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DIY Paint Job

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Iteration One:

Getting annoyed with handling a naked stainless tube, decided to have a go at painting my gat with a paint available as ‘sniper paint’ that appears to be some sort of enamel . First go.

Early coats of sand:



Then top finishing coats:



Realised I’d got carried away (can’t fight more than 2 decades of indoctrination!) and I’d made my nice little civvy rifle too warry (I quite like the ‘look’ and got there out of habit, but it’s just not what the rifle is):




‘Too warry’ plus one or two new-boy painting glitches led me to strip a fair bit of the paint off and start again. Standby for iteration two.

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That looks spot on fella, different but thats what makes it good, Might give it a go on one of my rifles one day ^_^




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Steve it's changed since then...


Iteration Two:

3 Coats of the colour paint (basically the last layer is a misting of the sand with olive to take the brightness off) and this time no ‘cam’ effect (muzzle brake & mag still have the first iteration's paint pattern).


Then after a week’s drying, a couple of coats of clear matt acrylic


(which seemed to soak into the matt enamel and produced a very hard finish –wondering if there was a bit of a fibreglass analogy going on)


I realise my tatty scope tape rather spoils it(but I'm always going to use it as it stops little scratches on the scope body):



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Very pretty,



you missed the knob and bolt shroud,,,,




Like the look, you can do mine now :)

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Looks good but prefered the first one. How hard wearing do you think it will be?


Yup, I'm afraid I did too; there's something atavistic about camming a rifle :rolleyes::lol:


But I took a step back and asked myself why I'd done it; great for the 'stan but not for plinking :lol: Hence the 'civification'.


Only time will tell on robustness - the acrylic layers soaking in changed the nature of it completely and it feels very solid (I'm under no illusion that it's duracoat or cerakote though!)

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