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Is this a cub?


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Back home from foxing, was in the field at 19.30 hrs set up in my favorite spot. A fox came onto the muck heap at 20.45 ish rooting for the dried dog food that I scatterd about, but was very aware of something not being right. It would not keep still and left the area twice and did not return for a third time, but it was definatly having the biscuits. This fox came to the muck heap at 22.30 it"s laying exactly where it was shot, now I"am sure this is this years cub!DSCF0072.jpgDSCF0075.jpg

I have a question to ask, I"am using a 140 gun mounted lightforce thats possibly past its best, the reflector bowl? has quite a few dark spots on it ( I think from trying to clean it and I"ve rubbed off the "chrome ") and I"am having a bit of trouble seeing a fox on the muck heap at 160 yards (the fox blends in) I use a leopold 6.5 x 20 at 14/12 mag, when I started foxing I had no trouble at all. I"am thinking of buying a replacement 170 reflector, any comments?

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Could be this years cub. Looks a bit heavy and bulked out to me. My mate shot one on Wednesday night when we were out lamping. It was this years cub, but was very long and thin.

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I would say if thats a cub ,he has been living very well, the coat seems a little to good but then depends on his diet, but they usually look a lot leaner than that.

Have a look at the teeth as Elwood said and also the claws, if their thin then it could well be ,if their thick and well ruffed and chipped he has a few miles on the clock.

ATB Andy

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Thanks for the replys, perhaps it"s getting a bit late in the year to call cub or no. When I went to retrieve it I saw what a very nice creature it was, which is why I photographed it in situ, I wish I were able to have it mounted,(or the skills and facilitys to skin it but I hav"nt) so a good photo it has to be. As for the lamp I will buy a 170 reflector to replace the 140. Thanks again for the comments and advice.

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i dont think its this years cub as it looks to be carrying a bit of weight looks like a last years dog fox .nice fox though and in good nick ..thats what i would call a proper country fox ..sharp pointed teeth is a cub ..brown or missing teeth is an old one dont see many of them round my way :huh:

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