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Charlie or Brock


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I have been up to a local farm to check & replenish some bunnies I have been putting down as bait.

2 had gone completely,1 untouched (hanging from a low bush) & 1 was eaten in situ.

Am I right in thinking Charlie always takes his scran somewhere he/she considers safe & it's probably brock who's eaten the one in place ?


Out tonight if the weather holds off (unlikely...) so may find out anyway,




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In my experience a fox will sit and eat where the prey is IF he feels secure,

If you have been having some wet weather like the most of us it is more likely badgers will be feeding on slugs ,worms and snail,but I am not saying they wont take the bunny,

I have seen badgers digging out rabbit warrens to get to young one's.

Put a load of sand down around your baits and see what prints you get on it,

hope you catch up the blighter what ever it is :lol:

ATB Andy

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I have been up to a local farm to check & replenish some bunnies I have been putting down as bait.

2 had gone completely,1 untouched (hanging from a low bush) & 1 was eaten in situ.

Am I right in thinking Charlie always takes his scran somewhere he/she considers safe & it's probably brock who's eaten the one in place ?


Out tonight if the weather holds off (unlikely...) so may find out anyway,





See BBS for the answer :lol:

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See BBS for the answer :lol:


I wanted an answer based on experience not a technical one.

Field has cows in it & would leave me with a camera full of cows ankles.

The Charlies may feel safe because it's not been shot for a month or so, Looking out the window it may stay that way too



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I wanted an answer based on experience not a technical one.

Field has cows in it & would leave me with a camera full of cows ankles.

The Charlies may feel safe because it's not been shot for a month or so, Looking out the window it may stay that way too




Does 24 years doing it for living count as experience? :lol:


As I said it could be a badger it could be a fox, there's no sure way of telling, but sometimes it's worth having a look around the baited area for a fox turd.

I have just baited up two areas and have seen both species feeding, I hasten to add not through a camera lens but through a NV lens.

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Rained off tonight but will have a scout round for foxy poo tomorrow afternoon when I check again.

Both species are on the farm.

I hocked a rabbit over a branch stump & that wasn't touched, we've had this before. Do you think it's because it's in an unnatural place to find dead stuff ?



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Rained off tonight but will have a scout round for foxy poo tomorrow afternoon when I check again.

Both species are on the farm.

I hocked a rabbit over a branch stump & that wasn't touched, we've had this before. Do you think it's because it's in an unnatural place to find dead stuff ?



Nope a free meal is a free meal and the easier it is to get the better.


A fox will generally have a set pattern when they have an established territory, visiting places often within a hour each night as these photographs show. The fox here was a vixen with a territory, she was also feeding cubs and any free meal was a bonus. Sit up until dark or even until 2pm waiting for her would have been pointless.






Now I don't think the same can be said of this for this years cubs, at the moment they are out looking for a territory and may just happen to come across your bait, but should they find it they will eat it no matter where you leave it (within reason).

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8 bunnies taken in 2 days including the one over the stump.

Nothing left, all taken away.

Sat until about 10pm before we departed to another farm so this looks promising for another sit out.


Which trail camera are you using ?



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No smell in the general area Gran ? foxes smell different to pigs.

If they are dissapearing regularly, i would put money on a fox.

Take a bucket of sand up with you, spread it out, and smooth it over.you should have a few prints in the morning. Is there a hedge nearby, with barbed wire in it ? Check the barbs for hair.

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No smell of Charlie,all the bunnies were under the bushes on a hedgeline.

I went right round the boundary this morning to check for fur but there are several gates on each field so he may be using those.

We have had quite a few off this farm but it's been weeks since we have seen anything.

I reckon a night with a flask in the truck will pay dividends ;)




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Stealth cam STC-WD2IR (google it)


They aren't cheap but for me it's worth every penny as my time is not wasted. I used to use the clock and battery method which works well for showing a time but again you never really knew what was taking the bait.


Good luck and let us know how you get on, as Baldie says everything would suggest it's a fox.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Too nice a night to not go out last nght so gave my buddy a bell & went to sit out & see if he was an early evening caller & thats why we had not spotted him.

Just as the lght was going I found myself looking across at what I at first assumed was a hare, I had the HMR at the side of the truck to pot a few bunnies so grabbed that & was actually looking at the top half of Charlie,the curve of the field hiding the bottom half.

I slid the .243 out of the back door & clambered on to the back of the truck to see him coming into the caller that was still playing away on the CD player.




No more chickens for this fella :)


So all is well until the next one moves in.



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