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new ftr bi-pod


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Hi Guys just testing the water to see what your opinions are on ftr bi-pods I use a atlas for all my long range shooting comps and in the field cant find anything wrong with them but still keep thinking if there is a steadier platform to shoot from tried a mystic which I thought was ok but not really any improvement in scores but did feel steady is there anything new out there to look at and is there anybody thinking of selling there ftr bi-pod what have you got all advise welcome thanks.

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The first thing to consider is weight - how much have you got to spare - under 18lb 2oz?


Secondly, stability comes with rigidity and the span of the bi-pod feet - and don't forget, a lot of bi-pods get narrower as you raise the height. (The Mystic gets wider)


The first generation Fito bi-pods were very stable but heavy and not easy to adjust from the prone position - another consideration.


The Third Eye is one of the best - with easy adjustment and, the latest version is very light - and Osprey can Cerakote it to match your gun!


There is always a full range of bi-pods on view at any Diggle F Class shoot - why not have a good look next time - instead of shooting!

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Plus one on what Vince says re the Third-Eye and the Mystic - both excellent designs. I now use Dan Pohlabel's FLEX-Bipod and get very good results with it. An innovative design but which works extremely well, is very stable and is light at under 0.6kg. Brian Fox stocks them.



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hI Laurie thanks for reply would it be fair to say the evo would be the best choice over the other two because of the fine adjustment also I see Davy the shooting shed as one out with a very wide footprint and fine adjustment screw

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