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work bench gun vice 'advice'

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Curious if anyone has a recommendation. Im looking for a decent workbench vise there are so many to choose from. What sort of jaw width and throat depth would suffice?

In my case I have limited space, so dont have a large workbench in garage. Been looking at Stanley they have light duty bench model whihc I like, but not sure if the throat depth and clamping capacity would be feasible, let alone the fact that it is a 'light' duty model.

the others availble are heavy duty model (would this really be necessary)?

I stated 'gun smithing' in commas, as what need for is bufffer tube removal on AR15 style rifle for example. Changing the forend ect...

appreciate some feedback.

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It's vice not vise, we're not American 😁

If you need a recommendation on such a simple bit of kit:  Get a big one, Irwin or Record.  Have a look at Axminster Tools, their Chinese vices are pretty good and good value (I have one). You need a solid bench to mount to or you're wasting your time. Also Screwfix.

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Always worth a look around car boot sales, or if you have a second hand tool dealer locally.

Vice's come in two types.

Old English quality [ when they were made here ]

Chinese shite.

Most manufacturers these days sell economy ranges, which would be fine for light use.

If you want a vice to last a lifetime of heavy use, it has to be the top end stuff. Sit down when you see the price, hence, always look for s/h. The quality difference is not hard to spot.....its chalk and cheese.

I have two english vices, both s/h and I've used them most days in the last 30 years. 

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