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Fully moderated

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Hi guys,

As anybody tried a fully moderated rifle, if so was there any noticeable sound reduction between it and a good moderator, looking to use it on a 6.5x47 stalking rifle which I use for fallow on a permission I have there are a couple of private houses which border the land so far this as not been a problem but the deer seem to be about at first light and not wanting to cause any problem for the farmer I would like to be as quite a possible , the max distance I shoot is 200 yards.

Thanks for your time.

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Have used the AI fully moderated a fair bit. Only really quiet with subsonic ammunition which probably will not make deer legal.in 308 drop off with this ammunition is a fair amount at 200 metres. There are some people on the forum who have had some success with fully silenced so they may reply. There is a fully moderated AT on stalking directory if you have a spare £3000

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Sure I've seen a review of a fully moderated rifle sold by the guy who imports Mae sound mods. Think it was in 6.5x47 and they still managed some decent speeds with normal loads from memory

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Hi bradders, can you tell me does a fully moderated rifle have a real sound difference over a good moderater , bearing in mind I need to keep it deer legal cant use sub sonic ammunition .

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Hi bradders, can you tell me does a fully moderated rifle have a real sound difference over a good moderater , bearing in mind I need to keep it deer legal cant use sub sonic ammunition .


A sound moderator can only attenuate so much and with supersonic ammo it's all negligible anyway.

Some are quieter than others but a lot is perception due to the tone of the report etc.


As the old saying goes, " a good big'un will always beat a good littl'un" and that is probably true with suppressors, especially when talking about swept volume.


Then main benefit from "fully moderated" as in a suppressor that covers the full length of the barrel, apart from looking cool etc, is that you can have a shorter barrel and a more manageable OAL.

The main benefit is gained when using subsonic ammo though.


The rifle in the pic has a 14" barrel and is roughly the same length as a 24" rifle, so to apply the same to a regular rifle would mean something overly long.....and that would be unwieldy and also look a bit daft


Here's a link to the original review



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