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Please sign..SAS man jailed.


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Seems to be a victim of location , ie IF he was living in the USA , Opps , no offence , its a funny old world .


It should not matter WHAT you have or own or have access too , its the intent or use that should be the critical thing .


Later Chris

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Sorry Ronny but I will never get used to it , nor will I ever accept it as the way it will be . I as many others will continue to try to over turn things like this in any way that we can and endeavour to ensure that it is not to be the norm if by a vote , a letter or an email we can reverse even one of these disgusting decisions it will be worth it . Bunch of @&£;:@ s,

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  • 2 weeks later...

So true. Wonderful news , just hope the appeal completely overturns the original conviction as well . They gonna do anything to the person who's conviction was ammended ? Yeah , right !!!!!' I bet :-(

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