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Thought provoker

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This is a group shot with a standard Remington tactical in .223.


I,ve accurised the standard rifle and the owner has dropped it into an AICS.


Prior to the work , it was holding 1.5" . Its now holding .35....with FACTORY ammo.




Thats a standard remmy barrel.



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i had a 700 varmit in 17 fireball which went back after two days because of a bad chamber,the replacement would not group less than 1.1/2" at 100 yrd put that into an hs stock then a choat stock with no improvement try differant loads nothing helped.so got steve kershaw to put a 204 tube on and never looked back.last year got baldie to bed it into a grs stock looks the dogs and shoots far better than i ever will

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I have my own methods of accurising, which i,m not going to reveal i,m afraid.


The post is simply what it says...a thought provoker....because everyone knows all remmys are crap dont they ? ;)

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Baldie ... that is bloody excellent!


You prove here that there is a big difference between "tradesman" and "craftsman"



You obviously look at the whole system, identified the key items that needed correction and made them.

The paper just confirms it!



"Beware of the tradesman with 1 years experience 20 times over!"

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Nice grouping Dave but you missed the coin :wacko:

It used to be an offence to deface uk currency,therefore this may well be rather impressive controlled accuracy.



This is a group shot with a standard Remington tactical in .223.


I,ve accurised the standard rifle and the owner has dropped it into an AICS.


Prior to the work , it was holding 1.5" . Its now holding .35....with FACTORY ammo.




Thats a standard remmy barrel.

And note how well some factory ammo can shoot,presumeably unaltered!

But everyone knows you have to handload,with the most expensive dies.I do.


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A recrown and a trigger job plus a bedding job or an aftermarket stock with a bedding block will undoubtedly improve a standard remingtons accuracy if its grouping poorly.


Usually,anyhow-but bore scope the barrel first-any barrel! Better triggers almost always help.And there is enough data before/after just a trigger job to have some confidence in this.Less so some of the other variables,as often several components are changed at the same time.

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i had a 700 varmit in 17 fireball which went back after two days because of a bad chamber,the replacement would not group less than 1.1/2" at 100 yrd put that into an hs stock then a choat stock with no improvement try differant loads nothing helped.so got steve kershaw to put a 204 tube on and never looked back.last year got baldie to bed it into a grs stock looks the dogs and shoots far better than i ever will

Interesting final claim! How do you know it will shoot better than you can -usually it's you shooting! If someone else did shoot it significantly better, fair enough,but then did the fireball shoot poorly for them? Good smith work/quality barrels etc does usually improve,as here-just what does it shoot,for interest?


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gbal final claim no.fact is im an average shot some days i can shoot ragged one hole groups at 100 yrd some days not pritty sure the gun will do it day in day out not trying to kid my self or anybody so yes i think the gun shoots better than i ever will.baldie i dont think remmys are crap i had a standard pss in 223 which shot groups like you have posted above and i think i was very unlucky with the two fireballs but i do think remington do turn out some crap

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OK-what follows is that the rifle is more consistent in it's performance than you,no great surprise, as humans are prone to lots of performance reducing conditions-tired eg!

But if some top shooter can only get these sort of groups with it,and he/she can do better with his/her prefered rifle-almost certainly the case-then the rifle isn't as good,let alone better,than he/she is,and some other person could be,including you.But it is better than you are currently,on a poor day,and -less so-on a good day.

As ever just stating the group size etc is a better guide to performance. .35 is fine,but mediocre even as an 25 shot aggregate for a really accurate rifle,and a very good shooter,in good conditions.Horse for courses. I give up on what 'ragged hole' means,twenty shots with a 1moa rifle will statistically produce that often,but it will be a big hole,about an inch at 100 yards.There really is no substitute for precision in description if we are talking about that in rifles.

I do agree about factory rifles-generallly pretty good,but every make can throw up a sub standard rifle occasionally.What is more scary,allegedly,is that to a much lesser degree,so can expensive custom makers,but these will never make it into public competition.


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sorry buddy but i dont take a tape or better still a verier every time i shoot a group to me a ragged one group is just that be three or twenty shots.i can tell its a very big interest to you but i dont shot bench or comps of any sort so a ragged one group will do for me

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Hi,that's fine,and I agree-horses for courses.My real point was that for the information to be really useful to others,some kind of measure helps.I've heard boasts of 'really accurate' rifles which in fact meant high hit probability somewhere on military falling targets at 100/200 yards.Well better than missing of course,if it were for real.More precision is essential to assess eg a rifle for potential purchase and/or modification based on others experience.Otherwise we have a very subjective idea of 'really accurate'' (as above).But it can get way too anal,I agree.(I don't care about the third decimal place in a ballistic coefficient either!)Just to get some cred,I have a 17 rem,and that is 'terminally effective',but not BR accurate.The GRS stock does seem top notch-I'm waiting for the fclass version to balance a rem 700 308,which can hit clay pigeons,at a distance.Enjoy!


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