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Bergara B14R - Any good?


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I'm in the market for a precision trainer in .22LR.  I want something that will give me excellent accuracy and feel like a centre fire rifle stock when shooting prone or bench.  Not PRS.

I quite like the fact it shares Remmy 700 parts and upgrades.

Any thoughts from owners/previous owners ?

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If you are intending to get a Rem 700 (OR CLONE)  based in the future then yes 

if you intend to stick with rimfire then there are others to consider

I have both a CZ 457 and a B14R  in our chassis system

both shoot well but my choice is the CZ LRP to shoot distance  ie 300 yard plus (target only )

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32 minutes ago, nestking said:

I’ve got a B14 Trainer and it’s fantastic for the money. If I did it again I would consider the CZ 457 Trainer but this B14 popped up on the wall so I scooped it up.

Cheers, what's the attraction of the CZ457 ?


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4 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

what's the attraction of the CZ457 ?

Pops ...

If the 457 can be compared to CZ's discontinued (older) centrefire 527 model you'd be getting a reliable and damn accurate rifle. The 527 I previously owned for 7yrs never missed a beat, never had to have any repairs, alterations, or 'add-ons' installed. The mini Mauser action was fantastic, and reliable to the end. It was one of those rare rifles that was able to put the first round back in exactly the same spot on the target as to where I left off from the previous week - and although be them in different calibre's, that is something which both my current Tikka's are unfortunately unable to achieve - likely reasons being; different set-ups, calibre's, riflestock weights, ...etc, etc, ...ad-infinitum

I have absolutelty zilch experience of Bergara rifles, BUT, from my experience, and as a manufacturer, I'd easily put CZ on-par with Tikka and up there with the best-of-the-other manufacturers. People use the phrase 'CZ are a bit agricultural' about them. Well, so be it, but I'd prefer a tractor that'll work and doesn't break-down rather than Ferarri that might look slightly more pleasing to the eye but will struggle to negotiate a speed ramp....Conversely though, personally I think CZ are no more 'agricultural' than the next manufacturer, and their stock configurations are considerably more aesthetically pleasing than when in day's-of-old

I think we all have 'THE ONE' rifle that got-away, and wish we had never disposed of, for whatever reason. The above is just a small flavour and personal opinion but, out of 17 rifles over the years that I've owned, 'THE ONE' I wish I still owned today was that 527

I believe CZ is very underrated manufacturer of excellent rifles, especially here in the UK. Just because it doesn't have the Tikka (or Bergara) stamp doesn't mean to remotely suggest it isn't as effective, enjoyable, and rewarding.

Good luck with your decision

Edited by snakeman
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