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Posts posted by Bob57

  1. 23 hours ago, malcolm said:

    Maybe you can advise me I looked on the Optical Solutions website and the env10 and env15 have been removed as being no longer for sale,I do hope that he hasn't gone the same way as the company in Ireland,  I forget the chaps name

    Good news, cliff ray who sells  the env10 and 15 has said they will be back online for sale soon😃

  2. 47 minutes ago, malcolm said:

    Maybe you can advise me I looked on the Optical Solutions website and the env10 and env15 have been removed as being no longer for sale,I do hope that he hasn't gone the same way as the irish guy  I forget his name

    That's a shame if they have stopped selling them, I've not heard anything yet!!

    Have you looked at the digiceptor from night vision store, supposed to be a very good n/v unit too.

  3. 13 minutes ago, banus02 said:

    good morning,my idea is no fireworks in public hands,thats it .fireworks at well managed events with the public paying an admission fee,well sign posted and advertised well in advance,every one knows where the display is and when, fire arms are licensed so should fire works be, only to the safe and right minded people. a fire work by its very nature is an explosive all be it packed with a small amount of black powder but still an explosive,so should be properly licensed

    Totally agree with that, I lost a young Labrador for a night due to someone letting off a huge barrage of rockets one evening, no warning, just BOOOOOM, I didn't know it was coming !!!

  4. Yeah ok mate,

    i can just see it now, the next fox shooters bible titled "shooting shadows"😂😂

    I hope you allways identify the shadow before shooting😱

    I couldn't work out why I missed a rabbit the other night, now I know, I shot the bloody shadow😯😂

  5. 1 hour ago, No i deer said:

    Look for the foxes shadow the next time your out shooting over stubble

    Yeah I can understand what you're saying, but ive just never noticed it, anyway I'll concentrate on the fox not it's shadow thanks👍, it does make a good excuse for a miss though 😂😂

  6. 1 hour ago, No i deer said:

    Oh I c I didn't know you were using a night vision....

    For the ones who's missed plenty shooting over stubble will check too see there not shooting at shadows from now on 😉.

    We all miss at times though some never miss never ever 😳🤣😴

    I've shot loads of foxes from behind a scope with a lamp man beside me lamping on stubbles, for many years , and can honestly say I don't remember noticing a foxes shadow, yep I miss the odd one but I don't think it's because of shooting at a shadow👻.

  7. The 17 rem will put a bigger smile on your face😀, but all depends on what you're thinking of buying, new or secondhand, used and the barrel could be well worn, it will definitely be less life than the hornet, brass never used to be a problem to get and yes you would need to reload the rem for accuracy, but it's a great round for instant splat factor😀, and when it's barrel is done get it rebarreled in 17 fireball👌

  8. 7 hours ago, One on top of two said:

    Just a bit of a Sunday afternoon moan , surly I can’t be the only one !

    well most of the weekend has seen rain here so I’ve just been nosing online when I’ve had nowt else to be getting on with , 

    and then I got me thinking . Over the past 3 weeks I have bought various bits and bobs ( all shooting / Reloading related ) from 4 different well know online shops/ outlets and ALL but one have all got my goods on Back order!  

    It’s  fare to say I think , that online shopping is the  most popular and convenient way too shop and it will be the biggest if not already with the impending death of the high street shops as there really is no way ( in most cases ) they can compete.

    so why ....... are these online shops NOT made to put a current Stock level next to item you wish to purchase ? After all there are lots that do make the effort ! 


    Why are we not given a choice on whether we want to pay upfront for an item and wait 2-3-4-5 weeks for it to turn up OR go somewhere else ? 

    I currently have 8 items on “ back order “ totalling £647.50  which I have PAID FOR and I have no idea when these things are going to turn up , if I could see a stock level at checkout  and it showed 0 in stock I would have given it a swerve . 

    Best of it is some shops don’t tell you until the order has been processed which could be 2 days later or 3 if you order on a Friday night you have no way of knowing till Monday morning ...... NOT ON at all ! 

    IMO it should be made a legal requirement that current stock levels are displayed , if the item is not in stock SAY SO ! 

    Its like writing a cheque knowing you haven’t got the money in the bank yet . 

    Note to online retailers ...... some of you really are a bunch of James hunts ! 

    What boiled my p#@s more than anything recently , was placing an order and paying for some reloading gear and bullets, to be told 10 days after not receiving any of it "the bullets are on back order and we don't send any of the order until it's all in".   💩bags 😤😤😤




  9. 18 hours ago, Montey said:

    Well we all like  to post when it goes well tonight it certainly didn't I missed two easy shots and two foxes both of which I had been asked to account for by a neighbour who keeps free range chickens and then on my return home  after texting the neighbour my poor performance I realise that I've lost my mobile phone ! 

     Just thought I'd share I'm determined to learn by my mistakes. 

    Never mind montey, worse things have happened at sea !! 

    You probably have already checked your rifle is still on, don't listen to others telling you to have time off, just get back out there, missing will give you the kick up the arse you need to stop taking the shot for granted that we all suffer from occasionally.

    Always good to tell the truth to the landowner too as you did,  like I sent a text saying there were two foxes on a stubble,I'd shot one and missed the other, which I thought was a good shot,heard no wack and watched it run up the field 50 yds or so before coming off the n/v, only to get a call the next day to say it was found dead out on the stubble further up the field😃.

    And now those two will be more of a challenge for your thermal, I'd be sitting out there right now to put things right😀


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