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brown dog

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Posts posted by brown dog

  1. Chaps,


    Thanks for the kind comments -very glad you enjoyed it.


    As in my email:


    In addition to echoing thanks to Andrew V, my parents, the producers and the people of mid-wales without whom ...etc I'd just like to pass some 'public' thanks to TerryH too; not there on the day (right now he's busy enjoying the delights of some dodgy spot on the Dark Continent) he helped plan the thing -but didn't get to do the fun part.

    Next time Terry!


    Thanks to all for good fun, good banter and getting into the spirit of it - not to mention a uniformly impressive standard of marksmanship that made the whole thing worthwhile.



    Precision reloading skills put to the test on the first detail eh BD....... ;)

    I am sure it took a lot of planning leaving no time for your relaoding :lol:

    Emergency re-sizing :lol:



    They just wouldn't let it lie :lol: Can't believe you got a bloody pic too :lol:

  2. HWH,


    Following your advice on the Lumix, and a wee bit of research; picked up one of the new FZ38s this afternoon. Seems a very impressive piece of kit so far ....hopefully some new pics here soon!


    Any top tips on a robust bag for it? (I'm trying to find something that is outdoory/mountain as opposed to 'day snapper')





  3. This thread has passed me by for some reason :angry: Some excellent photos.



    I gave up roe shooting because I found that I enjoyed the fieldcraft involved in stalking 'just to see how close I could get', and to enjoy watching them close up, more than taking a shot..


    Had the odd (not very successful) go with my little digital 'instamatic'. A bit frustrating because of the limitations of the camera and lack of meaningful zoom. Never upgraded to posh kit -the price of lenses for digital SLRs frightened me off! (Thought these pics were only a couple of year's old; rather shocked to dig these out and notice they were taken way back in Jan 05 ;)








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