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RG Rifles

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WOW just had a fiddle with there own custom action last night,what a truely stunning bit of kit it is,this was a single shot RH bolt LH post built into a 22 BR,bolt in jewel trigger,it was just the barreled action as thr guy who it was built for had dropped on hard times,so its up for sale.tell you what i was so tempted

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I spoke to him a fortnight ago, and he had 1 long action repeater, and 2 single shot 308 bolt face shorts left.


I agree a real shame, but there just isn't the volume there to justify the huge amount of work he puts into each action.


That's why I've gone with Bordens instead

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Hi Guys

To set the record straight, Unfortunately I have stopped manufacturing actions.

The reason being that I just did not have enough time to devote to making actions to justify the capitol investement involved.

I had invested heavily in 2 new CNC machines which were not getting enough use because my time was being split between building actions and building rifles.

I did not want to stop building rifles to concentrate on the actions so unfortunately the action manufacturing had to go.

The CNC machines have gone but I still have my DSG lathe and other manual machines for barrel/rifle work.


Thank you to everyone who suported me in this venture or purchased an action or a rifle built on one over the last few years.


I am still in the business of building rifles and I an currently taking orders for Autumn delivery.


I do have one long repeater and one short single shot action left.



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Hi Guys

To set the record straight, Unfortunately I have stopped manufacturing actions.

The reason being that I just did not have enough time to devote to making actions to justify the capitol investement involved.

I had invested heavily in 2 new CNC machines which were not getting enough use because my time was being split between building actions and building rifles.

I did not want to stop building rifles to concentrate on the actions so unfortunately the action manufacturing had to go.

The CNC machines have gone but I still have my DSG lathe and other manual machines for barrel/rifle work.


Thank you to everyone who suported me in this venture or purchased an action or a rifle built on one over the last few years.


I am still in the business of building rifles and I an currently taking orders for Autumn delivery.


I do have one long repeater and one short single shot action left.



Damm shame,its about time the Uk had a top notch action,just a thought couldnt you employ someone to work the CNC machines

looks like the ones that are around will be collectable

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Damm shame,its about time the Uk had a top notch action,just a thought couldnt you employ someone to work the CNC machines

looks like the ones that are around will be collectable




We do. Its called the Valkyrie.

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Ive seen one or two Valkyries and used them , they are very nice to the eye and a joy to use, nice and smooth on the bolt and nice to actually shoot probe with as well . What else do you need and they are British . Its a win-win situation.

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Ive seen one or two Valkyries and used them , they are very nice to the eye and a joy to use, nice and smooth on the bolt and nice to actually shoot probe with as well . What else do you need and they are British . Its a win-win situation.

as I said mate Iam not getting into,whos whos and whos the best as i will only get a bann,if you get a chance to look and handle the RG action you will then know what I mean,I have one of the best actions in the world and the RG is right up there if not better,my opinion of course and dont wnat to cause offence to anyone

at the end of the day Spud any custom type will be better than what you have been used to

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Theya re truley a thing od beauty Pete ill grant a a terrible shame they will no longer be made, i bet the seconhand ones will be riseing in price as we type.




To be trithfull Pete i am quite use to Bats as well having owning one .

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Thats a great shame Russ. I know exactly what you mean regarding time etc.




For the record, I, nor anyone else has ever claimed the Valkyrie, the Alchemy, or the Ratel action were ever in the same league as Russ,s action. Russ put far more time into the final finish of his action, and they were simply better for it. They were also more expensive.


My action is made by John Carr guns, who makes the Alchemy and the Ratel....no secrets there. Each is slightly different, and has features not found on the others.


If you want an action built to the same level of finish as Russ,s were, you can have one....but at a premium price.


In my own opinion, Russ,s action is the best action i,ve ever had the pleasure of handling.....bar none....including BAT.


What John and myself are trying to do, is produce actions that are realistic to the vast majority, with a huge range of action choices and options. The next in line being the F class action. If you pass the stand at newark, you will see the new fixed lug action with a one piece bolt....again, features people kept asking for, and now have the option of, again, at a price.


