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For one night only! The duo reunite.


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Its been a while since I've had a night out lamping with Nemasis!

What with getting heavily involved in F class and getting into the GB squad time seems to have been limited. Andy is in a similar situation busy in work and also a new girl friend!

Any way Andy had called by a week or so ago to drop some bits in for me to give to a friend in Bisley. We got talking about old foxing trips and he mentioned that this sheep farmer was about to start lambing and needed us to go and have a look. So a plan was hatched!

Well last night was the night. I set off about 5 to get down to Pembroke by 7. Andy and I met at our favourite chippy for a bite to eat and then we set off.


As usual Andy had everything planned the farmer was waiting with a Kawasaki Mule and one of the farm hands as gate man. We jumped into the back Andy on the lamp and me with my trusty RPA 6mmBR.

It didn't take long 2 fields away were 2 pairs of eyes a quick bit of manoeuvring and the first fox was in the bag. The other was not bothered by the shot so we quickly drove to get a better angle and number 2 was sorted. It's always good to get the first couple in the bag with nerves settled we were off.


It was quiet for a bit and nothing seemed to being showing until we came upon a sheep carcass! There were 2 foxes feeding on it and a third set of eyes was picked up one field away!

I shot the first on the carcass, the second running off, which I duly tracked. In years of foxing 9 times out of 10 they stop for a second and look back! The moment he did an 87Vmax was on its way and number 4 was in the bag! A quick spin round and we caught up with the 3rd fox and that met the same end!


By dam it was cold last night on the back of that mule! We drove around picking up a few single foxes.

Going back to the carcass produced another very mangey fox, which a bullet was the kindest thing for with no fur on its back end at all.


Moving on to another farm Andy spotted a pair of foxes in the field about 100 yards apart. I shot he first one and quickly reloaded and swung on to the second, sadly rushing the shot and it resulted in my only miss of the night.


It was 11pm now and we were all pretty cold and decided to call it a night. The final bag was 11 foxes, we saw at least another 6-7 we could not get on. So the farmer was glad to fix up another evening for us to go up.


As a footnote after last night I think you would be hard pressed to find a finer reticule for foxing than a Night Force NP-2DD with illumination on it is just so quick on to target.


Thanks Andy for a great nights sport, it was good to see the old team back doing what it does best!

Even if I was a bit rusty to start.




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Bloody hell Dave you must be over run with foxes down there???,,


It has been very quite up here foe a while,, but did manage to bag to the other night,,,


Nice write up,,,


Darrel ;)

Hi Darrel, you know of old how the farms Andy shoots tend to be busy?

This one the farmer only gets Andy in just before lambing as he doesn't get bothered the rest of the year.

So this was not touched since last year, it was great not to see lamp shy foxes!




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The girlfriend of 3 years has now got an engagement ring on her finger lol,

It was just like old times and after a fair spell away from shooting foxes due to bad tinitus it was great to have a great start to this years shooting.

Its funny how the word gets about in such a short time that I am going to start back, I have had 8 phone calls today from different farmers who want our services.

After a long lay off you forget those small things that make all the differance when you out in the cold riding around on the back of a Mule.

Nest time Dave I will bring a flask of something hot lol.


You had some cracking shots last night Dave and it was a pleasure to lamp for a change, as the ending to the DVD said " Its Back To The Turkey Farm, then look out " lol

cheers Andy

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11 foxes in one night makes for an enjoyable evening. Good shooting Dave


Next time im down will have to go round my sisters farm again Andy, not been lamped since we last went there over 3 years ago!!

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11 foxes in one night makes for an enjoyable evening. Good shooting Dave Next time im down will have to go round my sisters farm again Andy, not been lamped since we last went there over 3 years ago!!

The Big C I didnt recognise you lol, We shot double figures that Night Charles if I remember correctly.

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Yeah was in disguise. We did indeed and there is plenty more about. She just calved 300 cows in 6weeks so they have been having a free lunch on the afterbirth!

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11 foxes in one night makes for an enjoyable evening. Good shooting Dave


Next time im down will have to go round my sisters farm again Andy, not been lamped since we last went there over 3 years ago!!

Hi Charlie, have you managed to have a go with that PPC yet.

See you soon


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Hi Dave. No sadly not but can't wait to give it a go. Hopefully this weekend if I get time. Will have to give those 65vmax a go Cheers Charlie

28grns vit133 bullet just kissing the lands charlie for the 65grners

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Great to get the old guns back together! I managed a dog and a vixen last night over bait with the trusty 17 Rem.




As an aside, did anything ever come of the DVD that you two were putting together?


Atb from Norway



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Great to get the old guns back together! I managed a dog and a vixen last night over bait with the trusty 17 Rem.




As an aside, did anything ever come of the DVD that you two were putting together?


Atb from Norway



Hi Toby a good result the barn is working well.

With regard to the video it never got completed. All the footage was shot we were just unable to edit it.

One day we'll finish it!



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