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Nice phone call

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Got the phone call i have been waiting for today.Mr Russ gall called saying that my swift should be back from proof and with me by the end of the week.All i need now is for my stock turn up from the states.And Neil mckilop to bed it.Hopefully i should have it up and running with in a couple of months.Will try and post some pics once a grown up has shown me how to.


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Got the phone call i have been waiting for today.Mr Russ gall called saying that my swift should be back from proof and with me by the end of the week.All i need now is for my stock turn up from the states.And Neil mckilop to bed it.Hopefully i should have it up and running with in a couple of months.Will try and post some pics once a grown up has shown me how to.


[my action must be due soon then mate,can't wait

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Got the phone call i have been waiting for today.Mr Russ gall called saying that my swift should be back from proof and with me by the end of the week.All i need now is for my stock turn up from the states.And Neil mckilop to bed it.Hopefully i should have it up and running with in a couple of months.Will try and post some pics once a grown up has shown me how to.



sounds a sweet rifle

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Great news Sean, which stock are you sitting it in ??



I have ordered a Hollands T/hole in green and white swirl.Looks abit like a lazzeroni T/hole but without that weird cant in the pistol grip.All the metal work will be polished,So it should be a right tarts rife when it is done.

Cheers sean

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All the metal work will be polished,So it should be a right tarts rifle when it is done.

Cheers sean

Nothing wrong with a bit of bling ;)

Just let me know wether I'm going to need sunglasses when I pop in to see it :lol:



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Awaiting me multi shot action also from russ will be then fitted with a pac-nor barrel by Neil, and built ,stock supplied by Edi at Pse with which he kindly fitted amutec bottom metal to accept aic magazine

Will also have a jewel trigger fitted.

Sure Neil will do just as good a job as he did with me semi custom 204.

This will be me first full custom build ,forgot to add it going to be a 22-250.

Atb mark.....

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Well my barreled action turned up today from russ gall.I must say it is a thing of beauty.After all the worry of buying a rifle built on an action i had never handled.But to say it is nice is an understatment.After playing with the action i can honestly say that it is as nice if not a nicer action than the bat actions i have seen.Fair play to russ he makes one hell of an action.I don't think i will be waiting 6-8 months for american actions anymore.All i hope now is that it shoots as good as it looks.Lastly i would like to thank all the guys that posted info about the action on this site when i was thinking buying one.Oh and cheers russ.


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Come on where are the pictures then ;)



When i can work out how post pics i will post some.

I can't wait to go to work tommorow to look at it again :D

I must admit i still got a semi lob on just thinking of it :lol:

Speak to you soon


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You mean you've had to leave it at work :o

Looks like you won't sleep much tonight :lol:

Is Neil going to bed it for you?

Looking forward to seeing it finished



Yes neil is going to bed it for me.But hollands have just let me down on my stock,They don't have the one i want and are quoting 4-6 months delivery.Anybody got any suggestions on nice a rem 700 adl varmint stock available straight away?

Cheers sean

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  • 3 weeks later...

I called into see Sean today and had a good look at his new RG barrelled action.

Well it is stunning beautifully made and smooth as silk.


I can't wait to see it fully built.

Superb :D

I think this bling thing must be a Welsh thing :o:lol:

See you soon.


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Nice, but is it just me who would have liked to have seen an integral recoil lug and scope rail? Is the bolt one piece or is the handle just braized on in the manner of the Rem 700?

The bolt is a one piece.The reason for no built in pic rail is these are benchrest actions where weight is an issue.As far as i am aware most benchrest boys use davidson bases and kelbly style aluminium rings to keep the weight down.Why an integral recoil lug not a pinned one?


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Pinned recoil lugs are more economical to use than an action with an integral lug. The blank has to be almost twice the size for the action to start with. This increases raw material, tooling, and labour costs quite dramatically.


A fixed rail is no advantage either. Again it pushes up costs, but more importantly, limits the action to one MOA designation. My own action has a dowelled rail, and rails are available in any MOA required. Did a 30 moa rail for a .308 1200 yard gun only last month.The owner ran out of adjustment at 1000 yards on a 20 MOA rail. It was a simple job to make a new one and post it.


Cant wait to see the finished gun Sean. ;)

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Nice, but is it just me who would have liked to have seen an integral recoil lug and scope rail? Is the bolt one piece or is the handle just braized on in the manner of the Rem 700?

Hi 17 Rem,


As Dave explained, moving away from a cylindrical form with such features as integral recoil lugs, scope rails, ejector or bolt stop fixing points dramatically increases manufacturing costs. I have had such a design 'on the stocks' for several months and am working on decreasing costs while maintaining quality and retaining essential features, not an easy project. Larger manufacturers can amortise costs in larger production runs, adopting techniques such as investment casting or just plain lowering quality. This is not an option for the individuals and small companies within the UK guntrade, Remchester we aint!





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I can think of a couple or reasons the integral recoil lug would be good , it is better option for switch barrel rigs , BUT more importantly it gives you 0.250 inche more barrel threads .


Most things are driven my cost , nothing else .


Look how the old Sako actions started and how they ended up , ie minus the integral lug etc .


It is most interesting everyone looks to the Surgeon as being the ideal Tactical action , but no one copies its features set .

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We have a tactical action with the surgeon features sat there awaiting finishing Chris. Its an ongoing project with one or two different features. Production of the existing action means its on the back burner. We also have a fixed lug F class action in developement, built bigger, and specifically designed for the big 7mm cartridges. These features can be had, and will be included, but there will be a larger price tag.

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Why in the uk are we obsessed with tactical kit? When most american action makers generally sell there lesser quality actions as tactical/varmint.And there top end stuff as benchrest.Surely if youre going through the expense of having a rifle built you would want the best possible.I now there is the try and use a benchrest action in the that which promotes growth and vigour and mud and see what happens.But for most varminters i know the rifle is either placed on the ground on a shooting next to the truck or shot off the roof of the truck.The closest it comes to getting dirty is if youre hands are not clean.I am not saying that tactical actions built by the likes of Baldie ect in the uk are of lesser quality than there normal stuff.But if i were buying say a stiller action i would be looking at threre benchrest actions rather than there tactical stuff.


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I,ll let you into a secret Sean. 99% of the worlds shooters wouldn,t know, or be able to tell the difference, never mind use the percieved advantage a benchrest action "supposedly" gives. Its all in the mind.


You use an action that is made perfectly true, bolt lugs bearing correctly, and minimal slop in the bolt, fit it with a decent barrel correctly, and it will shoot every bit as good as a "benchrest" action. Have a look at some of the groups that some of the guys on here shoot with tactical rifles, Darrel being the best example. He regularly trounces all the BR guns with an AW !


Nut behind the butt mate. ;)


It has a lot more to do with case prep and reloading.


Oh, and of course the wind !


The last thing a bullet touches....is the crown. ;)

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