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Everything posted by Bob57

  1. Hi Martin, yeah mines an armasight ir too, that would be good to hear how you get on with the srx👍
  2. Sounds good hornet, I have recently been thinking of buying a Solaris after reading good things about them, how does the xtl compare size/weight and what makes the xtl better?
  3. None been missed on our farm,and I shoot a lot of ground bordering us. I've not shot any foxes on our land for month's too, just been feeding them all the pheasant/partridge etc carcases so I think he has been here stuffing his face for a quite awhile now,they do get well fed while here😀 I just think he was so used to that spot every night the ir stood out at him, or could be the local do as you likeys stiring them up!!
  4. Interesting, I've heard that said about lasers being a bit more covert !!
  5. Hi montey, I was out again last night and shot another 2, neither of them spooked at the ir , so it's just the odd one now and then, the thing that made me pack up was the mist, spotted the second one with the thermal no prob,but couldn't hardly see it with the drone, so yep I will buy a thermal one day, won't have to go home when the mist rolls in aswell
  6. Nipped out for an hour before dinner tonight and got set up on a bait spot at 200yds,was watching through the thermal when Charlie steps out of the hedge and trots out to the bait, so fired up the drone, face on stock aiming at spot, turned on ir and there was the fox, just as I got on the trigger it lifted its head, and straight away looked my way and went all alert and ran a few yards, stopping to look at me head up high,all alert again. Wind was blowing from him to me, and I had a nice row of conifers behind me which I suppose he doesn't normally see the glow from an ir against, I've had quite a few foxes spook from that tiny ir glow now ,which just goes to show how alert foxes are to something slightly different on their patch, even at that range.
  7. I was out Thursday night and it was daylight too, but still managed to spank 3 Charlie's though. .204 Ruger,39grn s/b/ks and drone on top,the best medicine for fox. Love it😀
  8. Well done,you can't beat a nice 300 yarder at night😃 I wouldn't say a kid could have made the shot as I've known a few that couldn't !!
  9. Beaters day today, nice little 32 bird day, and not a single fox seen😃
  10. I like that, lovely looking rifle☺,sounds like a lot of hours work!!
  11. Thanks for reminding me of that gunner, I had read it before awhile ago,but didn't stay in the old brain lol, re read and now it's made my mind up to step down twice from a .223 sized case👍
  12. A mate has given me 235 fed once fired cases,and has a redding 223 bushing die I can borrow,which will save some pennies😀at the moment , just need to buy bushings now. So measured the outside/inside of necks, the 204 bullet + brass neck thickness and minus 3 to 4 thou which gives me a bushing size of .228 to finish with . What are you chaps doing to get them to finished size, one or two steps down from 223 sized neck, I'm thinking .238 then .228 but wondering if I'd get there ok in one go, .249 to .228 ??
  13. Me too with my dad and decoying pigeons, his Aya no4 used to nearly knock me over😂 . I only get a couple of driven invite days and a few beaters days, but I certainly earn it with all the picking up and foxing I do☺
  14. Hi Josh, any smaller calibre's like .17, .20 and .22 in the pipeline, I think they'd go down well with a lot of vermin shooters !!
  15. 👍 Me too, 50 odd years now,I can remember struggling to cock the old underlever .177 BSA air rifle to shoot sparrows and starlings out of the oak trees at home😀. Once a keeper allways a keeper I reckon, anyway a great way of life, just had a lovely dinner, Pheasant breast wrapped with bacon, caseroled with mushrooms onions red peppers etc, roast and mashed potatoes, broccoli and mashed swede with a smashing gravy😋 👌 , followed with homemade apple crumble and vannila ice cream👌.washed down with a cracking hobgoblin😘. Pheasant shot friday on the plate tonight😀. And now you know why I didn't go foxing tonight😂😂.
  16. Well done mate,nice head shot, and I had you down as a target/gong basher only. lol
  17. Yep I think you're right montey about the mating,all of a sudden there's foxes on all my shoots again, promised to go to 3 shoots this week and it's bloody freezing 😞.not enjoyable up a hiseat at the moment.
  18. Thanks for that JC👍. Anyone using vn133 with 32grn sbk's ?
  19. Cheers for that gunner, I've not looked into the dies yet so that's good info,will order some lapua cases next week for a start👍
  20. That's what I said to my mate teusday night, after seeing 5 more on the estate opposite this farm😃
  21. 'Tuwatt-o-meter'😂😂love it, bradders has gone quiet, hope he's not died!!
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