We must be doing something right, i,ve built 25 valkyrie actioned rifles in the last 12 months, and people seem genuinly pleased with them.

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Thats a great shame Russ. I know exactly what you mean regarding time etc.




For the record, I, nor anyone else has ever claimed the Valkyrie, the Alchemy, or the Ratel action were ever in the same league as Russ,s action. Russ put far more time into the final finish of his action, and they were simply better for it. They were also more expensive.


My action is made by John Carr guns, who makes the Alchemy and the Ratel....no secrets there. Each is slightly different, and has features not found on the others.


If you want an action built to the same level of finish as Russ,s were, you can have one....but at a premium price.


In my own opinion, Russ,s action is the best action i,ve ever had the pleasure of handling.....bar none....including BAT.


What John and myself are trying to do, is produce actions that are realistic to the vast majority, with a huge range of action choices and options. The next in line being the F class action. If you pass the stand at newark, you will see the new fixed lug action with a one piece bolt....again, features people kept asking for, and now have the option of, again, at a price.


We must be doing something right, i,ve built 25 valkyrie actioned rifles in the last 12 months, and people seem genuinly pleased with them.

Hi dave

Iam not knocking the action you use,but I was amazed at the quality of the RG action,its truely stunning (wonder if the designs and drawing are for sale)the Uk needs a good action both top end and also a good affordable item for the normal man,I look forward to seeing what is on offer at Newark.Iam in the market for a new mod

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You,ve hit the nail on the head there Pete. In this day and age, the market will just about stand a quality action at around a grand. They sell in reasonable numbers.Its also a universal action that can be specced tight for BR etc.


Russ,s action was absolute top drawer, top end BR stuff, which is a limited market, as i,m sure Russ would agree.


Wish i had a bit of spare cash, i would have one of his remaining ones.

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You,ve hit the nail on the head there Pete. In this day and age, the market will just about stand a quality action at around a grand. They sell in reasonable numbers.Its also a universal action that can be specced tight for BR etc.


Russ,s action was absolute top drawer, top end BR stuff, which is a limited market, as i,m sure Russ would agree.


Wish i had a bit of spare cash, i would have one of his remaining ones.

I felt the same when I saw it,brand new un fired just needs a stock,bedding rings and bases,i didnt think it was out the way at £2700

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Well i have read this post with mixed feelings.It is sad that one of the finest if not the finest action ever produced in the u.k or anywherelse will no longer be produced.On the other hand i am very pleased that i have a brand new .220 swift that is built on one of russ's single shot actions by himself waiting to be stocked in march.It should of gone up in value a couple of quid hopefully.Russ i wish all the best in whatever road you go down and i am very lucky boy to have one of youre actions.


P.S Does this mean that i can buy the last single shot action you have cheap :lol:

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Great shame to hear that mate, uk Eire, europe in fact need quality items, instead of waiting months for stuff from the hand off

that the americans doent use...


Good luck to the business in the future,


Dave nice to hear business is going well...



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Hi dave

Iam not knocking the action you use,but I was amazed at the quality of the RG action,its truely stunning (wonder if the designs and drawing are for sale)the Uk needs a good action both top end and also a good affordable item for the normal man,I look forward to seeing what is on offer at Newark.Iam in the market for a new mod



I already have two of Daves Valkyrie actioned guns plus one more on the way......and two more he made me earlier on Surgeon actions ..... IMHO only an engineer could tell the difference and even then I think that he would find Daves action has tighter tolerances.


I would always go for a top-end spec action IF the price was within my reach.... a Grand is already big money when put with the rest of the build cost plus scope dies, brass etc etc etc ...so when we start to get up to £1200 or more for one component I am sure that most customers will 'drop out' on cost grounds. (Not that they wouldn't like the next best thing of course!)


I just wish we could get things like barrels closer to what Americans seem to pay if the web is to be believed? (and more readily available)



I wish , I wish etc!

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