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brown dog

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Posts posted by brown dog

  1. Happy with that.

    Not sure anyone’s questioned anyone’s bravery?


    (edited to add, just reflecting, one of my pals in a pistolero outfit, of the type people buy books about, in pre-ceasefire NI, put one of his blokes on remedial pistol training when the bloke wounded, but didn’t kill, an RPG wannabe who  appeared out of a doorway in front of him. Good training is just good training).

  2.  Hmmm. I suspect the low overshoot impression is more about how rarely the police open up and how few shots they tend to fire when they do…. and luck, vis: bus  

    almost 50% of shots ‘lost’ at a short range at a static target, in the centre of London, even accounting for stress, strikes me as ‘a lot’.

  3. 19 minutes ago, One on top of two said:

    Sorry but most of the serious lads and lasses I have seen shooting practical/CQB whatever it’s called with sec1 shotguns , 22LBP ect would put 99% of Armed police too absolute shame , and the Airsoft gravy seals come to think of it . I think the police have a massive amount to learn for when there faced with and individual or god help us a group that really don’t give a jam doughnut . 

    Yup, always used to be some darts-player-physique type saying that about military shooting too  - best thing is to offer them to suit-up in 30 or 40 pounds of kit, do a quick bleep test or run 200m and then show that skill whilst someone tries to kill them, maybe?

  4. 31 minutes ago, Roy W said:


    I have to say that Narwhale Tusk man and Fire Extinguisher man were the real heroes that day! Together with the Polish bloke with the lance in Fishmonger's. If it hadn't been for them, a lot more people would have been injured or killed.

    100% agree

  5. 2 minutes ago, Shuggy said:

    This is a very well known photo. Stumpy barrels may be handy but are not really a good idea in 5.56.


    Point taken.

    Don’t know what bullet that is, but even ss109 fragments like the top row ‘point blank’ and anything torso at that distance has very very low survivability. Hence my surprise at the qunt sitting up.

    The drop-off your pic shows sub 2500 is marked. A pencil.   

    Now, if they were using TBBC projectiles too…


  6. 1 minute ago, Shuggy said:

    No criticism inferred!



    Sorry, that bit wasn’t at you!   It was at the people saying ‘how brave’ and missing the point that he shouldn’t be able to sit up after two point-blank hits, I sense there’s a weapon system issue at play.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Shuggy said:


    The firearms appear to be the Met issued Sig MCX in 5.56. The apparent lack of effect may have something to do with the dinky 11.5” barrel, which substantially reduces velocity and lethality.



    Possibly - no idea what the MV drops to, not how it equates at <20ft to a round from a ‘normal’ barrel.   

    Knowing that even ball ammo fragments at the sort of distances seen here, I’d hazard a guess they’re using ammo designed to defeat barricades etc …and it’s pencilled through….. literally the wrong bullets



  8. Umm, the thread wasn’t criticising the police; it was questioning the effectiveness of whatever this qunt was being hit with.

    2 rounds of 5.56 point blank (if that’s what hit him first) shouldn’t be something a person sits up from 10 minutes later.

    I suspect they may, literally, be using the wrong bullets.


    ( that said, as regards stress-shooting, I’d stand correction, but I believe that these armed cops are CT types, selected and trained to respond to specifically these situations - and, being totally objective, at the distances involved, 9 ‘lost shots’ at a single sedentary/prone (ie static) target is ‘surprising’.)

  9. 1 hour ago, Ralpharama said:

    As a member of this club, I was very disappointed to receive an email from the “management” informing me as a member that a ‘bad person’ who was a member of ODRC had grassed the club up to the NRA to do with some COVID rule misdemeanour. Don’t get me wrong we do need to take great care not to allow this dreadful virus to to proliferate, but the email suggested that this was vindictive.

    Due to health reasons (nowt to do with Kung Flu) I have yet to have the opportunity to go to a long range shooting since lockdown but had been given the green light from June onwards by those in white coats. Imagine how over joyed I was to be told that the only club I’m a member of that shoots long range is now not able to function.

    Was anyone on here at Kingsbury on the fateful day? Why has the lives of all the members of this club been blighted, when the obvious solution would be to re-educate those running the club?

    I miss John who previously ran ODRC and whilst I understand his er, book keeping left a bit to be desired, but it was a brilliant club at which I really enjoyed shooting regularly. The chap who seems to be in charge now, doesn’t seem to like me or my circle of friends and makes little effort to disguise his feelings. To be fair I have always got on well with all the members and have tried not to piss this chap off, but it doesn’t seem to be the happy club it once was.

    Long range shooting in UK seems to be hampered by a handful of bitter, self-absorbed and ego-driven individuals. It’s most odd.

    It’s rather like the behaviour one used to see from some deer stalkers doing land-grabs and trying to malign all others sharing the same hobby.

    Reportedly, there’s similar unpleasantness going on between RMPRA and the PRL people.

    The only places that seem above this are the two long-range ranges operating as businesses.

  10. 19 hours ago, Shuggy said:

    Personally, I rather like the idea of these folks being able to ‘cheat’ a little bit in their job. The UK Armed Forces adopted the PRST tripod for their snipers not so long ago. However, I am sure that they will still teach the ‘3 broomsticks’ method.



    I'll wager you'll find zero snipers carrying it 😉

  11. On 5/18/2021 at 9:09 PM, Roy W said:

    I once did an RAF Regiment Map Reading Course, it went like this.............


    Out of the gate

    Airfield on the left

    Airfield on the left

    Airfield on the left

    Airfield on the left

    Back at the Gate



  12. 5 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

    Have you gone all TR on us ?  😁

    Pass the leather straight-jacket and gimp glove

    The opposite, I think.

    These tripods aren't 'an act of war' in real shooting terms,  other than, perhaps, for static police shooters, so they're a sort of 'gaming cheat', let's face it, Stephen Hawking could have shot well with one, so where's the skill? 

    It seems to be a race for who can build the lightest portable benchrest, rather than field shooting...about as practical in the real world as having a fridge in your rucksack, yet they're now 'the thing' in tacticool competition and they're ubiquitous in that niche.

    Just musing.

  13. When did tripod-mounted rifles become 'it'?

    I really struggle not see them as ot very real-world (whatever that is!) and gaming away the skill that came with improvised solutions.

    A sort of 'I'm pretending to shoot real-world, but gaming 'cheats'' mobile bench rest.





  14. The easiest way of explaining the RAF Regiment to civvies.......


    It's like a family: The Royal Navy is the oldest child, Mum and Dad made all their parenting mistakes with him.

    The Army is the middle son, they are the explorers who left home and no one cared.

    The Royal Marines are the youngest and Mum and Dad let them do whatever they want.

    Well, Mum and Dad got a divorce once all the boys had grown up.

    Mum got remarried to a rich bloke and quickly gave birth to a fourth son, the Royal Air Force. She loves him the most, showers him with the best toys and buys him whatever he wants. When they go on holiday, they fly first class, stay in five star hotels and enjoy the finest meals. The RAF is spoiled rotten and his three older brothers bitterly resent him for this.

    Finally there is the RAF Regiment. The RAF Regiment is the rich stepfathers illegitimate son from a fling with a filthy prostitute during the seven year itch. None of the other brothers think or act like he's part of the family and treat him like the unwanted ginger b@stard stepchild that nobody wants.

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