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Posts posted by Catch-22

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jeffo1960 said:

    I am about to bite the bullet so to speak and buy one, my concern is does it move due to recoil on a. 308, as can't find many ytube videos, thanks in advance 

    I use it on my 6.5x47, 30-06 and .338NM and it’s fine. The picatinny mount doesn’t move. The only bit that you may need to keep an eye on is the clamp which holds the bayonet rod in place. Given it’s a smooth rod, it can come a bit loose under recoil. Not always but can. I’ve found it’s handy to take a torx screwdriver set to the range (always have one anyway) and periodically torque those screws up a bit to stop it shifting.

  2. I have a Kestrel 5700 with the AB ballistics solver. Very good, easy to use and with custom curves, the solutions are very precise.

    I do also have both TRASOL and Lapua’s 6DOF iPhone app ballistic solvers. I’ve found both of them to be very good. They’re actually very similar but diverge a bit, mostly with wind predictions, when going out past 800m.

    Personally I prefer the Kestrel, not only because of the onboard  barometric, temp, wind etc but also because it’s waterproof and drop proof, to a degree, whereas a phone is too slippery and easy to drop and crack.

  3. 9 hours ago, Jeffo1960 said:

    I have sent them an email but have not replied, is there import taxes on it, and do you know how easy is it to fit, on a laminated grs, stock, and a form stock, as the other rifles have chassis. 

    I can’t comment on your stock other than if you have a picatinny rail then the MK mount simply clamps on with little torx screws.

    If you order anything from abroad, you will of course need to pay import duty and VAT. That has nothing to do with MK and you’ll get billed by the courier or Royal Mail once it’s ready to be delivered to your door.

  4. Hi Dave - welcome.

    You’re right about the dies, sell one set of .308w and pickup some .243w.

    I don’t know what type of dies you have exactly, but generally people will favour either neck sizing dies or full-length sizing dies. I prefer full-length dies because I always bump the shoulder back just a tad each time to ensure a close fit but guaranteed chambering. With neck sizing you will at some point need to full-length size. So you’ll need to decide which dies to keep and which to move on.

    I see you have two powder throwers. I would give each a go, with your preferred powder, and choose which one you like the best. Then move the other on. You don’t really need two throwers. And it’s never a good idea to keep powder in your thrower (or anything else) after use. Keep powder in its tub.

    Lastly, I’d possibly consider upgrading your press in time. I’ve never used the one you have there but it looks a little on the ‘thin’ side. A beefier one, like a RCBS Rockchucker will likely last you longer. But I’d say my suggestion is not essential nor vital to your loading.

    Good luck!

  5. 6 hours ago, Andrew said:

    Your loading method baffles me. Why weigh the case and then zero the scale to weigh the powder with the case? What is your goal? I'm curious. ~Andrew

    It might be that the OP is adjusting each charge to suit internal case volume of each case, derived (though better methods exist) by measuring the weight of each case.

    I could only imagine how long 100 rounds might take to load 😭

    I think I get what the OP is doing. If that is indeed the intention, it might be better to first sort cases into groups (sort by weight or better to measure actual grains of water each case holds using plasticine/modelling clay in the neck to simulate a seated bullet and, with case upside down, inject water through primer flash hole) and then bulk charge each group of cases in a more traditional way. Saves needing to ‘trickle’ into each case at a time as you simply throw and dump the desired charge weight.

  6. Anyone else?

    Im particularly interested in any load data for the AI AWM in .300wm, which is a 26” 1:11” twist barrel.

    Would the 208gn ELDM stabilise in the 1:11” twist? And do you think Viht N165 would be suitable? Or should I move to something like RS70, RS76 or something else?


  7. 2 hours ago, brown dog said:

    Why not upload them? Could you tell me what the prob is, you're the 3rd person to not upload pics - it should be really simple, is there a problem with the board?

    Nowt, but there is an image upload limit. I think it’s 1.6mb per post.

    Most phones capture and store images much larger than that, preventing a straight upload from a phone.

    You can get around it by either first editing the image (eg crop the edges) or resending it to yourself (compressing the file as you do so). Doing either of these will bring the file size down and within the 1.6mb limit, meaning it’s now possible to upload. But I don’t think many people know how to do it, or that it’s the solution they need to do.

  8. I think most would agree that either Devcon or MarineTex would be the best option for bedding. More so than glass bedding.

    I‘ve read numerous comments, articles etc by people discussing Devcon vs MarineTex. Seemingly people prefer one over the other and quote multiple reasons for their assertion. I’m not sure if I’ve come across a definitive study that shows one is better than the other though.

    To my mind, it sort of depends on what your chosen ‘applicator’ thinks and feels is best, given their experience of bedding xxx number of stocks.

  9. Personally, I detest the assertion by some who feel that it’s not important to maintain social distancing, purely because the virus seriously affects predominantly those most vulnerable.

    I would ask where their sense of social concern or sense of civil decency is? Clearly it’s a case of ‘It doesn’t affect me...why should I give a s*#t?’. Deplorable!

    Ive been in hospitals and seen relatively fit/healthy elderly people who wouldn’t otherwise be in there, all because of COVID. I’ve seen said people in hospital that haven’t seen their family for weeks because either family couldn’t visit due to infection or because they had it. Just imagine being in critical intensive care, not knowing what’s going to happen, not recognising anyone, likely no real idea of what’s going on or even if they’re going to see their family again.

    I know of several people who were young, fit, healthy before COVID but have now life changing respiratory problems.

    And yet, leave the hospital and just down the road the pubs and bars are open, packed with students and others, all on the piss, helping the virus to continue its spread. A case of people simply not giving a s*#t about anyone else but themselves.

    One word for them. C*#ts!

  10. Interesting.

    I can see how RS80 would be too slow, especially with such a short barrel and lighter (250gn) bullets. I don’t remember reading the specs of the barrels to be used on your OP. But I’m still surprised it was too slow with the 285s though. I do think RS80 is best used with the heavy 300gn bullets, works superbly for me.

    What twist are the barrels? Perhaps that’s the key as to why the Lapua Scenar 250s did so well. The bearing surface is a lot shorter (as noted in your last photo) and would suit a slower twist if that’s what the guns possess.

    Glad you’ve found a load / combo that works for you!

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