........ proper reloading :D

22bisley magnum

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22bisley magnum

:lol: Like it!

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Cats are P*****g me off, scaring the songbirds and crapping in my garden.


I find a kids water cannon from Toys Are Us pretty good out of the bedroom window. Cheap, accurate and no need for a moderator. Ammo is cheap and readily available


Now if only Baldie could Duracoat it for me and flute the barrel there could be a whole new market.

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Nice to see a moderator setting the standard...not.




Mainstream bird charities like the RSPB still believe habitat loss is the main reason so many once-common birds of our fields and hedgerows are now struggling. But other groups, notably Songbird Survival, is convinced predators, particularly birds of prey and corvids – crows, rooks and magpies – are to blame.


Then of course you get the other muppets coming out of the closet.


If we humans stopped breeding for 30 seconds, 60,000,000 plus and counting then that in turn might reduce the need for more houses etc. (loss of habitat anyone?) then there might be a chance for wildlife in this country.


Still, lets not let intelligent thought get in the way.


Back on topic, truly shocking if a fox is starting to actively hunt cats, ( peoples beloved pets, just like dogs hint hint) I know cats do get taken sometimes but this is something new to me.



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Nice to see a moderator setting the standard...not.



Then of course you get the other muppets coming out of the closet.


If we humans stopped breeding for 30 seconds, 60,000,000 plus and counting then that in turn might reduce the need for more houses etc. (loss of habitat anyone?) then there might be a chance for wildlife in this country.


Still, lets not let intelligent thought get in the way.


Back on topic, truly shocking if a fox is starting to actively hunt cats, ( peoples beloved pets, just like dogs hint hint) I know cats do get taken sometimes but this is something new to me.





I have a kind of "Love-Hate" relationship with cats.

When I find cat crap in the garden it pi55es me off, (despite having to pick up my own dogs crap :blink: ) But I can't help wretching at the smell of cat crap. No idea why....

Yet when I visit my mum, I'll happily stroke the cats and allow them to clamber on me...

Over the years I've had several occasions where a cat has been in my cross-hairs, (While scanning over ground) But I would never hurt one, as you hint at yourself, how would I feel if someone harmed my dog!.....

Just to add that we all have our own opinions, and sometimes there is no right or wrong answer....

And insulting people by calling them "muppets" doesn't help...



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I have a kind of "Love-Hate" relationship with cats.

When I find cat crap in the garden it pi55es me off, (despite having to pick up my own dogs crap :blink: ) But I can't help wretching at the smell of cat crap. No idea why....

Yet when I visit my mum, I'll happily stroke the cats and allow them to clamber on me...

Over the years I've had several occasions where a cat has been in my cross-hairs, (While scanning over ground) But I would never hurt one, as you hint at yourself, how would I feel if someone harmed my dog!.....

Just to add that we all have our own opinions, and sometimes there is no right or wrong answer....

And insulting people by calling them "muppets" doesn't help...



I agree with some aspects of your post but on the Muppet issue...no that's exactly what they are.


Expressing joy at the demise of someone's family pet is disgusting...tacit or otherwise. IMHO we all understand the meaning of what has been posted and that is beneath this web site and those who frequent it. It is nothing short of yobbish behaviour and should have no place among intelligent, lawful shooters.


The SNP want to legislate air rifle ownership. I can think of no other single act that would get a similar suggestion from Westminster than gun owners shooting other peoples pets. If the logic escapes anyone I'm not sure they should be allowed out with anything more deadly than a rubber banana.


I lost my handguns along with thousands of other safe, lawful shooters. Don't kid yourself that any shooting discipline is safe from public opinion and opportunistic politicians.



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I agree with some aspects of your post but on the Muppet issue...no that's exactly what they are.


Expressing joy at the demise of someone's family pet is disgusting...tacit or otherwise. IMHO we all understand the meaning of what has been posted and that is beneath this web site and those who frequent it. It is nothing short of yobbish behaviour and should have no place among intelligent, lawful shooters.


The SNP want to legislate air rifle ownership. I can think of no other single act that would get a similar suggestion from Westminster than gun owners shooting other peoples pets. If the logic escapes anyone I'm not sure they should be allowed out with anything more deadly than a rubber banana.


I lost my handguns along with thousands of other safe, lawful shooters. Don't kid yourself that any shooting discipline is safe from public opinion and opportunistic politicians.



This is very "off topic". But, I don't recall saying anything that implied that I'm kidding myself in not realising that any "shooting discipline" is safe from public opinion and opportunistic politicians.....

Although I know the subject you talk of......... And it stinks! Just like almost every other gun law that has been passed!!!!! :mad:

Anyhow, as I said, we all have an opinion, and we all have a right to express it....... :)

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Cats are P*****g me off, scaring the songbirds and crapping in my garden.


I find a kids water cannon from Toys Are Us pretty good out of the bedroom window. Cheap, accurate and no need for a moderator. Ammo is cheap and readily available


Now if only Baldie could Duracoat it for me and flute the barrel there could be a whole new market.

If you have a zoo near you, go and talk to one of the zookeepers and ask him for some lion droppings. I guy I know from Belfast did this and spread a bit of it round the perimeter of his garden- didn't take very much so no real mess. Basically any cat in the area smells it and runs a mile thinking there's a rather large feline in your garden. From what I heard this man never had any trouble for at least a year at which time he went back up to Belfast zoo and stocked up again!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have a zoo near you, go and talk to one of the zookeepers and ask him for some lion droppings. I guy I know from Belfast did this and spread a bit of it round the perimeter of his garden- didn't take very much so no real mess. Basically any cat in the area smells it and runs a mile thinking there's a rather large feline in your garden. From what I heard this man never had any trouble for at least a year at which time he went back up to Belfast zoo and stocked up again!

I've heard that a few times Murph, but presumed it was an old wives tale.

They don't give me enough trouble to drive an 80 mile round trip..... :)

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My German Wirehaired Pointer keeps the cats out of my garden. She would kill them if she got hold of one. Fortunately for the local cats they have realised the danger present whether she's inside or out. My kids like teasing her with the C.A.T word, she goes mental.

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They're a right pain, but I'm not sure I want them ripped to pieces! :blink:

Just looked up the German Wirehaired Pointer. Very nice looking dog! :)

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My German Wirehaired Pointer keeps the cats out of my garden. She would kill them if she got hold of one. Fortunately for the local cats they have realised the danger present whether she's inside or out. My kids like teasing her with the C.A.T word, she goes mental.

that brought back some memorys used to have a jack when i was a kid and the word cat used to send her mental,and point a rolled up news paper at her at your own risk

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