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GAP Cammo

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I saw this intersting post on the Hide and it has inspired me.


I like GAP cammo so I ordered some Krylon paint and thought I'd have a go.

I had a Remi Wild Dog stock that the paint had started to look scruffy so that is the basis of the project.

I wanted a form of desert cammo so have altered the colour sequence a bit.

I started this morning with the base coat and am waiting for that to dry to go to the next stage.

Over the next few days I will hopefully complete my project and will post my step by step pictures and let you see what the final result is like.



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Ok things went smoother than I thought :D

This is the stock covered in the first colour brown base coat.




This is the stock masked up so everthing beneath the tape will stay brown.

Then onto the next coat of olive drab spraying over everything.


Then once the stock is sprayed it is masked up again so so everything underneath layer 1 will remain brown and layer 2 will remain olive drab.


Then the final coat of khaki is applied over everything.



Then when dry the moment of truth to peel off the masking tape and see what we have :o .




















I'm well chuffed with the result just got to clear satin coat it then when dried will go back on the rifle :D

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DAVE-absolutely ###### brilliant!

thats a pro job there well done does this work on any materiel?i have bashed up tikka stock [wood]and a laminate stock from a remmy 223 that i want to put on my 14/221.

wher did you get all the gear from?

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Thanks for that I was so chuffed at the result.

The cheapest Krylon I found was here and they were good to deal with


Yes it will work on any material so give it a whirl.

Cheap as well materials for job were under £25



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No Andy give it a go. If I can do it any one can.

I was suprised how straight forward it was.

Be brave and I'll look forward to seeing the pictures.



Hi Dave


May have to have atest run on my mates new(well old)1200tx parkerhale:-)


not sure how id get it off the stippiling if i dont like/mess up!


do u have a pic with the rifle built up ?


cheers Adny

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I did this conversion on a 10/22 stock late last year and I wanted a desert camo for it , I think I over did it on colours and squigles what do you think , The GAP camo looks less fussy I will try that out on my next project .



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