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whos got a good stock to copy

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My stock copying machine is about to be finished very soon, what stock copies would you chaps be interested in. I am looking to take the best individual shaping from each stock to put together to make the ultimate stocks. Who has the best fore ends, cheekpieces, palm swells. Also would be up for some sort of deal if anybody is willing to lend me anything to make templates from. I would love some info on how to improve on all the F class and bench rest stocks out there. Again what are you chaps after.

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I find my Remington VS stock is good for me. The only additions or improvements I would suggest to this are side sling mounts like AI models etc and an adjustable cheek piece.


Are you just working with wood or other materials?

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I have a spare 308 Sako 75 stock here, In my opinion the best designed stock for a stalking rifle with up to a 50mm objective ever, Mcmillan seem to agree as there hunter stock is a direct copy. perhaps we could come to a deal for an un-inlet one for a future project perhaps?

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I am alright for standard Sako and Remy stocks hoping for something a little less common. I am working in laminate either plain or coloured.

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I've a Terry Cross Sentinel ( see: http://www.kmwlrs.com/SENTINELstocks.htm ) currently wating action/barrel.



Now that is what i call a really nice stock design,, it is like a hybrid Accuracy international stock????.


I would be very interested in one of these if you could produce one???



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TerryH, you are a lucky bugger. I ordered a stock and a rifle of Terry Cross and got neither. I would dearly love to copy your stock. But I would be very uncomfortable about you putting it in the post to me. Perhaps we could sort something out.Anyone got a lowrider and a Tooley MBR stock I could borrow.

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For a change I had not thought about that :lol:




The design is Terry's own. He looked round at what was avaialble and then asked his clients what they liked/wanted/disliked in the various stockes they were using. He then made a couple of prototypes which were circulated. The Sentinel is what resulted. It is a very good stock for what it was designed for - none better IMHO, I've owned/shot A.I.'s, McM A5's & A3's. The closest I've shot is the Manners T4.




Possibility of hook up - roughly where are you? I'd be interested in one in 'wood' to fit my 22rim Annie MPR into as a practice rifle.



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whereabouts are you?

If it were feasible to get them to you, I have a standard factory stock for a Sako A2 varmint as well as a thumbhole stock inlet for the same rifle. I also have spare synthetic stocks for a Tikka 595 and a Sako 75 Action 3. I'd consider lending you a 75 Action 1 as well.

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I am in Norfolk but could travel, how about a day out at Bisley. I have lots to be getting on with so no great rush September time would be good.

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I am in Norfolk but could travel, how about a day out at Bisley. I have lots to be getting on with so no great rush September time would be good.



I would be in the market for a couple of stocks in wood/lam I have a Cooper single shot which I am keen to re-stock and also an anschutz


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