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Webley Air Rifle Barrel Help!!!!

Mare's Leg

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My friend came to me in a bind,

He has stuck a steel rod down a Webley and Scott .22 Air Rifle. (dn't ask)


He brought it to me, I tried tapping the barrel from both ends with cleaning rod to try and dislodge and there is not a budge.

I currently have the barrel in the freezer in the vain hope freezing might dislodge the rod.


However, If this does not work he will need a new barrel.

It has a timber stock and Vulcan is the Model.


My question is?

Can a secondhand barrel be sourced?

And if so how much??


If not how much for a new one??

Budget is an issue for my friend as Rifle and scope were €350 together but he is not in the position to buy another rifle

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For a vulcan ? its over 25 years old !


Try these guys.




If its s hit or bust, i would locate the area where the soft lead pellets are stuck, and warm that area with a blowtorch, then refinish the barrel. This is a last resort however.

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It's not my Rifle.

I would NEVER put a steel (I think WELDING) rod down a barrel.


It's for an guy I know who got his first airrifle the wrong side of 40 years old.

He tried to clean it like his shotty with a improvised pull through, then when string broke got a rod stuck in it.

I e-mailed repairagun@gmail.com and will see what they say


Freezing did not work, boiling water did not work.

I think she is kaput

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did he use a cotton patch like 2x4 if so I'd try bleach to try rot the patch which should slacken the rod and allow you to push it out or blow torch might burn it out but may cause more problems than it cures could try wd40 or similar well soaked in wet patch always moves easier than a dry one.

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did he use a cotton patch like 2x4 if so I'd try bleach to try rot the patch which should slacken the rod and allow you to push it out or blow torch might burn it out but may cause more problems than it cures could try wd40 or similar well soaked in wet patch always moves easier than a dry one.

It is welded in it. (pardon the pun)

Trying to source a barrel now is the problem

I tried tapping it with a Steel punch with barrel in a vice and not a budge today.

I have used an old Hoppes Aluminium rod as a rod as punch today and yesterday.

Rod destroyed and steel still not moved a mm in the barrel.


It's a new barrel/rifle time now.

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I did similar when I was a kid when I tried to push the stuck patch out I wedged a wire in the barrel I'm sure that the bloke who sorted it for me put wd40 or similar down then left it to soak then knocked it out with a brazing rod. send your mate to the nearest welder or welding supplies spot and get one that just fits the barrel seems a shame to write it off without giving that a go would be cheaper than a new barrel.

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is it a welding rod with flux on it ,if it is try soaking it in oil for a week may be it will degrade the flux

I left WD40 in it for 24 hours, No joy.

knackered me thinks


The guy has no money so I would like to help him solve this problem.

I joined that airgun forum but it I am still waiting for my question to be posted.

In Ireland we need a licence for Air Rifles so they are not common,I'd like to try salvage this rifle as it would make my mate very happy.


I could hear the disappointment in his voice when I told him last night that I could not get it out.

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from what end did he push in the rod ? could the barrel not be cut in a lathe leaving the rod in the gun ,enough to grab in a vice and pull out .recrown and have a carbine .I think the webleys are chocked so that could be where it is stuck Thinck your barrel is fubar anyway .

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from what end did he push in the rod ? could the barrel not be cut in a lathe leaving the rod in the gun ,enough to grab in a vice and pull out .recrown and have a carbine .I think the webleys are chocked so that could be where it is stuck Thinck your barrel is fubar anyway .

Ah the Chamber end, otherwise I would have chopped the barrel.

He made a dogs dinner of it to be fair, I near got sic when I saw it

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Never dealt with him so can't comment, might be cheaper to find a scrapper and use it for spares, the barrel from a victor will also fit and perhaps the later hawks, both of which will be more valuable from a collectors point of view than a vulcan

Darn and double Darn, they are out of stock, I mailed them anyway

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if you can get hold of a brazing rod or two that is a good fit but not tight in the barrel they are brass mix and won't do any harm. put one in from the muzzle till it stops then cut it two or three inches longer. get two blocks of wood and put barrel in a vice between get it a tight as you can. you should be able to drift the wire etc out. you'll probably find you have to keep tightening the vice but this works for most things. the rod MUST be a good fit to stop the other wire jamming if its thinner than the bore. try local garage or farmer or welder/welding supplier. a pint should get you what you need. if the blockage is stubborn try a few drops of engine or cooking even olive oil down first put a bit of rag round muzzle then hit rod again, the oil will be forced round the patch your mate got stuck (some will come the other way too) add a bit more oil hit again. I will be surprised if this does not work . best of luck


forgot to say be careful not to go to far with your rod it will probably burr were you hit it then you just use slightly longer one the idea is its less likely to bend if its short.

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