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Cross Training Benefits of a .22LR for Benchrest 600/1000 & F-Class?

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Hi everyone. 

Just wondering if anyone shooting F-Class and / or Benchrest 600 / 1000 yds

also has a .22LR ‘Trainer’ in the same stock as their centrefire rifle?

Any thoughts of any ‘cross training benefits’ (or not) would be much appreciated.


Many thanks. 


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To be honest, for benchrest, I think you would be better dry firing with your actual rifle set up on a bench. F Class?  Really more about wind reading. Can't see how a rimfire would help here.

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I shoot FCSB with my CZ 457 MTR .22LR. On the firing point, I see a lot of the Kung Foo Pandas shooting their .22s very well. Obviously their main game is FTR, but I'm sure their wind reading skills are benefiting from shooting .22. Certainly they shoot very well at both disciplines. 

I'm a firm believer in trigger time and range time. In an ideal world I would shoot every day. 




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