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Ladder test results???

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Hiya guys, can someone help please..


Rifle, .204 Ruger. Reloader 10 and 39 grain SBK's


I have researced the ladder test system to find optimum charge weight etc. I made the loads up, from 21.6 grains( staring load)up to 25.1 grains. in .3 grain increments. ( book max) I knew what I was looking for, but I never got it. shot at the target set up at 200 yards away and apart from aprox 3 inch horizontal spread due to strong blustery cross wind, there was only 1 inch Max vertical despurtion between the two furthest holes, ( Them shots being number 3 and 5. The other 11 shots were all almost the same level in hight, if it wasnt for the wind ( horizontal spread), they would probaly be toutching. How can this be with approx 3 full grains between min and max load, Was expecting to see some sort off vertical dispertion and some sort of cluster formation :wacko:


What would be the next part of load development guys as I am really confused now :wacko:



Thanks guys



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Extend the range to 400 / 500 and choose a calm day.


Have someone mark (number) your shots as well.



If there is no reall differentiation at 200, you need to get out farther so you see the nodes.


Alternatively - dump the ladder test and load three / five rounds of each charge weight and shoot individual groups (like the old days) that still work...

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The ladder test is not the best method to assess loads in this caliber at this range because the caliber is such a flat shooting round up to 300yds.


If you were to shoot it up to 600yds you would see better results.


I am with Ronin, make up different loads in 5 shot .2 grain increments and shoot them at 200yd targets to assess the groups generated.



Ok thanks for theat guys. I thought after the test that I may have been to close, since the .204 is so float shooting.


I think is shows promise that there should not be such vertical movement regardless.


Where in the loading charge brackes would you start, would you say start off from say 24.4 upto 25.5 in (.2 increments) Safe in my rifle! and see how they shoot. From what I have read most .20 cal users seem to have most sucsess at the higher end of the charge rate bracket.


Whats your further thought chaps




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I have no intrest in this method- shoot some groups, then shoot some more, then extend the range etc. Heck i like shooting anyway :D


Thanks for your help guys,


Here is a photo of the results, so you know and understand better on what I mean. Im shocked that at 200 yards, with 3.5 grain powder differances between bottom and top load, there apperars to be hardly no vertical spread, only horizontal, due to strong full on cross winds. I am hoping that this is going to be promising though.


Im going to knock some loads up and shoot some groups and check for some concistent MV's over the chrono. And see how I get on chaps.


Heres the picture...what do you thing]k?






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Shots 7'8'9'10 seem to have the least vertical spread, but with that much horizontal spread you'll have vertical as well. If you use ladder tests the conditions must be perfect or you're wasting your time, even then the scatter node can screw it up and give a false result.

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If I wer you id shoot groups at 100. The little bullet could be getting ever so slightly moved by wind and you might not even know the wind is present, this method is more suited in my opinion to larger cals shooting further distances with higher bc bullets that will give a truer reading.

If your gun will shoot tight groups at 100 with low extreme spread you shouldnt have any worries at extended range.



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The later shots in the string are further left than the earlier ones. Either the wind has dropped or the copper in the barrel is having an effect. Thing is in a wind you just don't know, I don't load test in anything other than ideal conditions, there are just to many variables with the wind.



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