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Best fox call


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I've also got the original plastic 1 and found it difficult to use it seemed get blocked with moisture really quickly not sure if that was just me? but as above prefer the "wam" or the old Andre Grosescu (spelling) but mostly use the foxpro these days



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Ive alway got one at hand in the truck, and keep one on the kobota never had a problem using it and its called a good share of foxes in ;)

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I use a fox pro out the pickup. Wanted something to have round my neck when walking about. Thanks for the help



I use a foxpro alot but having a good hand call on stand by is well worth it, i have a desk full of calls but havnt got a WAM il have to try one i reckon.

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I use a foxpro alot but having a good hand call on stand by is well worth it, i have a desk full of calls but havnt got a WAM il have to try one i reckon.

defo worth it, i just lent and bent the disc on mine so it wont squeek now. time for a new 1. although managed to shot 8 lastnite with out any calls

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I use a foxpro alot but having a good hand call on stand by is well worth it, i have a desk full of calls but havnt got a WAM il have to try one i reckon.

Hi gaz6br,


The wam calls work great. The only problem is they are a bit soft, I have squashed a few now when leaning to take a shot. They just don't sound the same when they are flat! :lol:



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+1 for foxpro. Have a cheap shifty mouth call which is a royal pain in the arse as an absolute back up but my rivers west jacket has huge inside pockets so that's where my battery and foxpro live.

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The back of my hand has accounted for hundreds of foxes over the years, have the wam which is good to fetch them in those last few yards and got myself a foxpro this spring which has worked well. Have an old hare distress call which is good for a long way. Look and see what the fox is doing, I find it easier sometimes not to call to quietly work my way to the fox get within range and ready for the shot give a few squeaks to get its attention and bang, thump! Those little squeakers out of a dogs toy are great at harvest time, sound just like a mouse etc and fox cubs carn't resist them have one velcroed to my rifle stock, primos do something similar for about £7-8. Wam £12, foxpro £170+. :)

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Fox Pro's for me but early last year I found Fox Squeak - simply a bit of folded foam sheet with a bit of latex - (ie looked like half a washer) it sits in the roof of your mouth just behind your teeth and gives a really good variable squeal with good volume.


I've had one of the Primos Pro Screamer versions for several years but this is half the size and a higher pitch. Sits in the primos box in my pocket... apparently not indigestable if you swallow it. :lol:


Just had a dig around for the details and ended up on the Hunting Life forum where there was apparently a bit of conflict between 2 suppliers



Ferreted around the replies and Goggle and found this on fleabay




Looks the same as mine so I've ordered another couple just to see.


The original in action



As cheap as your hand......Almost. And no fluff to choke yourself on with the Wam widgeon whistle style calls.


That's me,






Cor! I'm impressed I only put a link to the YT clip - if this contravenes the forum rules I'll remove it.


Ended up ordering 4! £4.96 inc p&p ... seemed churlish not to! :lol:

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I would say that I have tried most things on the Market, I spent nearly £10 on a nice wooden one at a game fair some years ago,from the Warreners Stand, that now my friends has eneded up as a Toggle at the end of the bathroom light pull switch,what a load of crap :mad:

Calling foxes isnt as easy as folk say it is,different calls work at different times of year and also in different areas,

When I call foxes I have four favorites,

1 and 2-The Wam call, fantastic call will work 90% of the year, I had an accident one evening whilst climbing over an obstruction and I slightly crushed the wam,this gave a higher pitch and also alot quieter, this is a very effective call on a very still night, I use the normal Wam to attract the foxes attention then switch to the crushed one,I have had foxes to my feet with it.


3- The Plastic Alt call,not the easiest to get the sound right,but a good long distance call for those windy winter nights when you need extra volume,


4-The best call of all, my hand, its taken years of practice and feels sometimes that my teeth become loose from all the calling,but the sounds you can generate cover all situations, from squeaks to loud Hare sreech,


As I say different calls work differently at different times of year, the only way to find out is to get out there and practice.

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+1 I am learning to use my hand and after many hour practicing I am getting quite able at it. A friend who also uses this site (DazB) is great at using his hand to call in foxes, he can make a multitude of sounds in many volumes, pitches and tones.


This thread could go steadily down hill with the amount of potential connertations!! :D

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  • 1 month later...

I have used the primos and the wam and its equivalent. All easy to carry and can be kept in your mouth if you are tucked in behind the rifle without a spare hand for the call.


Easy to use and sound decent. Worst one I have used are the black plastic strip type ones, just sound like the sooty and sweep show!!!

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I have used the primos and the wam and its equivalent. All easy to carry and can be kept in your mouth if you are tucked in behind the rifle without a spare hand for the call.


Easy to use and sound decent. Worst one I have used are the black plastic strip type ones, just sound like the sooty and sweep show!!!


1+ on the black strip ones, ok on the odd cub but the adults won't entertain them on some of my fell permissions as to many with longdogs use them!

The back of my hand resulted in 6 foxes for 6 shots last night, 3 very good dog cubs within 2 min in one field at 107, 182, and 45 yards, and three more adult dog foxes on three different permissions all about the 120 yard mark. Covered a good area and what we seen was called and dispatched with the .223 and nv :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got several calls including a remote u caller, which seems variable in its effectiveness at best. I've tried different downloads, but the sound quality is not great. However I have had a fox approach to six feet in a field in the gloaming, unfortunately I was facing the wood with my pheasant pen in it, not down the hedge to the lane, where this fox came up behind me.....


Overall I struggle with the wam, I always feel I'm going to swallow it, plus I always seem to pick up some fluff etc. I prefer the plastic wafer best fox call, I bough a spare at the midland in case I forget or break mine. It does seem to work well and quickly. Occasionally you can sound like daffy duck, but most of the time its convincing enough, I've called them up to 30 yards with it, getting quieter as they've come in.



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  • 4 months later...

Interesting to see the multitude of calls being used, seems to me the hand is favoured a lot. I have tried and tried to try get this sounding good but cant. Can someone give me a how to on the best technique for calling using your hands.


Ive just picked up the new best fox call ( stainless ) copy of the Australian tenterfield call, Sounds the part but i've not yet managed to call a fox with it.


I made my own one with a piece of dowelling cut in half and a piece of old VHS tape stretched and taped in place in the middle of the bits of wood, sounds really good but its quiet, dare say it would be good for getting them in closer once i have the attention.

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